The counterattack system is only available in the Mahayana period

Chapter 231 The demon from outside the territory appears

The bell-ringing civilization was in chaos, and people were in panic.

People didn't know what was happening, but they felt that unwarranted terror was coming, and they were inexplicably panicked, as if a monstrous flood was sloping and cleaning the world.

Although the earthly immortal-level extraterrestrial demons are irrational, they are real immortal-level creatures. Even if they do not use magical powers, their own pressure is enough to make the entire world tremble.

This is the innate advantage of immortals over mortals.

Ah Qing, the Tao Ancestor's mount that was transformed before, is also of this level, but it deliberately restrained its aura and only wanted to protect the Tao Ancestor's storage ring. Otherwise, the aura it released alone would be enough to make people in the Bell Ringing World despair.

No matter which world a creature of this level comes to, it will be a disaster for any world, and there is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

In comparison, the world of Kyushu is too heaven-defying, and its rich heritage can kill dozens of extraterrestrial demons in nine thousand years.

Xiang Gu surrendered before the envoys of higher civilizations and asked the demon from outside the territory to take him to higher civilizations.

It's just that the appearance of this messenger is really ugly and strange compared to the messenger in Duye. No, no, no, you can't think so. Maybe this is the unique aesthetics of higher civilizations, and you have to adapt to it in advance.

"Dear envoy, please..." Before Xiang Gu could finish his words, he saw the iron fist getting closer and closer to him.

What he saw before he died was the iron fist that occupied his entire field of vision.

A monk in the integration stage was smashed into blood mist by an alien demon, leaving no body behind.

It’s hard to describe the appearance of this extraterrestrial devil.

It looks like a human being, with no clothes and no hair. It is two or three times larger than ordinary humans. It has four arms, each holding an object made of weight. Its face is distorted, and its expression changes from time to time, sometimes angry, sometimes ashamed. Frustrated at times.

The place where Xiang Gu calls out the demons from outside the territory is located in the suburbs.

"What is this? A hybrid between man and a ferocious beast?"

The person in charge of national defense used satellite to photograph the extraterritorial demon, and frowned.

This thing was so strange. Its sudden appearance could still frighten him even though he was two thousand kilometers away.

It is this monster that instills fear in all mankind.

This is unreasonable.

His many years of experience in commanding operations told him that the threat of this monster was far greater than that of ferocious beasts, and this monster would definitely pose a threat to the world.

The defense chief issued the order.

"The 92nd Mecha Master, move out." The 92nd Mecha Master closest to the Extraterrestrial Demon is right at the feet of the Extraterrestrial Demon.

In order to fight against the ferocious beasts, the ringing world is full of weapons. Organized weapons can be found everywhere in the buildings, in the hollowed-out mountains, in the lakes, underground, except in the sky where the cost of suspension is too high.

People in this world are prepared to form an army. Whenever necessary, they can take up weapons and go to the battlefield to kill ferocious beasts at any time.

The war-torn army was ready to go, and it took less than half a minute for the drone armor to rise from the ground to the ground!

The mecha division is deployed by the person in charge of national defense. When he gives orders, these mechas will act on their own according to the orders, without the need for remote and synchronous control by soldiers.

The mecha held two light blades. The two swords were enough to cut off the fierce beasts, but they were unable to have any impact on the extraterrestrial demons and did not even leave any scars.

"Fire imitation bullets and obliterate cannons." The person in charge of national defense made a prompt decision and used the weapons at the bottom of the box.

"If these two weapons are used in the suburbs, the aftermath will kill all the nearby residents!" His subordinates said anxiously. Even if they could kill the monster, they would still have to go to a military court for trial.

The head of national defense looked at the big screen intently, ignoring the persuasion of his subordinates. He has absolute command power in the military.

If we don't use these weapons now, do we have to wait until this monster goes to the city and start killing people?

When the imitation sun bomb is launched, hundreds of millions of degrees of heat comparable to the core of the sun rises into the sky and melts everything.

The annihilation cannon is fired, with the explosion point as the center of the circle, and the surrounding matter is transformed into invisible atoms.

"Report, there are signs of activity!"

The existence of the annihilation cannon resulted in no smoke after the explosion, and the situation of the extraterrestrial demons could be determined with the naked eye.

This monster's skin is not even broken!

The person in charge of national defense said fiercely: "Pull the nearby imitation bombs and obliteration cannons over and detonate them together! I don't believe this thing can't be blown up!"

Since this thing is more dangerous than a ferocious beast, the two weapons that are ineffective against ferocious beasts will certainly not be effective against this monster, but the person in charge of national defense is afraid.

Only continuous fire attacks could suppress the fear in his heart.

The person in charge of national defense gritted his teeth: "Also, contact the president and ask for help from Kyushu World."

He kept comforting himself that the imitation sun bombs and obliteration cannons were useful, and asking Kyushu for help was just in case.

These attacks had no effect on the extraterrestrial demon, but they made it very irritated. It sensed the satellite and soared into the sky, wanting to destroy the electronic eye and then go to a nearby city to cause trouble.

"Go down, you have to destroy such an expensive thing." Jiang Li appeared and kicked down the crazy flying alien demon. The ground cracked like glass, triggering a magnitude 12 earthquake.

The cost of satellites developed when the distance from the ground increases and the gravity increases is astronomical.

"Kyushu Emperor!" The person in charge of national defense recognized Jiang Li.

"Look at this, the city was not affected by the fighting and there were no casualties." The subordinate cut the screen to the nearest city. "It seems that something was blocked. Even the earthquake did not reach the city."

"Your army is ruthless, but the decision you made is not wrong. Taking action is better than sitting still and waiting for death." Bai Hongtu stood at the junction of the city and the suburbs, setting up a large formation to block the aftermath of the high temperature.

Bai Hongtu agreed with the approach of the head of national defense - to take action even though he knew he could not defeat.

When the extraterrestrial demon came to Kyushu for the first time, the Kyushu monks thought the same way. No matter whether they could win or not, don't be timid and take action first.

Different from the Bell Ringing World, the Kyushu monks can really kill the extraterrestrial demons with their ferocity.

"Is this the Extraterrestrial Demon?" Mingzhong was shocked. He had heard of the name of the Extraterrestrial Demon a long time ago, and he had just seen what the Extraterrestrial Demon looked like today.

He used the authority of the president to use the footage seen from the satellite.

He looks so casual.

Bai Hongtu explained: "The demons have different shapes. I have also seen one with four arms and four legs, lying on the ground like a spider. Master Changcun once said that the demons from outside the territory feed on the negative emotions of living beings, and the demons absorb them since they were born. These things lead to an ugly appearance, confused thoughts, and irrationality.”

Mingzhong also saw an extraterrestrial demon kill someone.

Bai Hongtu sneered: "That's Xiang Gu, you really took advantage of him."

The moment the demon from outside the territory appeared, he let go of his consciousness and saw Xiang Gu and the demon from outside the territory.

Mingzhong was worried: "Can Mr. Jiang really defeat the extraterrestrial demon?"

Although Mingzhong had seen Jiang Li fight with the Daozu Immortal Corpse and knew how powerful Jiang Li was, in his opinion, the demons from outside the territory were equally powerful, and he couldn't tell which side was stronger.

"What you should consider is whether there is a possibility of the extraterrestrial demon taking action in front of Jiang Li."

After Jiang Li appeared, the inexplicable fear disappeared. People in the city noticed the movement in the suburbs. Even if they didn't go there in person, they could still see the scene in the center of the battlefield through telescopes and high-magnification cameras. Some even wanted to hack the satellites.

Bai Hongtu asked kindly: "Do you want me to set up a large formation to isolate the line of sight?"

"No, the impact caused by the extraterrestrial devil was too great before, and the news cannot be stopped. We just take this opportunity to announce the world of Kyushu."

The ringing bell forced the images captured by the satellite to be transferred to all optical brains, allowing people around the world to see clearly what happened.

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