The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 193 The War at Blood Crown Mountain Ends

After setting the tone of building a city and a road in Thunder Swamp, what remains is the supplementary negotiation on the werewolf and lizardman truce plan.

for example:

How to relocate the werewolf and lizard people groups in the opponent's circle of influence, and the compensation plan.

How should the land for the Thunder Swamp Boulevard road and surrounding facility land be expropriated?

How to recruit workers from the werewolf and lizardfolk tribes to build roads and cities.

Yanxing represents the border division between the werewolf forces and the lizardmen at the southern edge of Thunder Swamp.

And how to invite the werewolf pack on the edge of the northern lake in Thunder Swamp to draw a border with the lizardfolk.

The peace talks lasted for five days after various details were added, and the two sides formally signed the Blood Crown Mountain Peace Convention.

At the same time, the werewolf and the lizardman signed several agreements with Yan Xing.

After rounds of negotiations, the war that spread throughout the depths of Thunder Swamp was finally brought to an end.

The main force of werewolves and lizardmen who were facing each other in Blood Crown Mountain retreated in full force. Soldiers from each ethnic group followed their respective tribe leaders back to their tribe's territory.

Yan Xing held several more cocktail parties to entertain the leaders of the werewolves and lizardmen.

Build good relationships and understand what specialties they have so that you can trade with them in the future.

Then he entertained those werewolf and lizard tribe leaders who were interested in farming alone, and signed multiple agricultural and commercial cooperation agreements with them that were supported by the Eternal Territory.

Yanxing even personally went to the territories of the Qiaoyu Clan Chief and the Kamazu Clan Chief to inspect the environment of their territories.

And let Chui Chui design a set of agricultural urbanization directions specifically for their actual situation.

And privately promised to give them better support.

Yan Xing took advantage of the heat of the peace talks to actively expand his influence in Thunder Swamp and consolidate his status and interests in the core area of ​​Thunder Swamp.

When Yan Xing was satisfied, he took a thick stack of bills and financial agreements and returned from the depths of Thunder Swamp to the Red Mud Wet Beach.

At this time, two months had passed since he passed through the red mud wet shoal and headed north to the depths of Thunder Swamp.

The solar term changes from hot summer to cool autumn.

The Eternal Territory promptly distributed autumn clothes to its subjects.

At the same time, each person was given a velvet quilt.

Aranda, who had changed into a tight red autumn dress, was sitting on the bed in her dormitory, thinking about something.

The new dormitory area had just been built, and Aranda was given a separate room of her own.

Although the room is not big, it is at least much more convenient than the previous four-person dormitory. You don't have to worry about your roommates discovering your elf identity all the time.

Under the windowsill, Aranda also has a dressing table of her own.

There is a mirror and a potted plant on the dressing table.

As the canal came into use, timber from Thunder Swamp continued to flow into the Eternal Realm.

Carpenters in the carpentry workshop used these wood to make a lot of furniture and distributed it to the subjects of the territory.

The unified supply system allows the subjects of the Eternal Territory to only focus on completing their own work, without having to consider the costs of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Moreover, Master Yan Xing was so generous to his subjects, so even though the subjects of the Eternal Territory were busy every day, no one had the slightest complaint against their lord.

Through the glass windows of the dormitory, you can see that there are still a large number of houses under construction outside.

This is the territory-owned residential area planned by the Eternal Territory, located outside the central city wall.

In the future, a lord's castle will be built within the central city wall.

Therefore, many buildings that were previously built within the central city wall are slowly moving outward.

The construction of the second city wall and moat of the Eternal Territory has begun.

Aranda was extremely amazed by the speed of development of this human territory.

It is developing almost without any stagnation.

It's the same every day.

If you don't go to some places for a few days, you may even get lost when you go there.

The Eternal Leader's rapid development is due to their use of something called cement.

Cement starts out as gray powder, and when mixed with water, it turns into a gray mud.

Use this kind of mud to smear square bricks to build city walls. The cement will become as hard as stone in a short period of time, and the square bricks will be firmly bonded.

And it won't soften again after adding water.

Houses built with square bricks and cement are very strong and can be moved in and used as soon as they are built.

Cement seemed to Aranda to be some kind of alchemy.

Using alchemy items to build ordinary houses is probably only possible in the Eternal Territory.

As for such extravagant use of alchemical items, Aranda has seen too many of them here.

She was no longer surprised why the glass on the dormitory window was so clear and transparent.

I'm not surprised that the clothes I'm wearing are so close-fitting, stretchy, breathable and warm, so light and comfortable that sometimes I feel like I'm not wearing any clothes at all. .

Are you not surprised why the quilt you just received is so silky?

It’s not surprising that Eternal Territory makes its bed out of steel.

Not surprised that there is so much energy here.

Aranda placed a pot of thyme on the table and quietly used the natural power of the elves to stimulate the thyme to emit a stronger aroma.

She smelled the fragrance and said slowly in a reluctant tone: "I'm leaving. I hope the next owner of this room will take good care of you."

The assassination took longer than Aranda expected.

It has been two months since Yan Xing entered Thunder Swamp, and no one knows when he will return to the Eternal Territory.

But the god-given gold coins in Aranda's hand have been used up.

She is not a human farmer, so she has no way to get a god-given gold coin as a taxpayer every week.

The limited number of god-given gold coins in her hand were all brought from New Tower City.

Turning in one every week can protect your identity for a week.

But the gold coins given by God will always be used up. UU Reading At the beginning of this week, she handed over the last gold coin given by God. If she can't get the god-given gold coins next week, naturally she can no longer pretend to be a farmer in the Eternal Territory.

So Aranda decided to leave the Eternal Realm.

These days, she quietly stocked up on some food and supplies.

And planned to follow the edge of Thunder Swamp and pass through the border fortress group built by Silvermane Principality in the northwest.

The werewolf tribes on the southern edge of Thunder Swamp all recognize the peasant uniforms of the Eternal Territory. If you encounter a patrol from the Silvermane Principality, you can temporarily hide in the Thunder Swamp.

After it is confirmed that it is safe, continue walking in the gaps between the border fortresses of Silvermane Principality.

She felt that her chances of returning safely to the elf-controlled area were very high.

To be honest, Aranda really doesn't want to leave here. This place is much better than the bitter cold Northland.

But without the god-given gold coins, you will be exposed if you stay here.

In the Windy Highlands, the hatred between humans and elves is deep in their blood and bones.

Once he is exposed, he will definitely be executed.


At this time, there was a knock on the door of the dormitory.

Aunt Rapeseed with a loud voice shouted outside: "Jade! Jade! Another group of refugees has come to the camp, and we have to work."

"Okay Aunt Rapeseed, I'll be out right away." Aranda promised.

She changed into her clothes as quickly as possible, put on her shoes, put her hat on her head, and then opened the door.

He smiled and said to Aunt Rapehua outside: "Aunt Rapehua, leave it to me to take over the task of taking over the refugees this time. If you go do other things, I promise to do it as well as you."

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