The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 182 Don’t fight yet

The direction of the meeting changed so quickly that the Kamazu clan leader was unable to react for a moment.

I originally thought that this werewolf tribe dominated by humans could strive to become our ally...

Or you can buy weapons from them.

But I didn't expect that without even saying a few words, we were not allowed to attack the werewolves attacking Blood Crown Mountain?


The Kamazu clan leader, who was smiling apologetically, turned ugly instantly. He said to Yanxing: "Knight Yanxing...are you threatening us?"

Yanxing asked his men to pour a glass of wine for the Kamazu clan leader, and then said: "If you think this is a threat, this is a threat. If you think this is advice, this is advice.

Before meeting you, I just met the werewolf's messenger.

My attitude towards them is the same as towards you.

Let me reiterate to you one last time...

I am here this time and have no interest in your conflicts!

I just want to take what belongs to me. This is not too much to ask...I even refused the leader of the Wormtongued Clan's request to pay for the goods with the gems from Blood Crown Mountain.

This fully illustrates my attitude towards both of you.

Please also understand me. Those slingshots I sold to the werewolves were not blown by the wind, so please wait a moment...

Wait until I take away the money that belongs to me, and then you can fight again! "

What is this nonsense?

The Kamazu clan's stomach was a little bulging with anger.

There's a war going on here!

Forget it, you have to go to the battlefield to get the account. Why do you want us to wait for you to get the money before fighting?

Besides, it’s not us who owe you money!

However, Yanxing said that the werewolf Qiaotongue Clan Leader's suggestion made the Kamazu Clan Leader suppress his anger and not dare to show up.

Use the gems from Bloodcrown Mountain to pay for the goods owed.

Wouldn't they just ask the Eternal Werewolf Tribe to help them win the war and seize the Blood Crown Mountain and then give them money?

Yan Xing's refusal now means that he can agree at any time.

This is definitely extremely detrimental to the lizard people.

The Eternal Werewolf Tribe must be stable. After all, they are closer to the werewolves attacking Blood Crown Mountain in terms of blood, and they cannot stimulate Yan Xing to turn to the enemy.

"Knight Yanxing..." Kamazu changed his tone: "As for your request, I will first report to the Red-Eyed King and the Green-Tailed King and ask them to make a decision.

I think they will be able to look after your interests and make a decision that satisfies everyone. "

Yanxing picked up the wine glass and said to Kamazu: "Let us respect the Red-Eyed King and the Green-Tailed King together.

In addition, I also want to remind you of one thing. "

Kamanzu picked up the wine glass and asked Yanxing, "What's the matter?"

Yan Xing said casually: "It's not a big deal. My army has been conducting drills and exercises every day since its formation.

So if there is any big movement here tomorrow, please don't be too nervous.

I also sincerely hope that the Lizardmen will send a military observation team to watch our training and exercises. Likewise, we will invite the werewolf side to watch as well. "

Training, Kamazu understands.

But what is a drill?

But since the other party invited me to come and see it, then let’s come and see it.

"I will definitely be there tomorrow."



Have Orff send the lizardfolk leader Scythefoot out of the camp.

Yan Xing was very satisfied with his performance in meeting the envoys from both sides.

He has distanced himself from the werewolves deep in the swamp, and has slightly closer relations with the lizardmen, allowing his eternal werewolf tribe to stand firmly in a neutral position.

As long as they don't appear to be leaning towards either side, they won't dare to use excessive means to deal with them.

Then... just waste it.

See who can outlast the other. If he is exhausted, it will be easier to negotiate terms.

Of course, you can’t look at me and me at you all day long.

If this confrontation lasts for a long time, the pressure on both sides will increase. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will make a hot-headed decision to die early and resurrect early.

There should be a way for them to release their stress and there should be programs.

The Eternal Blood Crown Mountain Camp will support this important task.

On the second day after arriving at Xueguan Mountain, Yanxing's Xueguan Mountain camp was urgently built and was considered to be of a small scale.

At dawn, the quiet swamp is awakened by the loud sound of the trumpet.

A large group of werewolves and human warriors were fully armed and lined up in neat queues, running out of the gate of the military camp.

"One two one, one two one..."

The military boots beat the same rhythm, and the same slogans were shouted.

The strong military momentum shown by the neatness immediately alarmed the lizards on the mountain and the werewolves below the mountain.

All the lizards and werewolves came out to watch this army running from the south end of Bloodcrown Mountain to the north end. They were all shocked by the power exuded by this army.

Compared with the equipment of this army, the lizards and werewolves in the confrontation were dressed like beggars.

It doesn’t matter if the equipment and weapons are different.

The energy in people's bodies cannot be compared to that of lizardmen and werewolves who gather together in small groups, covered in mud and with blank eyes.

The self-confidence and arrogance that the Eternal Leader warriors reveal unconsciously are the result of high-standard treatment and high-standard training.

The werewolves and lizardmen confronting each other in Blood Crown Mountain were not qualified warriors at all.

Bad logistics, bad military discipline. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett

It is said that all the people are soldiers, but once you see real soldiers, the difference is immediately obvious.

One month of high-intensity training in Xiushui Lin has achieved great results.

Let these two groups of rabble-rousers see clearly what a professional army is.

However, Yan Xing did not let the troops running in the morning run too far, and returned to the military camp after a short display. It's better to be cautious the first time, and then wait for both parties to get used to it before running farther.

Of course, a morning run cannot achieve Yan Xing's purpose.

After attracting the Kamazu Clan Chief and the Qiaotongue Clan Chief, Yanxing led them to the watchtower at the gate of the military camp and announced the start of the exercise.

The mutually hostile lizardman Kamazu and the werewolf Kuangtongue stood on both sides of Yanxing, turning a blind eye to each other.

They all just saw the Eternal Leader Army on their morning jog in their respective camps. This army left a very deep impression on them.

It is powerful from the inside out.

They are all eager to understand this army now, and want to see what the "exercise" Yan Xing mentioned yesterday was?

Yan Xing first asked the werewolf miscellaneous people to set up a training ground outside the camp, and then said to the Clever Tongue Clan Chief and the Kamazu Clan Chief: "The subject of our training today is... an unknown jungle swamp encounter, a small team attack drill.

The obstacles in the training ground represent trees, bushes, mire and other common terrain found in jungle swamps.

Those wooden planks stand in place of enemies in the jungle.

The combat goal of our team is to eliminate all enemies in the jungle.

The training ground cannot be set up on a large scale in a short time, so let’s take a look at the simpler ones first. "

Seeing that the training ground was decorated, Yan Xing announced the start of the training.

A standard jungle combat team entered the training ground.

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