The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 234 Sweeping New Tower City (2 in 1)

Chapter 236 Sweeping New Tower City (two in one)

Yan Xing opened the Creed Information Exchange in New Tower City and spread money crazily throughout New Tower City.

Leave no dead space in handing out leaflets.

Wall advertisements are all over the streets.

The lights inside and outside the exchange are equally bright, and there are also large light and shadow advertisements at night.

Yan Xing even let a formation of gryphons purchased from Count Theodore fly over the city. There were banners tied under the gryphons' paws, printed with the Creed Intelligence Exchange's slogan "Everyone Makes Money."

Yanxing has only one request for this promotion.

Any resident of New Tower City can say: I know about the Creed Information Exchange, and I just won't go there.

No one can say that they don’t know what the Creed Information Exchange is!

With the large-scale development of business, the exchange is full every day.

There were people standing in front of hundreds of Creed terminals, and there was a long queue behind them.

The restriction that one person can only enter a maximum of ten pieces of information a day allows the exchange to barely maintain order.

The Creed Intelligence Exchange began to collect information extensively and submitted it to Fubuki Connection's database for storage and analysis.

Early intelligence collection is definitely a money-losing thing, but when the information in the database reaches a certain amount.

Quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes.

For example, if you want to investigate a certain person, you don't need to spend a long time tracking... The intelligence database can instantly retrieve all the records related to this person and then connect them in series.

His living habits, the people he often comes into contact with, and the places he often goes to are all clear.

Through what he has said and done, and adding psychology, you can analyze what kind of person he is, his family background and family situation.

Intelligence predictions can also be made through horizontal connections of information.

For example, if certain groups of people suddenly appear in a certain area at a certain time, you can predict what is happening or is about to happen here.

As the saying goes: The eyes of the masses are sharp.

As the saying goes: If you don't want others to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself.

No matter how powerful the master of disguise is, he will sometimes ignore the ordinary people around him. And what he does will probably be recorded by people around him and exchanged for a small amount of money at the Creed Information Exchange.

Yan Xing only spent a few cents or a few cents to collect this information. But once intelligence forms a chain, its value is immeasurable.

The people who sold information to Yan Xing didn't know the use of these things at all. They thought that Mr. Yan Xing was just generous and kind, and distributed benefits to everyone to promote his creed information exchange.

Of course, Creed Intelligence Exchange also conducts regular intelligence transactions.

On the day the Creed Intelligence Exchange opened, seven well-known top assassins in New Tower City simultaneously announced that they were diamond-level intelligence officers of the Creed Intelligence Exchange.

Since the Creed Information Exchange is operated openly, anything related to assassination needs to be avoided.

All holders of a "Creed Card" are Intelligence Officers of the Creed Intelligence Exchange.

According to the five levels of "Creed Card".

Diamond-level intelligence officers are second only to king-level intelligence officers.

All intelligence officers can be seen through the Creed information terminal... There are only seven diamond-level intelligence officers at this time.

The Creed Intelligence Officer promotion process is very strict.

By brushing ordinary intelligence, you can only reach the silver level if you brush it to the extreme.

If you want to get gold and diamonds, you need to complete a certain number of high-level tasks.

The King is an honorary title given by Creed Intelligence Exchange to those who have made special contributions.

You must have strength, quality in completing tasks, and luck...

On the intelligence officer ranking list, seven lonely diamond-level players gave the thieves and assassins who had just applied for the "Creed Card" the motivation to move up.

The seven diamond-level intelligence officers also held back their energy and thought about becoming the king.

The equipment and experience Yan Xing brought from the real world put the Creed Intelligence Exchange at a very high starting point as soon as it was born.

On the other hand, the Assassin's Guild is still stuck in the quagmire of credit crisis.

Moreover, underground operations determine that it is excluded from mainstream consciousness. Everyone may need you, but no one likes you.

Cumbersome process.

A voracious appetite.

Excessive mystery.

All of which made the Assassin's Guild uncompetitive in the face of the Creed Intelligence Exchange.

Once the long-distance wireless power transmission technology is developed, the Creed Information Exchange will be able to lay out Creed information terminals throughout the city to collect information more efficiently.

Relative to the high profile of the Creed Intelligence Exchange opening.

The establishment of Eternal Grain Investment Bank is somewhat unknown.

Eternal Grain Investment Bank has signed grain purchase agreements with major grain merchants in New Tower City, using the grain stamps and stocks of Eternal Grain Bank to fully purchase the grain from the merchants.

All the grain merchants looked at their empty warehouses with smiles on their faces.

Having a warehouse full of food has always been a major concern for each of them, as they are afraid that they will lose it all if they cannot sell it.

Now...the generous and kind Master Yan Xing has bought them all.

Moreover, Master Yanxing also allowed grain merchants to use grain coupons and stocks for trading.

All products in the Eternal Chamber of Commerce receive food coupons from the Eternal Food Store.

And limited edition products are sold first to people who spend food stamps.

Grain merchants discovered that they actually did not need to keep the grain stamps and sell them later in exchange for refined grains for eternal claim.

Since food stamps are equivalent to cash, it is completely possible to sell the luxury goods of eternal collar.

Although Storm City has blocked the road from the Gale Highlands to the mainland of the Principality, those who can work as grain merchants are those with connections.

Sensitive materials such as food cannot be transported, but eternal collar watches, glass, sugar, perfume, lipstick...

These items are very profitable and are in short supply. The Eternal Chamber of Commerce sells them in limited quantities.

Grain merchants are all thinking about how to make money with the grain stamps in their hands.

The food stamps issued by the Eternal Food Bank are also used as wages for employees.

Some merchants informed vendors throughout the city that they were willing to use eternal food stamps as a method of settlement for goods.

Vendors are willing to collect food stamps, and employees in the eternal collar do not need to exchange them for food when buying things. Instead, they directly use food stamps as currency for daily consumption.

Food is hard currency in New Tower City.

Now there are refined grains and ordinary grains in the Eternal Grain Store. A pound of food coupons from the Eternal Grain Store can be exchanged for more ordinary grains.

And it’s cheaper than using metal currency.

When Yongheng Grain Bank launched food stamps, the food stamp circulation system opened up by Yanxing circulated without any obstacles.

Even people who are not in this system are willing to accept food stamps from Eternal Food Bank in order to buy cheap food.

Many people even find ways to use metal currency to buy food stamps.

Soon, when the entire New Tower City accepted food stamps from the Eternal Grain Bank as the second transaction currency.

The advantages of banknotes quickly became apparent.

First of all, no matter how much paper money is worn, its value remains unchanged. As long as the worn part is no less than one-third and it is a complete piece, you can exchange it for a new one at Eternal Grain Store.

But not metal currencies. Once a metal currency is severely worn or a large piece is missing, many people do not want it.

This kind of currency must be recycled by the ruler, and recasting it will never be able to produce the previous quantity.

Someone will always bear the money that disappears here.

Therefore, Count Theodore is very supportive of the food stamps issued by the Eternal Grain Bank.

New Tower City is now very short of money, and it doesn't even have the metal to mint new money.

It can be expected that after the war, the entire New Tower City will be in a state of shortage of money.

The money was spent in the war.

If the city lord's palace doesn't have money, it won't have the ability to quickly recover the city from a state of war.

A lack of money in cities will cause various social problems.

When trade volumes are low, there is no tax revenue. Without taxation, the City Lord's Mansion will continue to be short of money.

This is a vicious cycle, and it's already showing its signs. If it weren't for the food from the Eternal Territory to share some of the currency needed for transactions, the city's financial system would probably have problems long ago.

Now the food stamps from Yongheng Grain Bank have entered the city trading system.

Count Theodore can use the city's limited reserves of metal currency for external purchases.

Internally... Niuta City signed a low-interest loan agreement with Yanxing and borrowed 300 million kilograms of food stamps from the Eternal Grain Bank for purchases in the city.

As soon as the news came out that Count Theodore had borrowed 300 million kilograms of food stamps from Eternal Grain Bank using future city tax revenue as collateral, the value of Eternal Grain Bank's stock increased exponentially.

Grain merchants who used grain to buy shares made a lot of money, more than they had expected from reselling grain.

All of them are extremely arrogant in New Tower City.

Those grain merchants who were worried about the risk and chose to exchange grain at a ratio of 1:1 regretted it and beat their chests.

There was once a share of Eternal Food Co.'s stock placed in front of me, but I didn't cherish it... If I could choose it again, I would spend all my money and buy as many shares as I could.

But no matter how much you regret, it will be of no use.

You only have one chance, if you miss it, you miss it.

And there will never be a second chance.

Because Yanxing announced that Yongheng Grain Bank will no longer sell shares to the outside world, these are the shares circulating outside, and no more shares will be issued.

As soon as this news came out, the stock price of Yongheng Grain Company rose again.

However, no matter how high the stock price of Yongheng Grain Co., Ltd. rises, few grain dealers who hold shares will sell it.

Because they can all see that the food stamps from Eternal Food Bank are no longer just food stamps, they are now currency that can be circulated smoothly in New Tower City.

And because of their convenience, Newta City residents are gradually more willing to use food stamps from Eternal Food Bank for their daily transactions.

Eternal Food Bank will exchange food stamps for those who come to exchange them without any delay, allowing the credit of food stamps to increase rapidly.

Now the city lord's palace is using food stamps to purchase supplies, and more and more merchants are beginning to accept food stamps.

It has now become a new currency.

Its advantages are destined to not be limited to New Tower City.

Looking at the vast farmland opened up by the Eternal Chamber of Commerce, you know that Yan Xing's heart is not limited to this city.

It won't be long before the food stamps from the Eternal Food Store will appear in the manor near New Tower City, and then radiate all the way into Storm City.

Spreading to the entire Gale Highlands.

The value of the stocks in their hands still has extremely broad room for growth, and the things behind the stocks may be more valuable than its own value.

There are a total of eleven major external shareholders holding Eternal Land shares. After discovering the true value of their shares, they all re-planned the family's future.

"The enemy of Eternal Food Line is our enemy... no matter who he is!"

The special environment allowed the food stamps from the Eternal Food Bank to be quickly spread in New Tower City, and everyone benefited from it.

Only Garr from the Golden Oak Chamber of Commerce fell seriously ill.

That day, Gal came back early from Yanxing's embassy banquet and spent the whole night preparing to bid for grain from other grain merchants.

He believed that no matter what price Yan Xing offered, as long as he offered the same price, the grain dealer would give him priority in selling grain to him.

He seemed to see his granary overflowing.

Just wait until Yan Xing can't help but raise the price of grain to harvest, and he will follow suit.


Gal never expected that Yan Xing would offer an exchange ratio of 1:1, exchanging his own grain for grain from the grain dealer.

Yanxing's grain is refined grain, and it can be exchanged for ordinary grain at a ratio of 1:1.5 on the market.

How can you spell this purchase price?

Is Yan Xing crazy?

No matter how rich he is, he can't do this!

Yet, that's what he did.

The grain merchants handed over the grain very simply, which shows that Yan Xing's commitment is very good.

Gal also learned the details of the entire transaction through his own channels.

No matter how you look at it, it's an idiotic act.

But Yanxing has always been very spicy in his work. How could he do this kind of business that loses money, and not even a fraction of it.

Gal thought about it at home for half a month but still couldn't figure out Yan Xing's intention.

And when he discovered that the entire New Tower City was using food stamps from the Eternal Food Bank for transactions, he figured something out.

It turns out that what Yanxing bought was not food!

When the news came out from the city lord's palace, Count Theodore borrowed 300 million catties from the Eternal Grain Bank.

Gal knew that the entire New Tower City was tied to Eternal Food Bank by Yan Xing.

At this time, no one can touch Yanxing.

Because no one can bear this responsibility.

However, as a businessman, as the person in charge of the Golden Oak Chamber of Commerce in New Tower City. Gal knew... Yan Xing now had the power of life and death over him.

As long as he is willing, he can make the Golden Oak Chamber of Commerce unable to stay in New Tower City in a matter of minutes.

Thinking of the mission of assassinating Yan Xing that he announced in the Assassin's Guild, UU Kanshu took another look at the farce of the assassination leak.

Gal, who didn't know how many secrets of the Assassin's Guild were leaked, finally couldn't bear the repeated blows and fell ill.

But Gal didn't dare waste time recovering from his illness.

At this time, Yan Xing had completed his financial cudgel in New Tower City. He must find a way to save himself before this big stick falls on his head.

The only people in New Tower City who can save themselves now are Count Theodore, Lady Carol and High Priest Lancelot.

Count Theodore didn't need to think about it. The war put too much pressure on him. It can be seen from that loan that he has left no escape route for himself in the principality.

Mrs. Carol did not know why she lived in Yan Xing's special envoy's residence, and her attitude was unclear. Gal felt that he did not have a deep relationship with Mrs. Carol, and she might not save him.

Therefore, Gal, who had everything figured out, got into a carriage with the support of his entourage and went straight to the temple of New Tower City despite being seriously ill, and asked to see the high priest Lancelot.

While Gal met the high priest, Yan Xing also had a formal meeting with Mrs. Carol.

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