Chapter 282 Debt Collection

Yan Xing, who left the city lord's palace, still didn't know what happened in Storm City. He rode his precious horse Feiying to the outside of the temple and looked at this magnificent arched building.

The New Tower City Temple was one of the few places that was not affected by the riots.

The clergy of the temple and the guards directly under the temple were fully armed and faced off against the city defense forces surrounding the place.

Compared with the city defense army that had just fought for two days, the temple's army was well-equipped and ready to work.

The guild mercenaries rushed over after receiving Yan Xing's order.

The city defense army also received orders from Count Theodore. They handed over the task of surrounding the temple to the guild mercenaries and retreated to the second line.

Yan Xing rode Fei Ying to the foot of the high stairs of the temple, and a group of temple knights stood in front of him.

"The temple is a place to serve God. No one is allowed to enter without an invitation."

Behind Yan Xing, Eddie led a group of mercenaries riding chocobos and approached. They pointed their double-barreled shotguns at the temple knights, as if they would shoot whenever Yan Xing ordered them.

These temple knights all participated in the battle to attack the city lord's palace, knowing that the power of this musket was far more powerful than the goblin musket.

The temple knights immediately added magic shields to themselves and drew their swords to prepare for battle.

But when they saw what the guild mercenaries had introduced, their faces could no longer remain calm.

The muskets may be able to be resisted by the magic shield, but the artillery is definitely a nightmare for these temple knights who participated in the attack on the city lord's palace.

This time the nightmare came to me again.

A row of artillery was pushed forward, and the muzzles were aimed at the Temple Knights and the temple behind them.

Another line of artillery was pushed over from the darkness behind.

a row……

a row……

Thinking about the residential buildings that were flattened by these weapons, I wonder how strong the temple is and how many rounds of these artillery attacks it can withstand.

"Knight Yanxing..." The temple knight finally lowered his stance: "The high priest has taken a rest. If you have anything to do, please wait until dawn when the high priest decides whether to see you or not."

Yan Xing said expressionlessly: "It's so busy outside, I don't believe High Priest Lancelot can sleep.

And I have no intention of disturbing the high priest.

As long as you hand over the person who owes me money, I will take him away immediately so that you can all sleep well in peace of mind. "

The temple knight understood what Yan Xing meant.

But High Priest Lancelot said that before the situation in Storm City becomes clear, the members of the Fal Lion Mercenary Group must be protected.

"I'm sorry, Knight Yanxing. I don't know who you are talking about, but secular disputes are not under the temple's control.

Whoever owes you money, you can go to Count Theodore.

I think based on the relationship between you and the city lord, he will definitely do something that will satisfy you very much. "

Seeing that the temple was so naughty, he gave the ball to Count Theodore.

Yan Xing sneered: "Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner... Give me the members of the Far Lion Mercenary Group, and I will take them to the City Lord's Mansion to settle the money they owe me."

The temple knight simply refused: "There are indeed some Far Lion mercenary groups in the temple. They are devout believers in God and are praying to God in the temple.

Prayer must not be interrupted, otherwise it is blasphemy against God.

If you want to take away the Fal Lion mercenaries, wait until they finish praying. "

The temple knights moved the god out and made it clear that they were unwilling to hand over the Fal lion mercenaries.

Yan Xing took out a cigarette and lit it for himself.

At this time, there was a roar not far away, and a cannonball came and hit a building near the temple.

The temple knight was shocked. He didn't expect Yan Xing to actually attack the temple.

Although this shot did not hit the temple.

"Knight Yanxing, are you prepared to become an enemy of the temple? Can you bear the consequences?"

Facing the threat from the Temple Knights, Yan Xing blew out a puff of smoke and said, "Don't be nervous... The mercenaries of the Eternal Merchant Guild received an order from Count Theodore and asked us to assist the city defense forces in quelling the urban riots.

Since it is a war, there will inevitably be some accidental injuries.

Count Theodore said that the city lord's palace would be responsible for funding the reconstruction of the buildings damaged during the counter-insurgency.

If your temple is destroyed during the counter-rebellion, the city lord will definitely build a better one for you. "

The temple knight said sternly: "There are no rebels near the temple! If you dare to attack the temple again, you will declare war on the temple."

"Declaration of war?" Yan Xing flicked the ashes: "Are you qualified to define a declaration of war?

Can you bear the consequences of declaring war with me?

Young man, don't say anything beyond your authority. You will probably die because of your bravery, and your death will be meaningless. "

The Temple Knight knew he had spoken too loudly.

Yan Xing is not Count Theodore.

He represents Thunder Swamp.

If he really launches an attack on the temple, the temple's power on the windy highlands is not strong, so there is really nothing he can do against him.

If he destroyed the New Tower Temple under the pretext of suppressing rebellion, and the temple had no way to punish him, it would definitely be a serious blow to the temple's majesty.

Thinking about Yan Xing sending troops to support Rose Garden, Mrs. Carol often stayed in his embassy.

With the Silver Mane Principality blocking the way, the Griffin Heart Empire could not restore the majesty of the temple.

The temple knight knew that the matter was not something he was qualified to handle.

He said to Yan Xing: "Please wait a moment..."

The temple knight sent people to the temple to report what happened here to the high priest.

He continued to lead the team to block Yan Xing.

Yan Xing threw the cigarette butt on the ground and waved his hands to ask his subordinates to put down their guns.

"To serve the gods, you should serve the gods wholeheartedly... If you use the name of the gods for your own benefit, it would be the greatest blasphemy against the gods." Yan Xing said slowly to the temple knights in front of him: "In the past two days, How many innocent people died and how many people are still buried under the rubble.

How many people will be unable to spend the upcoming winter safely because they have lost their houses?

How many people there are devout believers in God.

How many people have come to the temple to pray and ask the gods to give them a happy life?

What role did the gods play in this disaster?

How will your temple tell the gods what happened here? "

Yan Xing's series of questions made the temple knights look very ugly.

They all knew that the riot in New Tower City was secretly launched by the temple, and some of them even participated in the riot disguised as mercenaries.

Temple knights have received systematic training in temples since childhood. In addition to learning combat skills and magic, they also learn how to become devout believers.

Faith gives them a stronger will and a stronger spirit of sacrifice for the temple.

They have never doubted the temple. The temple is the representative of the gods in the mortal world.

It is the object of their allegiance.

As a third party, Yan Xing questioned these temple knights, which had a huge impact on them.

Seeing that the temple knight was speechless, Yan Xing continued: "Count Theodore handed over the reconstruction project of New Tower City to my Eternal Chamber of Commerce. I feel that as a servant of God, since you are not here in this Instead of saving God's people from disasters, it is better to help them rebuild their homes.

There are still many people waiting for rescue in the ruins, and some may not survive tonight.

I hope to get things sorted out here quickly so my people can pitch in to the rescue.

I also sincerely invite you to join us in saving God’s people. "

The temple knights looked toward the dark night, their faces becoming complicated.

Yan Xing seized the opportunity to launch a psychological offensive against the temple knights.

Replies also came from the temple.

High Priest Lancelot invited Knight Yanxing to come in to discuss.

Yan Xing chuckled: "Everyone knows what happened, so don't play these tricks.

I, the Sheriff of New Tower City and the President of the Eternal Merchant Guild, would not be too much to ask High Priest Lancelot to come here for an interview.

I don't have time to waste here.

If the temple doesn’t care about God’s people, then I will save them. "

The temple knight who had been blocking Yan Xing said at this time: "Knight Yan Xing, please wait here while I go talk to the high priest."

The knight jumped off his horse and turned up the steps to the temple.

Several other temple knights also jumped off their horses and followed the knight to see the high priest.

The wait was a little longer this time.

After waiting for about an hour, High Priest Lancelot walked down from the temple surrounded by a group of priests and temple knights.

It's finally out.

Yan Xing jumped off Feiying's back.

The entourage immediately moved in folding tables and chairs and set up a negotiation venue on site.

After High Priest Lancelot came down, Yan Xing saluted him and said: "It's really difficult to see you, High Priest. I just heard that you are still resting, so I hope I didn't disturb you.

Please sit down, please sit down. "

High Priest Lancelot's face turned green, obviously trying his best to suppress his anger.

The high priest sat down heavily on the chair, and then questioned Yan Xing: "The temple is a place to serve the gods, and no blasphemy is allowed. Withdraw your troops immediately, otherwise you will bear all the consequences!"

Yan Xing sat down and replied with a smile: "High Priest, you are wrong. These people I brought are not troops, they are slaves.

The Far Lion Mercenary Group owes us money, and we are here to collect the debt from him.

High Priest, take a closer look. No one here is a city defender. "

High Priest Lancelot looked at the people behind Yan Xing.

The clothes and armor are better than those of the city defense army.

He held a gun in his hand and a cannon behind him, looking menacing.

"The members of the Far Lion Mercenary Group are praying..."

The high priest wanted to use excuses again, but Yan Xing interrupted: "This is your fault. It's so late, even the high priest is asleep, how can you have the nerve to let people disturb the gods' rest?


I seem to have discovered something very serious. High Priest, you don’t seem to be pious enough! "

The emperor is working, so you eunuch dare to sleep first.

Yan Xing put a big hat on the head of Lancelot.

The high priest's face changed color instantly.

"Don't question my faith with sophistry!"

"Then don't disturb the gods at night. When I come to you at night, you have this expression. If you find someone to talk to the gods at night, aren't you afraid that the gods will be angry?"

"God is merciful and does not blame his followers."

Yan Xing replied: "The gods are kind and will not blame the interruption of prayers. High Priest, please let Donald come out. I will talk to him about the debt and then let him go back to pray."

Lancelot didn't know when Donald owed Yan Xing money.

But just came out to talk about money...

If money can solve this matter, we can talk about it.

The high priest remembered that Yan Xing was a businessman, and he seemed to be a very greedy businessman.

He must have wanted to take the opportunity to extort money.

And he had great influence over Count Theodore.

Paying some money secretly to settle such a difficult matter might be a solution.

"Yes, God is merciful." Lancelot asked someone to call Donald, and then said to Yan Xing: "If the Far Lion Mercenary Group really owes you money, I will definitely let them give it to you." Back to you."

"Thank you, High Priest."

After a while, Donald was brought out by two Temple Knights.

Donald was in bad spirits.

The surrounded elf emissaries just ran away from under his nose.

In order for him to easily capture the elf emissary, the temple even launched a riot to create opportunities for him.

As a result, hundreds of mercenaries from Far Lion could not capture four elves.

Now the urban riots were quickly put down by Count Theodore, the Fal Lion mercenary group was dispersed, and Donald only fled into the temple with some of his cronies.

After knowing that the city defense army surrounded the temple, Donald had been worried about his fate.

Although the high priest promised to protect his own safety, Donald knew that this guarantee was not safe.

But staying in the temple can still be a gamble on luck. If it falls into the hands of Count Theodore, he, the "mastermind" of the rebellion, will die.

Therefore, Donald at this time was not as high-spirited as before.

He walked up behind the high priest obediently and said softly: "High priest, what's the matter with you calling me here?"

High Priest Lancelot said: "This is Knight Yanxing of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce. He said you owe him money.

Is there such a thing? "

"Money owed to the Eternal Chamber of Commerce?" Donald didn't expect that he was called out for such a thing. But he immediately figured out that Yan Xing must have wanted to use this excuse to trick him out, and then hand him over to Earl Theodore for trial. He immediately said: "No, I absolutely do not owe the Eternal Chamber of Commerce any money."

After hearing Donald's denial, the high priest said to Yan Xing: "Knight Yan Xing, do you have any proof for the money that the Fal Lion Mercenary Group owes you?"

"Of course there is..."

Yan Xing took out a piece of paper and read: "The Far Lion Mercenary Group owes Yongheng 300,000 gold. If it is not paid back, it can be repaid with labor.

The Far Lion Mercenary Group will go to the Eternal Territory to pay debt compensation for Lord Yanxing after working for thirty years.

During the period of repaying the debt, the Far Lion Mercenary Group guaranteed their absolute loyalty to Lord Yanxing.

Lord Yanxing will also provide the Far Lion Mercenary Group with funds and weapons for the development of the mercenary group, and pay the members' salaries and bonuses.

At the same time, it provides protection for the Fal Lion mercenaries.

There is your signature on the back, Captain Donald, you have to acknowledge it! "

After Yan Xing finished reading this "IOU" which didn't look like an IOU at all.

Everyone present understood the purpose of Yan Xing coming to ask for the account.

At this time, Eddie behind Yan Xing shouted: "Master Yan Xing, you must keep your word!"

All the guild mercenaries shouted in unison: "Master Yan Xing, you must do what you say!"

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