The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 269 Formulating a bombardment plan

Earl Theodore patted Yan Xing on the shoulder, feeling full of relief in his heart.

He didn't know how Yan Xing broke through the rebel blockade and rushed into the city lord's palace, but just rushing in alone required great courage.

"You make me proud."

Yan Xing looked at the armor on the old earl and smiled and said: "Although I would like to see you, mentor, wearing heavy armor and fighting with magic, I'm afraid I won't have this opportunity.

I brought reinforcements.

We must defeat the enemies besieging the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible and let those who participated in the riot know.

New Tower City is also the New Tower City of Count Theodore. "

Count Theodore said: "I am very happy that you can lead troops to support. But our enemies must have laid an ambush on the road to your support. If they rush over, your people will only suffer heavy losses.

I suggest you support other enemies first and gather troops that are still loyal to me.

When I consume some of the rebels here, you can come back. "

Count Theodore's suggestion could be said to be very sound, but he didn't know what Yan Xing's support was.

Yan Xing replied: "Don't worry, mentor. The rebels cannot stop the support I give you.

Now I need to know where the surrounding rebels are concentrated. I am not familiar with how to fight, and I also need you, my mentor, to guide me in the direction of attack. "

Count Theodore didn't know what support Yan Xing was talking about.

But since his embassy was able to defeat the besieging rebels so early, there must be some secret weapon.

Count Theodore recalled the dense roaring sounds coming from the direction of the embassy.

"Bring me the terrain map around the city lord's palace."

Count Theodore did not waste time to ask Yan Xing.

The earl's entourage was composed of veterans who had followed him and knew what to carry on the battlefield.

Upon hearing the order, the followers immediately unfolded a portable command table, then found the corresponding map and spread it on the table.

Some tools are readily available.

The count looked at the map and cautiously put down some chess pieces representing the enemy.

As a general who has fought countless battles, Count Theodore is very clear about the tactical arrangements in various scenarios.

The rebels who besieged the city lord's palace seemed to be attacking from all sides, but there must be a centralized departure point in the rear.

Because if all the enemy troops are really scattered in such a large urban area, the efficiency of conveying orders will be too low.

So the rebels must have a rallying point.

After the order was given, the rebels who carried out the order to attack advanced. They dispersed as they advanced, and when they attacked near the city lord's palace, it seemed like they were full of people everywhere.

Also, the enemy commander must have arrangements for support in the direction of the special embassy.

The locations suitable for ambush of Tibetan soldiers were all marked out by Count Theodore.

Count Theodore marked while explaining to Yan Xing why the rebels were here.

This is equivalent to opening up another field of knowledge for Yan Xing, most of which cannot be learned from books.

While Count Theodore was explaining, these locations were also recorded by Fukichi.

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft on standby carry out reconnaissance in these areas.

After having a clear detection area, we found traces of a large number of rebel movements.

The next step is to find the location of the rebel magician and catapult based on the magic trajectory and catapult trajectory.

A large number of attack points were marked on the tactical map in Yan Xing's consciousness.

Fubui allocates the attack sequence to these targets and configures the amount of attack ammunition.

Orff led the supporting werewolf warriors to position.

The squadron of unmanned bombers from Eternity is in place.

Embassy support artillery arrived at the square.

Count Theodore also ended the marking of the rebel concentration locations. He said: "These are the areas where the rebels may gather. The enemy commander is a general with actual combat experience. No matter how your army attacks, be careful. "

Yan Xing glanced at the map marked by Count Theodore, and then at the bombardment instruction map in his mind.

He said to the old count: "I said, my support...the rebels cannot stop it."

At this time, Fubuki reported: "Reporting to the master, the square artillery position is ready. The first attack target is the enemy's 47th Group.

If no special attack target appears, the square artillery position will attack one at a time according to the list attack sequence. "

Fubuki's priority attack target did not choose the enemy's catapult position. Although the artillery in the square can easily destroy the catapult position, the energy of the city lord's palace protective shield is stable, and the stone bombardment will not cause substantial damage to the city lord's palace.

Moreover, the catapult's attack speed is so slow, so the threat is not as great as it seems.

The first attack of artillery will definitely cause a lot of damage to the enemy, and of course it will attack more valuable targets.

If the bet is successful, the enemy's headquarters will be bombarded.

Then make a lot of money.

Yanxing felt that there was no problem with the bombardment sequence formulated by Fukichui, and immediately announced that he was allowed to fire.

Count Theodore was very curious about the support Yan Xing mentioned.

There is no way for the rebels to stop any kind of support.

When Zai Yan walked to the edge of the fort's protective wall, Count Theodore also walked over.

The attendants set up a large shield around them, and the magician reinforced the defensive magic on the fort.

Earl Theodore looked towards the square in the east. Yan Xing just said...the reinforcements he brought were there.

It's just that due to the obstruction of the building in the middle, the exact situation there cannot be seen clearly.

Suddenly, the continuous roar that I had heard in the direction of the embassy sounded from the direction of the square.

Then I saw something flying over there in pieces.

They drew arc trajectories in the sky, flew at extremely fast speeds, and then crashed into a residential area near the City Lord's Mansion.

Smoke and dust rose, and houses collapsed one after another.

This, what kind of magic is this?

The attack range of magic is limited, and the attack range of ordinary magic is mostly within four hundred meters.

If you want to increase the magic attack distance, you need to set up an auxiliary magic circle in advance and use multiple magicians to cast spells together.

This consumption is undoubtedly very large, and UU Reading is mostly used to release strategic-level magic.

If you use tactical magic to attack only predicted enemies, or when the enemies are hiding under cover.

It's really a waste.

What is wasted is not only the rare alchemical resources consumed to maintain the operation of the magic circle, but also the more precious magician's magic power.

Rare alchemical resources can be purchased as long as you are willing to spend money.

But once the magician's magic power is consumed, it cannot be replenished in a short time.

On the battlefield, every magician's magic power needs to be carefully calculated and there is no room for waste.

Yanxing used such a large-scale magic long-range attack to attack an enemy stronghold that was only expected to exist.

Can his magician withstand such consumption?



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