The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 5

Growth: A

Sustainability: A

Range: B

Ability: Nightmare Prey

Crazy Hell will mark its own target. If the target has a sense of fear of Crazy Hell (Rope) within the effective range, then Crazy Hell can plunder the most outstanding ability of the target. This effect can be permanent or temporary sex.

Note: E is the standard for normal males, and the next level is double that of E. '

The destructive power, speed, and precision are all poor, but the range and sustaining power are above B, and this ability...

Luo Pei stroked his chin, thinking thoughtfully.

"A mid-range capable stand-in?"

Luo Pei controlled Mad Hell and walked to a position 20 meters in front of him. When he realized that he couldn't go out anymore, he stopped, then clenched his fists wrapped in tiny chains, and slammed his fist at the big tree next to him.


With a loud noise, the thick, big old tree that could be hugged by a person slowly fell down, and the sound startled countless birds in the woods.

"It doesn't appear to be weak, it looks like it really drew a good card." Luo Pei summoned Madness Hell to his side again.

"Then what about abilities..."

Luo Pei closed his eyes and carefully felt the double connected with his blood, intending to find the buried ability from it.

Then, he snapped his eyes open.


With a roar from Luo Pei, the crazy hell behind him shot out from his palm. A streak of black dark matter was emitted, and a dark grimace was etched on the target tree.

"Is it ineffective against inorganic substances?" Luo Pei thought while rubbing his chin. "No, it should be ineffective against creatures that can't produce fear. It's really a very good ability, but I don't know if it can plunder other people's special abilities, such as Tohno Shiki's magic eye..."

Thinking of this, Luo Pei suddenly felt a little funny to himself. In this war that no one can guarantee, he would actually start to be complacent just because he acquired a little bit of insignificant ability.

"Well, let's talk about this later, if we can survive this war."

Luo Pei stretched his waist and took the mad hell back into his body. After his vitality increased, his waist, which was originally damaged by staying in front of the computer all day, was completely healed. Not only that, but the whole person felt a sense of relief, just like a patient recovering from a long illness.

"The goal now is to find a foothold, and then find out where all the battles broke out in the anime. Well, it would be even better if I could find out the addresses of those Masters. After all, as a time traveler, I only have this little advantage. ..."

Luo Pei looked at the convenience store next to him, and then pulled a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth.

"The other thing is to further deepen my understanding of my abilities..."

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked towards the convenience store next to him.


Luo Pei pushed open the door, and the clerk bowed very politely, and then went on with her own business.

Looking around, it is a very ordinary store, maybe the store manager is busy with something in the back, only the clerk and girl are working in the whole store.

"Hey, woman, what are you best at?" Luo Pei asked casually.


The clerk girl responded with a confused smile on her face. "What's the matter with this guest?"

Oops, I might have met a weirdo. The clerk girl thought distressedly.

"Didn't you hear me? I'm asking what you're good at." Luo Pei was getting impatient.

Whenever I talk to strangers, no matter men or women, if the other party fails to give me a satisfactory answer for a long time, then I will feel uncontrollable anxiety in my heart.

Although Rope hates this, there is no way to change his personality.

"" Seeing that the customer couldn't be bothered, the clerk who insisted on serving with heart was embarrassed, but she still said what she was good at.

"Cooking? It's just cooking, right? Well, I just don't know how to do it, so I'll try it with you."

Luo Pei moved his wrist and walked quickly towards the clerk.

"This guest?... Mmm!!"

Afterwards, that girl was knocked out by the Madness Hell, and resisted into the grove just now.

Chapter 3 Crazy Hell. Nightmare Plunder

"The ability of Madness Hell has great limitations..."

Luo Pei kept holding his palms, feeling the sudden but extremely familiar cooking skills. He believes that if he is given a piece of lettuce now, he can make at least three different dishes, which is an ability he never had before.

He glanced at the fainted clerk. There was still a sense of helpless fear on her face, which made people unable to help but hold her in his arms and love her tenderly.

Of course, Luo Pei did not do anything indescribable. There are too many factors that can scare a girl, so many that he just frightened him casually. Proper threats are enough to achieve the premise of "Nightmare Plunder" up.

"This ability is no disadvantage to ordinary people, as long as you know how to make them fear." Luo Pei shook his head in distress. "It's too unrealistic to think about using it to deal with Heroic Spirits."

Heroic spirits are the existences of heroes whose great achievements are left as legends after death and who have become objects of faith.

This kind of existence will be proud, heroic, cautious, and even perform behaviors that ordinary people cannot understand. However, one thing will not change.

——Heroes who have overcome unimaginable difficulties will never have the emotion of 'fear'!

"Sure enough, if you want to win, you have to start with the Masters..." Luo Pei rubbed his chin and turned his gaze to the shop assistant on the ground.

"Hey, wake up, now is not the time to sleep, the experiment is not over yet."

Luo Pei patted the face of the clerk, waking her up from the coma of shock.


The beautiful brown pupils suddenly woke up after a moment of confusion, and when she looked at Luo Pei, the recovery of memory drove her to subconsciously open her mouth and shout.

But Rope won't let her do so.

"Miss, I don't have any malicious intentions. As long as you are obedient, you won't get hurt. If you resist like before, it won't be solved by coma. Do you understand?" Luo Pei covered her mouth with one hand, Said lightly.


The clerk kept nodding her head to show that she had understood, and Luo Pei let go of her palm when she saw this.

"Ahem... what on earth are you trying to do... don't expect me to let you go if you do such a thing!" The clerk glared at Luo Pei viciously, but the fear in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

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