Chapter 29: To love and to be loved, that’s all she wants

“… Ehehe.”

“… That’s not fair Aina.”

At lunchtime, Nee-san looked dissatisfied when she saw Hayato-kun sleeping on my lap. [TLN- Going with Nee-san for now]

I met up with Hayato-kun after the morning classes were over and we came to this empty classroom right after.

I made his lunch today, and as usual, he complimented me by saying it’s delicious.

Then, a little while after finishing our lunch, Hayato-kun looked sleepy, so I asked him to rest on my lap.

“… Su… Suu”

He looked so cute while sleeping.

Though I’m more on the side that wants to be pampered, I also like to pamper someone in this way, even more so when it’s Hayato-kun…



“What is it?”

“This is happiness.”

“Yes, I can agree.”

Such happiness. I never dreamed that the day would come when I would feel like this.

That incident was the one that brought us to despair, but it was also the incident that brought us together with Hayato-kun. I don’t have enough words to explain, but thank you to God for inviting us to this fate.

“… Ahh, I’m feeling sleepy too…”

While staring at Hayato-kun’s sleeping face, it made me sleepy too.

“Why don’t you go to sleep too, Aina? I’m also a little sleepy.”

“Really? Then… just a little bit.”

Lunch break still had nearly thirty minutes left, there was plenty of time, and I’ll be awake when the pre-bell for the afternoon class rang. Nee-san then offered to lend me her shoulder, so I leaned against her and closed my eyes.

This was unusual, but soon I had fallen asleep.

Soon after, I dreamt of a world that was not real. And what unfolds before my eyes was an unusual sight, and there I saw a different me.

“Nee-san, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?” 

“I’m going straight home, those vile stares are making me feel disgusted.”

The boys who passed the other me in the dream were staring at us, and my sister in the dream muttered those words, not hiding her disgust at all.

“We” then walked down the hallway, and I followed after knowing that I am unable to speak or touch anything, that’s when she bumped into that person when they turned around the corner.


“Oops, sorry…!”

Ahh, it’s my Hayato-kun.

Even in my dreams, he’s nice… I want to hug him right now, I want him to hug me back too. If anything, I want him to undress me and devour me right then and there.

Chuckling at myself for having such desires, I returned my attention to the scene before me.

“Are you all right?”

“Uh, yeah… I’m fine.”

The other me fell on my buttocks and Hayato-kun reached out to me… And instead of taking his hand she slapped it away.

What are you doing? Just why? I was about to grab her, revealing my anger, but of course I couldn’t do anything because I was in my dream.

“I’m sorry anyway. Hope you’re alright”

“No, it’s totally fine. I’ll get going then.”

She waved her hand away with a flutter and went past him, revealing her disgust in the shadows.

“Yuck, that’s disgusting! How disgusting it is to bump into a man!”

In my dream, the other me was disgusted towards Hayato-kun.

Don’t be ridiculous!?! To whom do you speak such words! He’s the person you love! He’s the person that you, your sister, and your mother love! What do you think are you saying about that person!

Overflowing with anger. I even tried to kill this woman in front of me.

But… When I couldn’t, I calmed down a little, and that’s when I understood something. I realized that if it hadn’t been for that incident of being attacked by that robber, I wouldn’t have recognized him as Hayato-kun in the pumpkin helm… and maybe this would have never happened.

“… Ah, I see. Then this woman is not me. She’s not me if she doesn’t have feelings for Hayato-kun.”

For some reason I was able to speak… and since I was right in front of her, our eyes met, and she noticed me.

I then smiled condescendingly at her. I pitied her for not having met someone to whom she could even give all of herself. I utterly despised her for not being loved by Hayato-kun!

“You can go on living your life without getting anything, and if you ever have a dream like mine, you should be sorry to see me so happy! You should be sorry to see me making love and making babies with Hayato-kun! you idiooot!!!”

My words have yet to stop.

I said it as if time had gone back to my childhood, like I was a child who just speaks ill of the other person.

“My Hayato-kun is such a wonderful person that you will never meet. He’s the one who spoils me, the one who pampers me, and allows me to spoil him. If I’m alone with him and he hugs me, I go into heat and beg him for a child, but even so, he loves such a deprived female like me.”

… Ah, what am I saying?

Suddenly embarrassed, I stopped speaking. I don’t want to dream like this ever again, I want to wake up soon and look at Hayato-kun. And want him to look at me too.

“… Hayato-kun.”

When I muttered this, I was engulfed in light.


“Oh, you’re awake, Aina.”

“You’ve been asleep for quite a while now, Aina?”

The first thing I saw was my sister looking down at me.


Funny, I was sure I was resting on her shoulder… then who? When I thought that far, I realized that the person I was leaning on was Hayato-kun.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Hayato-kun.”

“Haha, that’s totally fine. If you want, you can do that until you’re satisfied.”

“… Un.”

Oh no… I’m really screwed when you’re nice to me like this.

My sister, who looked at me with a smile on her face as I became immobile, went back to the classroom first. There was still some time after. So until then, I’ll have Hayato-kun for myself.

I feel like I was dreaming about something, but what was it? I can’t remember at all, which probably means it was a dream that I don’t need to remember.

“Hey, Hayato-kun.”

“What is it?”

“Love you, I love you, love you, sooo much.”

If something happens, I think of Hayato-kun, and even if something doesn’t happen, I still think of Hayato-kun.

I’m such a helpless woman who thinks about Hayato-kun every chance she gets. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all, because it makes me realize how strongly I feel about Hayato-kun.

It would have been satisfying to just relax and touch each other like this, but to my surprise, Hayato-kun hugged me.

“I was just wondering… Aina, you’re looking so cute today. I can’t help but want to do this.”

“… Fuwah.”

Oh, this is bad… when I get hugged, when I’m alone with Hayato-kun… no, that’s only a part of it, it’s really bad when he says things that make me happy like that. I feel a tingle, deep inside my body, yearning to have Hayato-kun.

“Hayato-kun… I want a baby.”


“Please… I want it.”

My body won’t listen, I want to make love with him right now. And I want him to love me back, please make love to me, love me, love me.

“Baaaaka!!!” (Idiot)

My brain was completely pink when I heard someone cursing in my voice. Thanks to that, I managed to step back and not embarrass Hayato-kun.

“Are you okay?”

“Un… Hayato-kun, you know, it’s my turn tonight, so…”

Would you consider it embarrassing as a girl if I don’t mention the rest? Hayato-kun, whose face turned red, nodded his head after a while, signaling that he understood.

“… Ehehe♪”

It should be fine if I embarrass you a little bit now, right? I’ll pay you back for the other Hayato-kun. And tonight I will love you so much that you’ll melt into mush.

I know my sister and mother are thinking the same thing, I will continue to offer this heavy love to you.

I will continue to love you until the day this life ends.

I will devote every second of my time from now on to you…

That is a very wonderful thing, and that is the way I want to live.

“By the way, Hayato-kun.”

“What’s wrong?”

“… I want to go visit your parents’ grave. I want to see them.”

“… Thank you, Aina. Let’s go together with everyone.”


I want Hayato-kun’s father and mother to feel at ease.

I will make sure to tell them that we’ll be there for him until the very end, so they can rest assured.

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