The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 287 Welcome the Elf Army

"I also hope this is a joke..." Mrs. Carol smiled melancholy: "But the elves are indeed waiting for us to save them.

If Knight Yanxing really can't come, we'll set off now. "

Aranda didn't waste any time. She took Mrs. Carol on Yanxing's exclusive carriage.

After the team arrived, the convoy started to leave Bloodcrown Mountain City and continued to move north along Thunder Swamp Avenue.

Mrs. Carol sat in the carriage and looked carefully at everything she saw.

The civilization of Blood Crown Mountain City is very extreme.

At first glance, most of the werewolves and lizardmen looked like uncivilized barbarians. They were rough and rough, naked, and used bone and stone tools.

A small number of werewolves and lizardmen wear clothing or armor with the characteristics of the Eternal Collar. They looked very high-spirited and walked on the road like heroes. You can see their proud mentality.

Moreover, Mrs. Carol also noticed that all the currencies used for transactions here were food stamps from the Eternal Food Bank.

After leaving Xueguan Mountain City, you can see large areas of paddy fields and pools that have been reclaimed.

Snake-skinned bison and swamp lizards were working inside under the guidance of trainers, and from time to time, golden carp as big as a wheel jumped out from under the pool.

This kind of carp is a species that Yan Xing introduced from the real world. He first cultivated it in the pools around Blood Crown Mountain City to observe how the carp from the real world would change in the magical world.

Same as chickens and horses.

Carp from the real world soon became heavily demonized. The demonized carp grows in size and releases water magic.

Fortunately, in a small pool, these demonized carp cannot make waves.

After the carp breeds the second generation, the probability of becoming demonized will drop significantly. At that time, this modernly improved and fast-growing freshwater fish can be widely cultivated in swamps.

With the experience of carp, Yanxing is also preparing to gradually introduce fish and shrimp from different water layers to make full use of the water space.

There is already the prototype of a land of plenty around Blood Crown Mountain City.

Mrs. Carol also seemed to see the prosperity here in the future.

Yan Xing is already so powerful now. When he taps out all the production potential of Thunder Swamp, he doesn't know what kind of behemoth he will face at that time.

"Miss Aranda, are these alchemy transport trucks behind you the 'trucks' you made in cooperation with the Goblin Alchemy Factory?"

Mrs. Carol became very interested in trucks.

This kind of vehicle, which has a large load capacity and can be operated without animal power, is of extraordinary strategic significance.

If Silvermane Principality had a large number of such trucks, it could transport a large number of troops to Storm City as quickly as possible.

Maybe it can change the situation in Storm City at this time.

If owned by Marquis Anderson the truck. His materials and personnel can move quickly within the built road network and take more initiative.

If the trucks are owned by orcs, humanity's northern frontier will never have peace.

What kind of monster was created by the Eternal Leader!

Aranda does not have Mrs. Carol's long-term strategic vision. To her, trucks are just a high-speed, cheap, and high-capacity means of transportation.

Because Yan Xing wanted to promote trucks, Aranda told Carol something about trucks.

She first introduced the process of Yan Xing and Goblin Gaga cooperating to establish the Truck Transformation Research Institute.

Some truck parameters were also explained in detail.

The more Mrs. Carol listened, the more frightened she became.

She originally thought that this kind of alchemical vehicle must be a high-energy-consuming alchemical equipment like the heavy-duty alchemical golem. But who would have thought that a truck powered by rare alchemical resources would consume unimaginably low energy.

For long-distance transportation, the transportation cost of using trucks is even lower than using animal power.

" is this done?"

Mrs. Carol couldn't figure it out.

Because according to alchemy experience, the larger the volume of mechanical movement alchemy equipment, the loss in driving will inevitably increase in a stepwise proportion.

One of the main reasons why heavy-duty alchemical golems are not used on a large scale is that they consume too much energy.

Aranda didn't know how to answer Mrs. Carol's question.

"I don't know how Lord Yan Xing did it. The alchemy of the Eternal Territory has been subverting my understanding of alchemy.

Perhaps only the alchemists in the Cloud Tower can understand such superb alchemy. "

Mrs. Carol also sighed: "Yes, the alchemy mastered by the Eternal Territory is comparable to the tower in the clouds.

I just don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing? "


Faced with Aranda's question, Mrs. Carol just smiled and did not answer.

Thunder Swamp Avenue has just been built and the road is very smooth. The swamp tribesmen encountered along the road consciously retreated to both sides after seeing the convoy of Master Yanxing, the eternal leader.

The team of chariots and horses moved very fast, and came out of the northern end of Thunder Swamp in the evening.

On the northern edge of Thunder Swamp, a lateral road is under construction.

This is the northern section of the Thunder Swamp outer ring route planned by Yanxing.

The eastern and western lines are also under construction.

There is also an avenue that runs from the middle to the east and west of the swamp, forming the main road framework of Thunder Swamp.

The road under construction in the eyes of the convoy headed west, filled with summoned werewolf laborers along the way. They gathered in temporary engineering camps along the roadside, lighting bonfires and cooking.

Singing traditional songs with a rhythmic howl.

It can be heard that the werewolves are very satisfied with their current life.

Soon after reaching the end of the road, the team entered the grassland, and their marching speed slowed down significantly.

However, after the night completely darkened, we met the marching elf forward.

The elven warriors were all in a very low mood.

The road back was cut off and the future was bleak.

Having to accept the protection of the Swamp Clan is difficult for the arrogant Elf Clan to accept.

Facing the unknown army that suddenly encountered them at night, the elven forwards immediately assumed a fighting stance.

A group of elven heroes riding unicorns stood in front and jointly launched a continuous defensive wall.

Behind the unicorn, the elf hunters lined up in three rows with their bows fully drawn, arrows pointing diagonally upward.

Then the Elf Sword Dancer spread out its wings.

The druids chanted incantations, unleashing defensive and buff magic on the entire army.

The Pegasus knights took off and formed a circular defensive array while hovering, providing air cover for their own troops.

At the very back, a tree spirit more than ten meters tall walked forward slowly. UU reading www.uukanshu. nettThe branches on the tree spirit's body are covered with exquisite flower fairies.

Elf forces:

The first-level flower fairy and the second-level flower demon.

Third level sword dancer, fourth level war dancer

Level 5 Elf Hunter, Level 6 Secret Archer

Seventh level druid, eighth level advanced druid

Seventh-level Pegasus Knight, eighth-level Silver Pegasus Knight

Ninth-level unicorn, tenth-level silver unicorn

Eleventh level tree spirit, twelfth level ancient tree spirit

Encountering a sophisticated army at night made the elves a little panicked.

A strong wind blew again in the wilderness, and the roar sounded like enemies pressing up from all sides.


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