The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 72

"...Rope, I want to kill Tokiomi Tohsaka."

After being silent for a while, Matou Kariya stated the ultimate purpose of meeting Luo Pei today.

"I know I don't have much life left, so I want you to help me see how much time I have left. Also, I need your assistance regarding the killing of Tohsaka Tokiomi."

"Three days."

Luo Pei squinted his eyes and continued. "It won't be more than four days at the latest. The imprinted worms have almost eaten your body. Now you can breathe only because they have replaced the organs that used to be, helping you to continue your life. However, this is probably also to drain your body. Your last sliver of worth."

He picked up the cup and said again. "Tohsaka Tokiomi is my enemy in the first place, and you've also helped me, so I will cooperate with you in any case."

"Thank you so much, tonight we'll..."


Before Kariya Matou finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Pei who suddenly raised his voice.

"I'm curious, is the reason why you killed Tohsaka Tokichen really because he trampled on Tohsaka Aoi's happiness...or is it actually your jealousy at work?"


Kariya stared at the swaying water in the cup, an ugly face was reflected in it.

After a long time, he answered Luo Pei with a bitter and hoarse voice.

"Perhaps...all of them." He kept shaking his index finger, showing his uneasiness.

"I'm jealous of him, and I hate him. It's he who made Miss Aoi look sad now. Sometimes I think, wouldn't it be fine if Miss Aoi chose me at the time... But no, I ran away , without a trace of hesitation, and escaped under Zou Yan's power. At that time, I knew that I and Miss Aoi would become parallel lines that would never intersect, and now I killed him only for the sake of Miss Aoi's future. Happiness, no other delusions."

"It's sad, what will Aoi Tohsaka think when she finds out that you killed Shichen? Do you think she is the kind of woman who smiles and smiles at you who killed her husband?"

Luo Pei sneered at Kariya whose mind was dazzled by hatred.

"She is just a cowardly woman. The only thing she will do is to curse you for the rest of her life, and curse your soul to suffer forever in hell. Except for Sakura and me, no one will admire your sacrifice, including your most admired Mrs. Tohsaka."

"Miss Aoi is not that kind of person...but, but what can I do?"

Kariya held his head and lowered it deeply. "I can only think of killing Tohsaka Tokiomi to save them. Sooner or later Miss Aoi will be killed by that guy."

"Let me do it."

Luo Pei pondered and made a decision.

"You Tohsaka Aoi know you are the Master, right?"

"Yes." Kariya nodded.

"When did you guys tell her... Forget it, Aoi Tohsaka doesn't know much about magic. Listen, I'll pretend to be a robber today and 'kidnap' Aoi and Rin and move them to a safe place , and then we attacked Tohsaka’s house at the confluence and killed Tohsaka Tokiomi. When the unknowing Tohsaka Aoi got the bad news, he would only think that someone else killed her husband, and would not suspect that the dead on you."

"Is this really okay..."

"After all, you have no better way. Don't worry, I won't hurt them."

Luo Pei took out a few coins from his pocket and arranged them on the table.

"Just play the role of a 'good guy' until the end of your life... This is the last thing I can do to help."


Chapter 66 Infiltrating

After coming out of the coffee shop, Luo Pei didn't choose to go back to the hotel, but directly took the bus to Shenshan Town.

The main reason for putting forward that condition was to let Kariya Matou go away more peacefully. After all, he himself doesn't agree with Kariya's going to find time trouble at this juncture. Saber has just concluded a contract, and Rider and Archer haven't killed each other yet, so it doesn't constitute the most favorable conditions.

But judging by the way that guy is about to die, no amount of persuasion will work, so Luo Pei can only go together, trying to maximize the odds of winning.

As for Rider... at worst, he can solve it himself.

"I remember coming this way..."

Luo Pei followed the direction in his memory and walked towards his destination, Chancheng's house.

In about twenty minutes, he found the familiar iron gate, but compared to the last time he came here, Luo Pei himself has undergone a qualitative change.

"I've never done this before. Should I break the door or sneak in?"

After thinking about it, Luo Pei still decided to sneak in. This kind of mansion usually should have an alarm system. If the police are provoked at that time, then they have to use hint magic to send them away, which is too troublesome.

"All in all, put on a mask first, and do it professionally if you want."

Of course he didn't buy a pair of pantyhose to put on his head, that would make him look like a hentai instead of a robber.

After groping around, Luo Pei took out an Ultraman mask from the inside of his jacket. Thanks to Tsuburaya's production, this kind of thing can be bought casually on the street.

Then there's a dagger - Japan's gun control is also very strict.


Luo Pei put the dagger in his mouth and climbed up the tree next to him.

The former champion of overcoming the wall in the grade fell here, and even robbed orphans and widowed mothers... It's really embarrassing.

Across the flowers in the vestibule, Rope kept walking in the shadows, carefully crossing the magic trap——

According to his current magic attainments, it doesn't matter to dismantle it directly. Anyway, one of the house is a full-time mother, and the other is a young magician apprentice. No matter what happens, Rope can easily deal with it. The only thing that makes him not want to do this is only one reason...

--Assassin's Creed.

As a diehard fan of Ubisoft, Luo Pei has long wanted to do this once, how can he crush all the way now that he finally has the opportunity? That is too unaesthetic.

He used strengthening magic to enhance his arm strength, grabbed the water pipe on the side of the house and climbed up bit by bit, finally stopped at the window on the second floor, turned over and entered the interior of the room.

"Madam Wo brought you water!" Luo Pei shouted happily.

Unfortunately, no one.

The room was empty, and the bed had been neatly folded.

"I'm not here, I'm so disappointed..." Curling her lips, Luo Pei casually picked up the freshly brewed tea on the table and drank it in one gulp, then looked around the room.

It was a very simple structure, the door of the wardrobe was open, and except for two western dresses, the rest were plain kimonos. The rest of the furniture was similar, the only one that was a little more ornate was the old wooden dressing table with expensive-looking cosmetics on it.

"Is it downstairs? It's a pity, and I plan to surprise her."

Luo Pei tapped the palm of his hand with a knife, made a 'papa' sound, deliberately did not hide his footsteps, pushed open the door, and walked downstairs.

When passing the corner of the stairs, Luo Pei subconsciously slowed down his pace, bowed slightly and looked at the hall downstairs through the gap.

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