The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 264 Riots in New Tower City

Finally, Mrs. Carol signed the contract on behalf of the Principality of Silvermane and the snow elves represented by Prince Elledor.

The covenant came into effect. After Prince Elledor returned to the elf-controlled area, he immediately organized an elf army to attack the orc mountain city. Now that the main force of the orc army is near Storm City, it is absolutely unexpected that the elves will attack from behind at this time.

As long as the mountain city is captured, the snow elves can spend this winter comfortably.

However, at this moment, a violent explosion resounded throughout New Tower City. The ground shook, strong winds blew over the city, and large clouds of smoke rose upward.

Just when everyone didn't know what was happening, explosions sounded one after another.

A group of griffins that were patrolling in the air were suddenly attacked by magic from below.

Unidentified people appeared on several high points in the city and used magic and crossbows to bombard surrounding facilities.

The alarm bell in the City Lord's Mansion rang.

This means that all city gates are closed, the city defense army controls the city walls, and New Tower City enters the highest wartime state.

No one is allowed to enter or leave New Tower City without the order of the city lord, Count Theodore.

Those who went out to find out the news soon came back and reported to Carol.

It was the Jufeng mercenary group that launched a full-scale attack on the Falshi mercenary group. The Falshi mercenary group immediately counterattacked across the board. In addition, there were many noble private soldiers and gang members who made trouble.

Now New Tower City has become a mess...

Before the spy finished reporting, several arrows fell in the yard.

Carol knew that the Jufeng Mercenary Group and the Falshi Mercenary Group were preparing to go to war, but she didn't expect them to start so early.

This riot quickly spread throughout New Tower City, seriously affecting Carol's plan. Prince Elledo must return to the elf-controlled area with the peace agreement before he can mobilize the elf army to attack the mountain city.

Now that New Tower City is under martial law, it's not that easy to get out.

Mrs. Carol immediately ordered her entourage to protect Prince Elledo back to his residence, and went to the Assassin's Guild herself to see if there was any way to safely send the elf envoy out of the city as soon as possible.

When the explosion happened, Yan Xing was still flirting with Ligeia.

Feelings heat up quickly.

It’s just that the city is rapidly becoming chaotic and there’s no way to eat hot pot.

Some subordinates came to report what was happening in the city.

Yan Xing asked: "Are you sure it was the Jufeng mercenary group that launched the attack first?"

The subordinate replied: " was the Jufeng Mercenary Group who launched the first attack. They first used magic to blast a warehouse of the Fal Lion Mercenary Group and attacked several strongholds of the Fal Lion Mercenary Group.

The Fal Lion Mercenary Group counterattacked very quickly.

It's just that the Far Lion Mercenary Group not only attacked the Jufeng Mercenary Group, but also attacked the city defense army barracks and various security stations.

Some noble private soldiers and gang members also participated in the riot. "

The Jufeng mercenary group was the first to attack?

It shouldn’t be!

Yan Xing knew that the Jufeng Mercenary Group was in very difficult financial circumstances.

After being robbed of the orc treasury, shouldn't it be more appropriate to shrink the defense and let the Fal Lion mercenary group take the first shot? Shouldn't it be morally appropriate to ask for help from the city defense army?

If you strike first now, it may not be a strong move.

He also pushed himself to be on the opposite side of the city defense army.

In the end, the city defense army and the Far Lion mercenary group will attack you. Under the joint pressure, how many nails can you make even if you are covered in iron?

Yan Xing couldn't figure out the purpose of the Jufeng mercenary group, or the "short spear".

But now that there is chaos in the city.

Just in time to catch all those monsters and monsters in one go!

At this time Fubuki reported: "Master, there are unknown armed forces approaching the special embassy. You also have people with malicious intentions gathering outside various industrial areas in the city."

“The non-combatants who informed us were in hiding and the doors and windows were closed.

What's the situation at the grain store? "

Chui Chui replied: "Eternal Grain Store immediately closed the warehouse according to your prior instructions right after the explosion.

Now the shareholders of the grain bank are bringing their private soldiers to protect the safety of the grain bank together with our guards. "

Yan Xing asked again: "Where are the mercenaries of the Xingshang Guild?"

"When New Tower City sounded the alarm to close the city, Eddie led the guild mercenaries to march towards New Tower City. It is expected that the leading troops will be able to enter the city in an hour.

Gangya is gathering troops at the border, and the forwards have begun to get on the bus. As long as they receive instructions from their master, they can cross the border to support New Tower City at any time. "

Since this riot was expected to occur, the various teams that had been deployed long ago were preparing in an orderly manner for the war.

Yanxing thought about it for a moment and said to Fukibuki: "Order Eddie to take over the defense of the north gate when the guild mercenaries enter the north gate of New Tower City.

If the defenders have questions, ask them to go to the city lord.

After taking over the north gate, patrols were deployed along the north wall to strictly investigate any suspicious persons. Pay special attention to the elves, and never let any of them leave from the north side of New Tower City! "

"Yes, Master."

"Inform Gang Ya to continue to prepare for war. Without my order, the troops under the Eternal Territory are not allowed to cross the border even half a step."

"Yes, Master."

"The special embassy has entered the highest alert state. All unknown persons who try to approach here should be warned first. If they do not listen to the warning, they will be shot."

"Yes, Master."

Yanxing issued several orders to Fubuki in his own consciousness, and the outside of the embassy became even more chaotic.

"Yan Xing, Knight Yan Xing..." Ligeia called to Yan Xing softly. After he looked at her, she asked with some fear: "What happened? Did the orcs come?"

Yan Xing regained his composure and said to Ligeia with a relaxed smile: "It's nothing big, just some thieves making trouble in the city. As the Sheriff of New Tower City, I can quickly put down this riot. .”

A violent explosion sounded very close.

Ligeia looked in that direction and said, "Doesn't this seem like thieves are causing trouble?"

Yan Xing laughed loudly: "I said it's a thief, it's a thief. It's not safe here. Follow me to the top floor, where you can see clearly."

Inside the special embassy, ​​the werewolf guards moved quickly.

All doors to the outside world are closed and reinforced with magic.

On the wall, werewolf warriors put on combat equipment were on guard. They held shields, carried fire axes, and had loaded flintlock pistols in the holsters at their waists.

Inside the wall, the alchemy robot pushed out the artillery brought from the Eternal Leader.

The handymen of the special embassy were busy carrying various supplies. Send the bazooka to the werewolf warriors and help carry gunpowder and shells.

When Yan Xing took Ligeia to the roof of the main building of the special embassy, ​​a group of thirty gryphons had just fallen from the sky.

These griffins are led by six griffin knights newly trained by the Eternal Leader, and they are the air force guarding the special embassy.

Several other magicians built a defensive magic wall on all sides of the roof, using alchemy equipment purchased from the Goblin Alchemy Factory.

In the middle of the roof, a very rudimentary radar lifted off the tarpaulin covering it. Several alchemy robots were operating around the radar, and soon the radar's antenna began to rotate.

All air targets searched by the radar are projected into Yanxing's consciousness space and handed over to Fubuki for analysis.

On the roof of the building near the main entrance of the embassy, ​​the handymen have set up a tent with front and rear transparency. Some equipment is piled on both sides of the tent for ready access.

After Yan walked in, the servant immediately brought an artillery mirror and set it up in front of the tent.

Yan Xing lay behind the artillery mirror to check the situation in New Tower City at this time.

It was more chaotic than he imagined.

Explosions occurred one after another in the city, and various magics shot from the ground into the air. Griffins crow in the sky, and the comrades who were patrolling together are now enemies facing each other with swords.

At this time, the city defense army completely lost control of the city. There were only a few places in the city where the flag of the Stormy Highland Legion was still flying, and the city defense army, which had been heavily deployed, could not organize the military force to quell the chaos.

Even the city lord's palace was under siege.

Yan Xing pointed the artillery mirror at the City Lord's Mansion and saw two teams of gryphons of different attributes fighting around the City Lord's Mansion castle.

The magic and boulders outside bombarded the defensive shield of the City Lord's Mansion.

On the main castle, the defenders fired arrows and fired back magic from all the windows.

Looking at the battle situation in the city lord's palace, Yan Xing couldn't help but said: "A group of mercenaries even have siege weapons. The Far Lion Mercenary Group is very well prepared."

At this time, Ligeia said beside Yan Xing: "I heard Mrs. Carol say... The Fal Lion Mercenary Group is supported by the temple. Maybe the Fal Lion Mercenary Group accepted the offer from the New Tower City Temple. Funding…”

Ligeia didn't know how much Yan Xing knew about the background of the Falshi Mercenary Group, so she couldn't help but tell him some information about the Falshi Mercenary Group.

Yan Xing looked at Ligeia: "You know a lot."

Ligeia covered up: "I just heard Mrs. Carol mention...other..."

When Ligeia was still about to explain, a magic beam flew from the front and hit the defensive wall of the main building of the special embassy.

The magic element was shattered by the impact and turned into a flower of light in a ripple.

Immediately afterwards, a huge boulder flew out of the residential area in front of the embassy and hit the protective wall, causing a ripple.

Then more and more magic and boulders came flying.

Griffins appeared nearby, and someone climbed onto the roof of a house to shoot arrows at the embassy.

The werewolf warriors guarding the wall immediately took out their muskets and fought back.

Then pick up the rocket launcher and bomb in the direction of the magic.

The battle started in an instant, and casualties also appeared.

Seeing Yan Xing turn his attention to the battlefield, Ligeia secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then reminded herself to pay attention to her position.

Don't make this stupid mistake again.

Then Ligeia noticed the weird weapons and fighting methods of the Eternal Territory.

The Thunder Swamp Embassy in New Tower City was originally a noble villa, facing the street on all sides.

The attacker's main attack area is on the front, separated by a slightly wider road is a low civilian area, suitable for hiding a large number of people.

Using a catapult from the inside to project the stone, you can directly attack the main building of the embassy without any obstacles.

The defenders of the special embassy also mainly defended the front line.

The equipment of the Eternal Territory werewolf warriors seemed to Ligeia to be extremely sophisticated.

Each warrior has two pieces of armor.

One set is for wearing on duty. The golden full body armor is very majestic and gorgeous.

However, the werewolf warriors put on a set of black vests and protective clothing when fighting.

Ligeia had seen and touched this protective suit.

I know that special protective plates can be inserted into this kind of protective clothing, which has good protective performance, is very convenient to wear, and has far less impact on movements than metal full-body armor.

Ligeia once proposed to Mrs. Carol that the principality’s army could also use this kind of protective clothing.

But Mrs. Carol can be done, but it is not as strong as the protective clothing of the eternal collar.

A set of metal armor can last a lifetime if it is well maintained. Once a father wears it, his son will wear it again. This kind of protective clothing is extremely easy to wear after inserting thick protective plates.

Without the fabric and sewing process of the eternal collar, the cost of using this type of protective clothing is simply too great.

The principality cannot afford to support an army wearing such protective clothing.

In addition to protective clothing, what Ligeia is more interested in the Eternal Leaders is the muskets in their hands.

A musket is a weapon that produces gas through the combustion of gunpowder and shoots the bullets out of the barrel.

Gunpowder was something that alchemists accidentally obtained while studying alchemy. After the goblins obtained the formula for gunpowder, they invented the musket.

Most goblins are equipped with a musket as a weapon of self-defense.

The goblin's musket can only be used for self-defense, because its power is really too low.

Short range, low lethality, and negligible accuracy.

It's only reliable to spray people when they are close.

And it often explodes.

Therefore, no one except goblins likes to use muskets.

However, the musket in the hands of the Eternal Territory werewolf warrior was beyond Ligeia's knowledge of this kind of weapon.

First of all, its rate of fire is very fast.

Just break off the butt of the gun, insert a bullet, raise your hand to aim and shoot.

The entire firing speed is not much worse than that of a skilled archer.

And the shape of the musket makes it easier to hide yourself than the bow and arrow. The werewolf warrior puts the shield in front of him, and he only needs to expose half of his head to complete the shooting action while hiding behind the shield.

You can even shoot with just one hand extended.

If you are an archer, you must expose half of your body to complete the action of drawing the bow and shooting an arrow.

So the current scene emerged.

The werewolf warriors on the wall were hiding behind their shields. The arrows fired from the front were clanging on the shields, but there was nothing they could do against the werewolf warriors.

The werewolf warriors were grouped into groups of five. After loading their muskets, they aimed and shot at a target at the same time. UU Reading ww.uukanスhnet

Once the shooting is complete, hide and continue reloading.

Groups of werewolf warriors also cooperated with each other. One group reloaded and the other fired, always suppressing the enemy with fire.

The range and power of this musket are also far greater than those of goblins.

Ligeia saw with her own eyes that a man dressed as a mercenary was hit by a bullet fired by a werewolf warrior at a distance of one hundred meters. His chest bloomed, plasma spurted out, and he fell to the ground motionless on the spot.

On the battlefield, too many mercenaries died like this.

In a short time, the mercenaries dumped nearly a hundred corpses on the roof of the residence. The result of the battle was only two werewolves.

If the fight continues, all the mercenaries will die under the guns of the werewolf warriors, and they will not be able to break through the wall of the special embassy.

The enemy commander also realized this, and some magicians turned around and threw magic at the werewolves defending the wall.



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