This crazy absorption and crazy flow of mana and energy formed huge vortexes in Niu Si's body. The existence of this vortex actually began to fuse together a trace of mana and a trace of true energy.

It's just that Niu Si didn't notice this at this time and didn't know what it meant to him.

At this time, Niu Si had only one thought in his mind, which was to conquer this stone platform. Either you die or I live. As long as there is a slight chance, I will never give up.

The relics gradually began to release a soft light inside Niu Si's body. This relic Niu Si has also been cultivated for decades. Although it is still a little far away from a hundred years, the soft light at this time increases the speed of absorption again. If this relic was a filter before, now it is a filter with added pressure.

At this moment, Niu Si's heart sank. Don't be impatient to experience the energy of this attribute, but Niu Si found something different with this experience. This energy is actually very close to a method described in the Dharma Body Appearance. As for whether it is Niu Si or not, I am not sure at all. But that doesn’t stop you from giving it a try.

The so-called bicycle turns into a motorcycle in one go. Although this was not a good time to test the idea in his mind, once the idea came up, Niu Si couldn't help but want to try it.

Niu Si thought, could it be worse than it is now? How much worse could it get. Niu Si is like this, once he has an idea, he can't suppress it. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from several close calls in this regard, but I just can't change them. I seem to forget them very quickly after each pass. It has been successful a few times and it has indeed brought a lot of benefits. This is how the Zhenqi ring and the Kongming ring came about.

This method of recording the Dharmakaya form is called creating an incarnation, which is a kind of Dharmakaya golden body. Although each school and sect also has its own method of condensing the golden body of Dharma, the level of this is indeed very different.

The golden bodies of some Dharma images are so powerful that they can easily move mountains and fill seas. That is a first-class magical power. Some of them just add more combat power, and are even worse than the main body. They are really useless. However, this magical power is a good combat power in any case, so it is highly respected by Taoist, Buddhist and Demonic sects.

But there are not many that are really powerful. At least Niu Si has never heard of any great monk who has such magical powers.

There is at least one reason why this magical power is so good, and that is that the materials needed to condense this golden body are really rare. Whether they can be found in this world is still a matter of two minds. Anyway, Niu Si believes that the materials needed to create a golden body of Dharmakaya are definitely not available in the human world. I'm afraid the possibility of finding them all in the spirit world is not very high, but it is possible to find them all in the true immortal world. Strange objects like meteorite jade and fairy sand are said to be only found in the real immortal world.

There are many talents in the world of immortality, so of course there are alternatives to this material. But in this case, this power will probably be difficult to meet expectations.

This makes this magical power an embarrassing existence. Rather than wasting time on this, it would be more practical to practice other magical powers. So much so that now there are fewer and fewer people practicing this method, and it is even facing the risk of being lost.

Niu Si had never planned to cultivate this kind of magical power. One Five Elements Body already gave Niu Si a headache. Later, he cultivated nine golden elixirs, and nine Yuan Ying seemed inevitable. Just cultivating mana does not know how many resources will be consumed.

There is also the Body Refining Technique, which is also a bottomless pit that burns money. If he hadn't gotten the He Luo Guo by luck, his Body Refining Technique would never have reached the current level. You must know that Niu Si has almost spent his days drinking Holuo wine over the years.

Just these two things were already overwhelming Niu Si. Coupled with the golden body of Dharma that had been assembled for tens of thousands of years, Niu Si had never even thought about it.

But now I can think about it. This energy attribute is really similar to the record of the free dharma body. Maybe they are the same thing. Niu Si didn't expect to be able to achieve the golden body of Dharma, but it would be good to be able to condense a virtual image of creation. At least it will increase the combat power. Even if it is not as good as the original body, it is good to have a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Thinking of this, Niu Si carefully thought about the Dharma of the Dharma Body Form again, and then started to condense it according to the steps of creating the incarnation, but this time Niu Si's feeling was right.

As soon as the incarnation-making technique started to operate, the absorption speed became even faster. Not only that, Niu Sizui also became more and more aware of this energy. This was not a type of energy from the five elements. Rather, it is a mutated attribute, existing between reality and reality. It's a bit like a monster that has been mutated by Li Chensha. The difference is that this energy actually has both virtual and real attributes.

This attribute of the coexistence of virtual and real phases is exactly what the Dharma Body phase requires. At this time, Niu Si's heart completely stabilized and he began to absorb the energy of this stone platform crazily. With the absorption of this energy, Niu Si's body gradually recovered. While the mana and vitality were being replenished by the Blood Soul Crystal, they flowed crazily towards the stone platform.

As time went by, Niu Si's rate of absorbing energy finally exceeded the rate of Shitai's ability to absorb mana and energy. They gradually gained the upper hand, and the rest was just a matter of time.

Finally, the shadow of a giant behind Niu Si took shape. This giant looked exactly like Niu Si, except that it was more than ten feet tall and had thick limbs.

Just like the giant figure that appeared when Niu Si condensed Yuanying. However, that time it was a momentary manifestation of the energy of heaven and earth condensing. The biggest difference this time is that this tall figure is the incarnation of virtual and real energy. Once this thing is formed, it can be summoned directly next time, but there is no need to gather energy from thousands of miles around.

As soon as this golden body of creation was formed, Niu Si suddenly stopped shouting. He used his arms to pull out the stone platform from the ground. This time, I don't know whether the stone platform had too much energy drained away, or for some other reason, but it was unable to withstand the brute force of Niu Si, and was actually pulled out by Niu Si.

As soon as the stone platform left the ground, the entire cave shook and collapsed in many places. Ergou didn't expect this, but the two-layered formation could no longer be maintained in such an earthquake. It collapsed instantly. Ergou quickly put away the banners and flags and returned to Niu Si's side.

"Master, are you okay?!"Ergou said anxiously

"fine! But now I'm afraid I have to kill him."Niu Si looked around and saw monsters and insects in front of him. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to leave.

After Niu Si pulled out the stone platform, it suddenly disappeared in a flash and reappeared in Niu Si's Dantian.

Niu Si sat down on the ground. His face suddenly turned pale.

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