The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 57 Hagrid’s Dragon

Under Hermione's questioning, Harry and the others also told the truth about the news they had received.

"Dumbledore hid a magic stone on the fourth floor of Hogwarts?!" Hermione was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the legendary supreme achievement of alchemy was actually hidden in this castle. Thinking of this, she was a little excited. .

Harry shared his concerns with Hermione again.

"Professor Snape? You are thinking too much. I know he is very bad, but he will not steal Dumbledore's things." Hermione shook her head. She still thought Snape was innocent, "he said Maybe it was a smoke bomb deliberately thrown by the mastermind behind the scenes, just to let others focus on Professor Snape so that he could take advantage of the troubled waters."

Ron winked at Harry, indicating that this man really couldn't communicate.

He waved his hand to Hermione impatiently: "Miss Know-it-all, you always regard teachers as saints, but you have never been to Potions class with Gryffindor. You don't know Snape's true face. You I've never seen the look in his eyes when he looked at Harry - believe me, Snape can do anything."

He said to Harry and Neville carelessly: "Let's go back. It seems there is no need to waste words with them anymore. They haven't even figured out who is trying to get the Philosopher's Stone!"

Then he pulled Harry and Neville out of the library. Harry couldn't resist him, so he had to leave Tom and Tom with an apologetic smile.

Hermione's whole body swelled with anger from Ron. As soon as they walked away, they immediately started to complain to Tom like a barrage: "Are these people mentally abnormal? They actually suspected that a professor was going to steal Dumbledore's things! Their evidence was not established at all! Moreover, Why can’t I see that someone in school wants to steal the Philosopher’s Stone?”

Apparently, Hermione was pissed off by the nickname Know-It-All. Still angry, she and Tom carefully analyzed the known information and finally reached a consensus: someone wanted to steal the Sorcerer's Stone; there was no evidence that the thief was a professor at the school; the person who wanted to steal the Sorcerer's Stone and the troll incident The person behind the scenes is most likely the same person.

But when Snape went berserk in Potions class and found countless excuses to deduct nearly twenty points from Ravenclaw, Hermione couldn't bear Snape anymore.

As soon as she walked out of the Potions classroom, she complained: "Just looking at his daily behavior, it's no wonder that he is regarded as the villain by Harry and the others——"

Tom suddenly tugged on the sleeve of Hermione's robe. She looked at Tom, and then her expression froze: Snape was standing behind them, staring down at them.

"If you have finished chewing your tongue, then get out of the way." Obviously, although the person who said that just now was not clearly stated, Snape also guessed it.

Hermione's whole body felt bad. She was scared to death. She looked at Snape's empty and lifeless eyes and felt that her brain was frozen. She was usually sharp-tongued and could not speak a word now. But a miracle happened. Snape just asked them to get out of the way and strode away without even deducting a point.

Hermione wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and pulled Tom towards the ground. But soon Tom realized that this was not the way to the auditorium.

"Hermione, where are you going?"

"Go to Hagrid. It's been three days since Hagrid got the book. He should have already taken action. It's the right time to go." Hermione smiled. She was very sure that Hagrid had secretly obtained a dragon egg. Thinking about how to hatch it. However, this kind of thing will definitely not be easily shown to outsiders. Only when it is taken out and hatched can "all the people get the stolen goods". Hermione thought that now that Hagrid had obtained the information, he would definitely be unable to hold back, and now was the best time.

"You don't want to report him, do you?" Tom was a little suspicious. He was worried that Hermione would get stubborn and report Hagrid all the time - raising dragons is illegal. He felt that doing such a thing was in line with Hermione's personality.

Hermione's eyes widened and she said quickly: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

She looked around and found that no one cared what they were saying, "I'm just curious about the fire dragon. Think about it, now I can observe dragon eggs up close, and in a few days I can see the little fire dragons breaking their shells with my own eyes." Maybe Hagrid will let us raise it together! How many times do people have such an opportunity in their lives?"

Tom was very moved by what he said, and he had a deeper purpose: the fire dragon should be an extremely rare material for transformation, and Hagrid had the best opportunity here. You know, a wild dragon is unlikely to give Tom a chance to touch it. If you want to touch a fire dragon, you either have to be familiar with it or become very familiar with it.

So the two came to Hagrid's hut. All the curtains in the hut were drawn tightly, and wisps of smoke came out of the chimney. Hermione knocked for a long time before knocking on the door. Hagrid confirmed the identity of the visitor before letting them in. Moreover, after they entered the door with one foot, Hagrid closed the door with the other.

As soon as they entered the room, a wave of heat hit their faces, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on the faces of Tom and Hermione. The source of heat is the fireplace. Spring has come, but there is still a strong fire burning in the fireplace.

Hermione and Tom's eyes immediately turned to Hagrid's fireplace. In the center of the fire, under a large kettle, was a large black egg.

Hagrid brought over a pot of stew and a pot of bread, and greeted the two of them enthusiastically: "Come and try it! Fresh stewed beef brisket!" However, Tom and Hermione were unmoved, and they stared straight at it. That big egg.

Hagrid twirled his beard uneasily: "Ah, that's..."

"I never thought I would be able to observe a dragon egg up close in my lifetime!" The excitement in Tom's tone could not be concealed.

Hagrid also noticed this and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione walked directly to the fire to observe the dragon egg more carefully, "Hagrid, where did you get it? It must have cost you a lot of money, right?"

Speaking of this, Hagrid became more energetic, "It didn't cost any money! I won this by playing cards with a guy! If you ask me, that guy would be eager to get rid of it!"

"Is this a Norwegian Ridgeback egg?" Tom asked.

"That's right! Good eyesight!" Hagrid excitedly pulled out the book "Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit" from under his pillow. He quickly turned to the chapter "Dragon Egg Identification" and carefully analyzed the eggs with Tom and the others. details to prove that this is a rare Norwegian Ridgeback dragon egg.

"So you should know how to raise it? You should be ready now." Hermione reminded kindly.

"Of course, look, it says here, after it hatches, feed it a bucket of brandy and chicken blood every half hour."

Hermione shook her head, "I mean, Hagrid, don't forget that your house is made of wood..." But Hagrid didn't listen at all.

Hermione could only sigh, and finally agreed with Hagrid to take care of the little dragon together after it hatched.

Hagrid naturally agreed: the two people in front of him obviously knew the fire dragon very well, and more importantly, they didn't seem to be repelled by the fire dragon. Of course he has no objection to people with similar interests wanting to raise dragons with him.

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