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Lin Biluo's forehead began to show obvious sweat, while operating the two magic weapons of the demon mirror and the ebony sword, which consumed his great aura and made his breathing uneven.

"Why, won't this work?"

Ye Chen's mouth was light, and she looked relaxed and contented. She saw the silver moongrass and gradually swallowed the golden light of the demon mirror. The original water sword was like a god's help, and the ebony sword fell to the ground with one blow!


Lin Biluo's face was white, a large mouthful of blood spewed out, his body trembling, he reached out to the ebony sword several times, trying to call it back to himself, but the ebony sword shook several times, but he couldn't fly to the air. In the middle, it looks like an eagle with folded wings.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, and she raised her hand and waved her fist directly. The star-shaped Twilight came, and the endless fists covered the four sides, completely blocking the angle of Lin Biluo's dodge, not to mention that he was only a warlock, even if he was a martial Saint is here, and must be beaten into puree!

At this moment, Lin Biluo suddenly activated the Heavenly Robe, the robe printed with complicated spells, without wind, automatically emits a wave of ripples in the air, and each wave is a body protection engraved by the master himself. .

But Ye Chen just punched with a blank expression, and the thirty-six methods of body protection were broken in response, and no one could persist for even half a second!

In the end, this magic weapon, which has been circulating for hundreds of years, also showed a scar, as if it had been cut by a sharp knife.

At the same time that Zun's robe turned into pieces of cloth, Lin Bi's eyes flashed a bit of reluctance, but soon turned into a decisive, a huge phantom of Wu Tiangou appeared behind him. The two of them printed at the same time and shouted:

"Swallow heaven and earth, the sea flows!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience immediately felt that the beach underneath began to vibrate violently, all in shock.

"Earth, earthquake?"

"No, it is Master Lin's spell!"

"The power that shakes the earth and earth, is this the **** realm?"


In the distance, a thin white thread suddenly appeared on the horizon. Its speed was extremely fast, and it was almost hundreds of meters away in a blink of an eye. That was a terrifying giant wave that covered the sky!

"What kind of technique is this, if you do your best, I am afraid that half of the island will be swallowed up."

Someone murmured in horror, but soon another person retorted: "No, if the power of this giant wave erupts, it will be enough to destroy the entire island of Australia!"

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

Someone was uneasy and questioned, but was quickly caught by a friend and whispered in a low voice: "You don’t want to die? This is Bai Yunguan, the master of Changfeng Dao, who is a real person! He is a peer with Lin Biluo and Lin Tianshi. Master of magic!"

There was a long wind and a long mouth, and everyone had put away their doubts and turned their frightened eyes to Lin Biluo. Was the legendary Dharma Saint powerful enough to destroy the entire island of Australia?

The huge waves covering the sky and the sun, which are hundreds of meters high, can be seen while standing in the center of Aoshima. This can no longer be said to be a spell, it is simply a legendary fairy means!

Seeing this technique, the warriors looked pale, because the warlock was difficult to fight against the warrior in the early stage, so they basically did not take the warlock in their eyes. But today, after seeing Lin Biluo's magnificent show, he knew that he was a frog at the bottom of the well. After the warlocks grew up, they were not inferior to any Wu Sheng!

The warlocks were full of confidence and even burst into tears with excitement. Some people even uttered that Lin Biluo alone could destroy all the warriors in the world.

Seeing this scene, the dangling heart of the He family finally fell to the ground, patting their chests one after another and sighing the old man's wise and magical skills. The key move was to invite Lin Tianshi to turn the tide and step on Ye Chen. Underfoot.

After all, seeing this terrifying wave of waves, no one thought that Ye Chen could survive.

But at this time, Ye Chen was standing on the spot, not intending to do anything or evade at all. Instead, he looked weird and used a smile-like expression: "Are you actually using water-based spells on me?"

At this time, Lin Biluo was already bleeding from Qiqiao. For such banned spells, he could only cast it with Wu Tiangou, and now it is difficult to speak.

"Ye, Dust!" Lin Biluo said one word, the blood at the corner of his mouth happily stayed, but he still said with difficulty, "The old man will use this last world-destroying technique today to come to your shocking martial arts for a while!"

Ye Chen shrugged her shoulders and said lightly: "I don't have to shoot."

After all, he put his hands in his mouth, put away the original water sword, and walked slowly towards the sea tide.

"What!? He is crazy!"

"This is self-knowledge, ready to die decently?"

"Long live Master Lin! Long live Master Lin!"


Hearing the comments of everyone around, Jiangshang Huazhi couldn't help but change her face. She secretly turned her eyes and saw that Sayuri Aokawa was staring at the battlefield, her face was tense, her figure flashed suddenly, and the whole person was out of the attack range of the dragon bone whip , Fleeing wildly towards the distance.


Qingchuan Sayuri didn't check for a while, but she was run away by her. She was anxious and angry. She wanted to step forward, but worried about her master, she only stomped her feet fiercely and continued to turn her head to look at the battlefield.

At this time, the overwhelming wave has roared, and Ye Chen engulfed in a blink of an eye!


Seeing this scene, He Cheng collapsed on the wheelchair and said in a relief tone.

"Yeah, win, win."

The other He family members also responded to each other, showing their happy faces. This leaf dust forced the He family to suffer very hard, almost making them completely desperate. Now, everyone is finally relieved.

"This island of Australia, after all, is the world of my family!"

He Jinwei rebelled against the previous attitude of letting go of the waves, and stood up and cheered loudly. The other members of the He family also showed their joyful faces, or weeping in cover, or laughing loudly, so that the people around them were filled with emotion and applauded.

But before their applause stopped, they saw...


He Jinwei uttered a scream, and the whole person was engulfed in azure flames, and was burned to ashes in an instant.

The cheering stopped abruptly, everyone widened their eyes in horror and looked at He Jinwei's remains, only to feel cold all over.

Later, Ye Chen appeared from the gigantic waves. No, not so much as his appearance, it was better that the sea water lifted him up and surrounded him!

The water under his feet was not violent at all, but like a tamed puppy, tumbling and coquettish, longing for the master's caress.

At this moment, two words flashed in everyone's mind:


That's right, it's conquest. Instead of killing Ye Chen, the monstrous giant waves were conquered by him.

This is the power of the Emperor's glazed body. Where there is blood and water, the Emperor can do everything!

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