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"Okay, okay, this is happy, take another punch!"

Ye Chen laughed, stepped on the ground, fisted the dragon and snake, just a flash of lightning in the void. He was attracted by Ye Chen's fist. Turned into a snake-like electric light, attached to Ye Chen's fist.

At that moment, Ye Chen's figure was printed in the void, just like the last light that erupted before the sunset.

"Sunset over the river!"

With this punch, the surging Zhenyuan united with the Xianjia martial arts and the power of heaven and earth.

At this time, Ye Chen already had Jindan, and the destructive power of Xianwu's four types naturally increased, and its power was more than double that of the previous one. The sea was separated by tens of meters, and a long white water channel was pulled out. The waterway is in the shape of a dragon, just like an invisible dragon, rubbing across the sea.


The golden light of this fist was as dazzling as the morning light, but Xiao Yijie's face showed a trace of dignity, and his right hand was gently pressed against the long sword in the waist.


This sword is a forged sword mountain village, exhausting the power of three generations of grandchildren, and the legendary sword that was forged, Xiao Yi got the sword embryo after he made the sword mountain villa.

After that, he did not know how many heavenly and earthly treasures he collected, and he used them to cast this divine sword. Finally, with the help of descendants of Ouyezi, he successfully built it.

It is said that on the day of the sword's completion, the wind surges, the sun and the moon change color, the crown of the crown covers the entire Yanjing, and the colorful glow reflects the night like the day.

"It's a good sword."

Ye Chen's gaze glanced past, and also spoke with admiration. This Haotian sword is impressively a level of Lingbao, even compared to the old Xingxie Sword.


With a burst of Long Yin, Xiao Yi absolutely shocked China, and Hao Tianjian, who shocked and defeated many powerful men, finally came out.

As soon as Hao Tianjian came out, a white rainbow flashed between heaven and earth. This white rainbow stretches across the sky for a long time, and has a length of several dozen feet. The sword's awns are like a raging wave, bringing up the power of the vast world.

Xiao Yi never lifted weight as lightly, holding a hundred-jin ancient sword, as if dancing an embroidery needle, laying a sword field. This sword field is about fifteen feet in size, which makes up for his hundred years of pure sword. Seeing as weak as water, it is actually harder than steel.

This sword domain is the pinnacle of Xiao Yi's lifetime swordsmanship, and it is simply not comparable to Ito Musashi. He is enchanted by swordsmanship, and all techniques are invading. Even if the digital realm teamed up with the siege, they could not break it. Even if the missile is bombarded on it, it will be weakened by the sword gas in the sword field, and eventually the power will be completely lost.

Qingchuan Ying on the Vice Peak saw this sword, and his heart was suddenly ashamed: "Xiao Yi is definitely a **** in the sword. It’s ridiculous that I have been arrogant and arrogant before, thinking that Master is the first swordsman in the world. The two powerful players who fought against each other, what a desperate sword flow, is not worth mentioning at all!"

The other gods also looked dignified. Xiao Yijue's Haotian sword was out of the sheath, which meant that he was going to be real. And this sword field, it is because they tried their best, but they were not sure to break through. Especially masters who also use swords, hands clenched involuntarily.

"In the face of this sword, I can only use a thousand hands to print it, otherwise there is no chance of winning. I do not know what method Ye Chen used to break this perfect sword territory?"

Langri Living Buddha, his pupils shrunk, secretly thinking.

"Good sword!"

Ye Chen exclaimed, and then the whole person turned into a golden morning light, and Tengyun drove the fog, with thunder and bombarded from the top, even trying to break this sword territory.

From the outsider's point of view, I saw a dazzling golden ray of light in the sky. It was ten feet long and slammed against the sword field.


But when the golden light exploded, the energy burst, and the world shook.

I saw a dazzling electric awn, spreading from the intersection of the two to all directions. Immediately afterwards, there was the spread of strength and fist, and finally, the invisible shock wave.

The mighty strength swept through hundreds of meters. In addition to a few gods that could stand on the spot, the other masters were forced to carry the body protection Zhengang, but they still retreated, and they retreated one after another. To a hundred meters away.

At this time, the rich men who were arranged in the farthest vice peak only knew why they could only watch here, because if they were closer, they might have hung up because of their physical fitness.

"Oh my God……"

Xu Duo looked horrified and muttered to himself, while everyone else asked for a look, and they saw that there was no trace of rain in a tens of meters square centered on the two people, forming a vacuum. And the ground around them was hollowed out from the air, like a huge bowl, pressed a few meters deep by the invisible force.

"Who wins and loses in this blow?" The people opened their eyes wide and looked dumbfounded.


Seeing Ye Chen laughed. His figure shook, and the volley retreated dozens of meters. His body was in mid-air, like a dragon, a sudden fold, and he punched again.

"Xinghui Muye!"

Xiao Yi's face is like a deep pond, and the ancient well is without waves. Just dancing the Haotian sword in his hand, continue to transform into the Baihong sword domain, blocking Ye Chen's blow.


The mountain top seemed to be baptized by artillery fire and kept ringing. People only felt that there were countless meteors falling down in the air, colliding with Xiao Yijue's sword qi. Although these star bursts quickly shattered, they were not Useless.

Joyce's pupil contracted suddenly and said coldly: "Xiao Yi will never stop it."

Everyone was unclear, but suddenly those with sharp eyes noticed that Xiao Yijue's surrounding long sword began to break apart, even if it wasn't broken, the rift appeared, and it looked shaky.

Xiao Fu sighed: "Master and these swords have been in the sword mound for nearly a hundred years, and they have already commanded them for a long time. When he couldn't completely take Ye Chen's attack, he passed those residual energy to the surroundings. On the sword..."

"This is a master trick specially brought from the sword tomb by the master, but he did not expect to use it at this time. This leaf dust... is really terrible!"

All of them suddenly realized that there was a realm and he said: "Then Xiao Yi will arrange this place as a sword mound, and it has become his own home field, trying to take advantage of the geographical position, you can see the pressure that Ye Chen put on him. , It is indeed very large."

Now, everyone also sees that the situation is wrong. Although Ye Chen's fist pierced the sky like a raindrop, he could not break Xiao Yijue's sword spirit.

The latter was holding his breath at this time, his breath fluctuating regularly, and with his movements, all the long swords around him also began to tremble at the same frequency.

There are many sword masters who can’t help but bow their heads in shame. They only feel that they have lived on the dog for decades, and they can only shake their heads and sigh:

"With his own heart, controlling the sword heart, Mr. Xiao, the name of the sword god, is well deserved!"

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