The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 The first lesson of school

Tom did not rush to sleep. He first took stock of his gains. Previously in the Room of Requirement, the third stage of his [Worldly Wandering] mission was also completed. As expected, the fourth stage required him to travel to 8 locations in the magical world. However, the reward for the third stage mission is a bit strange: it’s actually a quill! The pen doesn't look like anything special, but it is defined by the system as a five-star item. However, this five-star item is extremely shabby. The note only says this: a common feather pen, but it can write without ink.

Tom shrugged: at least he wouldn't have to buy ink in the future. He seriously suspected that the system forcibly gave this pen a five-star rating in order to appear generous. And the most outrageous thing is that I have to get this pen myself! The system cannot deliver goods to your door!

Tom was so angry that he wanted to complain, but bitterly found that he had no way to complain...

He paid attention to his main task again and found that after completing the first chapter, there was no further chapter. He only reminded himself that he needed to "study hard and make progress every day"

Tom checked his magic skills - that is, he clicked "?" behind an experience bar. The system told Tom that the various magic spells he can currently use can only be upgraded to level 1 and 99 experience. You can only upgrade to level 2 after completing the level breakthrough mission. Currently, if you want to change from 0 to 1, you must go through systematic learning. Simply using skills to increase proficiency is useless.

After confirming his gains, Tom closed the system page and fell asleep. He had to go to sleep quickly because Ravenclaw had two potions classes tomorrow morning - he came to Hogg with potions classes. Watts' first lesson was really miserable for the Ravenclaw children. However, they can also comfort themselves with the fact that they are getting better - they have passed the potions class and there is nothing to be afraid of. However, it cannot actually be called getting better, because the second subject on the first day of school for the first-year Ravenclaw students is History of Magic...

This is naked targeting! This way of scheduling classes is simply insane! Take a look at the first day of school for Gryffindor freshmen: there are no classes in the morning, Herbology class in the afternoon, and History of Magic in the evening! How considerate, this is my son’s class schedule! Even the sleeping effect of the little lions is taken into consideration!

Early the next morning, Tom climbed out of bed and went to the common room. To his surprise, he saw Hermione striding down the stairs as if nothing happened last night.

Obviously last night was so sudden, so intense, so...violent. Hermione should be in so much pain that she couldn't get out of bed, right? Why are you like people who have nothing to do?

"Hermione, your feet...?" Tom opened his mouth in surprise.

"When I left the dormitory, I met a seventh-year senior. She used a recovery spell on me, and I was completely cured." Hermione talked with Tom excitedly about the magical sight she had just seen.

For wizards, the thing they are least afraid of is physical damage. As long as they are not killed on the spot, they can be saved. For example, they can easily heal broken bones, sprains, cuts, and even make your bones grow back overnight. A sprain that would take a month to heal in the non-magical world would only require a spell from a trained doctor in the magical world.

After chatting in the common room for a while, the little wizards went to the auditorium in groups to eat. Something interesting happened in the morning: a large group of wizards blocked Harry, wanting to see the "Boy Who Lived". They walked past Harry in the corridor, and then turned back. Staring at Harry's scar, they looked at Harry with more enthusiasm than the Japanese looked at pandas.

This caused Harry a lot of trouble and even affected his ability to remember directions. For all new students, the most important thing is to remember the way. You must memorize the directions from the lounge to each classroom, otherwise you will be scolded for being late. Memorizing directions in Hogwarts is especially difficult: there are a total of 142 stairs in Hogwarts, some of which are equipped with traps, and these stairs will move. What's more, some stairs will even move at different times. Time leads in different directions! These are all the achievements of Ms. Ravenclaw. The fact that she hasn't been beaten to death after doing such a thing only shows that Ms. Ravenclaw is really capable of being beaten, or that none of the other three giants are road idiots. After all, as long as one of the Big Four is a road addict, the stairs in Hogwarts will not be so extreme!

In addition to stairs, there are also many doorways here. For example, some doors require you to politely ask them to open, or you have to poke in a specific place to open the door. Sometimes it’s also difficult to remember a location by noting iconic objects, because everything seems to be constantly moving: people in portraits, armor in corridors…

It is said that a new student once used a foul-mouthed knight on a pony as a signpost, and he missed class as a result.

On the first day of school, the new students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff filled their bellies and happily went to the underground classroom to take Potions class - the kind-hearted seniors and sisters could not bear to inform them of the tragic news. future. Some young wizards were warned by their brothers or sisters, but they didn't take it to heart: they had made the sorting ceremony so scary before that they ended up wearing hats. By analogy, the teacher in the Potions class must be very amiable, right?

Because the Potions classroom is underground, it is a bit colder than the main building of the castle. There are some glass jars with animal specimens soaked in them on the walls of the classroom. The liquid in some jars has become cloudy due to soaking for too long. The smiles of the freshmen gradually disappeared after arriving here, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

Professor Snape stumbled into the classroom. He was dressed like a big black bat today. This time he was very close to the little wizards, and they could clearly see his sallow skin, aquiline nose, empty and cold eyes, and greasy hair...

The little wizards are no longer optimistic.

He strode towards the podium, his black robe flowing behind him like bat wings. He stood next to the podium and took out a roster to call the names. After calling the names, he did not forget to sarcastically say: "Fortunately there is no famous person in the class today, otherwise the corridor outside would be full of people."

At this time, the entire classroom was silent. Snape's voice was only a little higher than a whisper, but everyone could hear it clearly. It only took him a few minutes to completely master the classroom.

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