The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 402 Reason and Explosion

It is precisely because the things being escorted are valuable that the money for this escort trip is so generous.

Along the way, they fought off countless robbers, but they didn't expect that the real danger was the escort itself.

"Golden armor?" Xie Linlang didn't seem to have this thing in her memory, so she asked Afeng again.

"Are the injuries on your face caused by a black insect?"

Afeng nodded, "It's a carapace-covered insect that I've never seen before. There are none outside the Snake Bone Forest, but when we went to look for people inside the forest later, we met a lot of them!"

Hearing what he said, several teenagers around him nodded, and then some of them opened their sleeves, and Xie Linlang saw the familiar wounds on their bodies.

Some of the marks have slowly faded away, while others were seriously injured and the wounds are still very hideous.

They were scared at first, for fear of being bitten by poisonous insects, but it only hurt a bit when they were bitten, and then it stopped hurting, so they didn't pay much attention after they came back.

Seeing Xie Linlang's solemn expression now, they were a little scared. Is the injury serious?

Xie Linlang took a moment before whispering.

"It's not a problem for you to have these things on your body. Just boil some water with a louver and wipe the wounds when you get back. Within three days, all these marks will be gone."

When Xie Linlang said this, everyone was relieved. They went to see the doctor before, but the doctor didn't know what it was, but Xie Guoshi was so powerful that he knew everything.

But Xie Linlang changed the topic and said again.

"But wherever this kind of insect lives, there are usually a lot of poisons. If you take a bite from those poisons, you will die in a short time if you don't know how to detoxify them. But I am a disciple of the Medical Immortal. I am an expert in medicine and poison, so I am not afraid of poisons. , it can also save people, so it’s safest for me to go.

You don’t need to have any psychological burden. I admire Brother Gu very much, and Miss Du is also the daughter of my mentor. I just want to help them, but I don’t know the way, so I need two people to lead the way. Which of you is willing to go? "

After everyone heard this, they quickly expressed their willingness.

But Xie Linlang patted their hands with a fan bone and said with narrowed eyes.

"I don't need so many people, and going here is extremely dangerous. I need two people who have nothing to worry about at home. As for the rest, I will just wait for news in Jiangnan."

Xie Linlang's words made everyone stunned for a moment. Finally, Afeng and another boy came forward. They were all orphans and had nothing to worry about, so they were not afraid of anything. Besides, they had such a powerful Master Xie beside them, so there must be no problem!

Xie Linlang guided the topic to the ending she wanted with a few words. She nodded, and after discussing it with the two teenagers, she went to the side room, wanting to say goodbye to Du Zhiyan.

As soon as she went to the side room, all the serious business in her mind was suddenly washed away by alluring thoughts.

What Qin Jue did to her here before particularly impressed her memory. Her face turned red, but her expression was very serious, and she walked towards Du Zhiyan.

At this time, Du Zhiyan had already lifted her hijab. There would be no wedding night tonight. She was sitting on the bed in a daze, holding her belly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing Xie Linlang come in, she quickly asked Xie Linlang to sit down, but Xie Linlang couldn't stay for long, so she stopped sitting and just said.

"After this battle, the matter has been settled, so I won't bother you anymore and will leave later."

Du Zhiyan's eyes dimmed when she heard this. She nodded and asked suddenly.

"Xie Lang, can I go find Gu Lang in person?"

She knew this was wrong, but in the past few days, her dreams had become more and more frequent, and she was really scared...

Xie Linlang frowned slightly, "Didn't I say that I would help you find it? I know you are worried, but you have to think about the child in your belly, your parents, and his mother. You can't lose your mind and act recklessly. The consequences."

Du Zhiyan shook his head when he heard this and walked to the window step by step.

She looked at the night outside and asked in a low voice.

"Xie Lang, are you sincere to your sweetheart?"

Xie Linlang nodded, "That's natural."

Du Zhiyan frowned slightly, looked at her and said, "Then do you love her deeply? If you love her deeply, you should be able to understand how I feel..."

"I..." Xie Linlang frowned, somewhat disapproving of it. Can you ignore the consequences if you love someone deeply? Then how sad the people around her are.

Du Zhiyan saw this and laughed softly.

"As expected, Xie Lang is still the same as before. You are always rational no matter what. Even if you are the enemy of the whole world, you still have your own persistence.

But loving someone is different... When you love someone deeply, how can you be rational?

I know that going there may not have any effect, and it may even hinder my progress, but these days, I often dream of him being scarred in the dungeon. During the day, I think of him suffering somewhere and dying at any time, and my heart feels like a knife. Same!

I want to find him, even if I die with him, it doesn't matter! I just want to be closer to him, I don’t want to not find him on the road to hell...

Xie Lang, you may think I am crazy, but I believe that one day, you will be like me, irrational and regardless of the consequences for the sake of one person...

Because you are the most serious person I have ever seen who takes relationships seriously. The more rational you are when you are rational, the crazier you will be when you are crazy.

But I hope you can always stay rational and don't love too deeply. I'm so scared that you will be hurt by this. "

Du Zhiyan's words were all from the bottom of her heart. She used to be filled with the person in front of her, and she would unconsciously ask about everything about her, speculate on her thoughts, and understand her heart.

But the deeper she got to know him, the more she discovered that Xie Linlang was a very indifferent person.

She doesn't have strong emotions, so she treats everyone around her with the same code of conduct.

If others treat her well, she will remember it in her heart and return the favor.

It is precisely because her feelings are very limited that she would say when she was a child that she would only love one person in this life.

In the past, she would only be happy when she heard this. She was happy that Xie Linlang was so "dedicated" and secretly hoped that that person was herself.

But then she gave up on her and fell in love with Gu An, and she suddenly realized how hurtful this kind of single-mindedness was. It hurt not others, but herself.

Xie Linlang's indifference towards human feelings proves that when she falls in love with someone, she can only hold onto one person in her heart and has no more feelings to share with others.

If that person is equally good, they will be happy throughout their lives.

But if that person betrayed her and left her.

So the deeper Xie Linlang falls in love, the more serious the backlash will be. She is not a person who takes the initiative to hurt others, so in the end the only one who can be hurt is herself.

Similarly, if someone wants to break them up and hurt Xie Linlang's sweetheart, no matter how rational she is, she will be terrible when she explodes.

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