The Epic Revenge

Chapter 206: ask for a gift

Atmosphere is a strange thing that can be destroyed by a single sentence.

When watching the movie, Gu Qingzhou was in a good mood.

Si Xingpei's words silenced Gu Qingzhou, her bright brows and eyes were stained with a thin layer of frost, and her slender hands were folded, motionless, and her body was a little stiff.

The cinema is very stuffy, with only silent film, projecting images in black and white.

Gu Qingzhou didn't speak any more.

Si Xingpei noticed her unhappiness, so he reached out and pulled her hand over to hold it.

Her palms were cold, and even a little wet, Si Xingpei was very distressed and said, "Qingzhou, I promised you that I would not touch you until you were eighteen years old, I will not break my promise, don't be afraid!"

He was just teasing her, he never thought about sleeping with her now.

Si Xingpei can still manage this matter of his own body.

From the first meeting, Si Xingpei tore her clothes, and from that time on, he knew that her initiative could only be his.

He is determined and persistent, and he will not be impatient. He waited calmly, waiting for her maturity, waiting for the day when she said she would volunteer.

Gu Qingzhou hummed, the voice was very soft and slow.

The ending of the film is tragic, and the film critics in the newspaper said that many people will be sad for half a month.

Gu Qingzhou didn't cry, Rao played so well, much better than the theater, she didn't feel sad, but relieved: there was someone worse than her.

In Si Xingpei's heart, except for the piece that pretends to be Gu Qingzhou warm and soft, the rest is harder than a stone. The tragic TV series seems to him to be moaning, and he doesn't feel it at all.

The two of them were probably the only men and women who saw the movie and didn't cry.

"I really like movie stars, take me to see Yunlang another day." Gu Qingzhou said.

"You don't need to see her. If you want to see her, I will give her an order and let her come over." Si Xingpei said.

Yun Lang now lives in Peiping, but she doesn't have any strong backers. Besides, she has been favored by Si Xingpei. If Si Xingpei sends her a telegram, she will definitely come.

"No no, she's a famous actor, and famous actors are very pretentious. I would like her to be pretentious. If she puts down her figure, it will be tacky, but there is nothing to see." Gu Qingzhou said.

Si Xingpei laughed.

Gu Qingzhou's sometimes insights won Si Xingpei's heart.

At the end of the movie, Si Xingpei sighed slightly, and he gently kissed Gu Qingzhou.

It was a little cold in the cinema, Si Xingpei's lips were very hot and warm, and they fell on Gu Qingzhou's lips, as if imprinted into her heart.

She closed her eyes lightly, and placed her hands in his arms gently, neither rejecting nor accepting.

This is Gu Qingzhou, the calm Gu Qingzhou.

When returning to Si Xingpei's annex, Si Xingpei prepared to cook dumplings for Gu Qingzhou to eat.

In the old customs of Yuecheng, glutinous rice **** are eaten on New Year's Eve and glutinous rice **** on Shangyuan Festival.

Sister Zhu made the glutinous rice **** yesterday. There are sesame fillings and peanut fillings.

Si Xingpei put down a few of each, then took out a small bowl and handed it to Gu Qingzhou: "The glutinous rice **** are wrapped in silver scorpions. If you eat them, you will have a whole year of good luck this year."

any luck?

What Gu Qingzhou needs most this year is probably good luck, right?

She nodded with a smile: "Thank you."

As a result, in her bowl of dumplings, she ate two small silver coins.

"Qingzhou will be a good thing this year." Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou knew that these dumplings were marked, and Si Xingpei deliberately put them in her bowl to make her happy.

Knowing that it was intentional, she couldn't help but smile, revealing her tiny white teeth. Every time she laughs like this, it shows that she is in a really good mood and is happy to let go of all her guards.

"Qingzhou, what's unhappy is left in the old year, this year is happy, okay?" Si Xingpei gently touched her head and asked in a low voice.

"Okay." Gu Qingzhou said sincerely.

Si Xingpei kissed her lips.

The two were in a good mood, and Si Xingpei took the opportunity to make a request.

"Can you knit a sweater?" Si Xingpei asked her.

There are very few knitters now, because machines can make them in factories, which are better than manual ones.

"No." Gu Qingzhou said truthfully.

"Then learn from Mrs. Zhu. Qingzhou, knit a sweater for me." Si Xingpei put his lips between her eyebrows and kissed gently.

The center of the forehead is where the soul of a person is. He kissed it, as if he had captured Gu Qingzhou's three souls and seven souls, and her thoughts were moved by him.

After a long time, Gu Qingzhou refused: "Your arms are so long that you will be exhausted just knitting your sleeves, not to mention you are so tall."

After a pause, seeing Si Xingpei's expression slightly restrained, Gu Qingzhou continued, "It won't be cold for long this year. When the first month passes, the sweater will not be able to be worn. You didn't want it last year, but this year, why are you crazy?"

What's crazy?

On New Year's Eve, the Overseer's Mansion hosted a banquet for high-ranking officials of the military government. One of the lieutenants wore a silver-grey sweater, happily saying that it was knitted by Xinna's concubine.

Si Xingpei was very jealous at the time.

He also wanted Gu Qingzhou to knit one piece for him, and he would wear it outside like a baby for everyone to see.

Gu Qingzhou's refusal was straightforward, Si Xingpei narrowed his eyes and looked at her with a dangerous light.

His eyes were so sharp and ruthless that Gu Qingzhou had nowhere to hide.

Later, she thought that promising to knit a sweater for him would appease him a little, maybe he would relax his vigilance and make Gu Qingzhou's travel plan smoother.

"I don't weave!" Gu Qingzhou thought about it, and he already had a plan, so he simply refused him. Reject first, and then agree, it is worthwhile.

Si Xingpei got up and pushed her down on the sofa.

The sofa is very soft, Gu Qingzhou's body is even softer, Si Xingpei is deeply immersed in it, as if he has fallen, and he has fallen into this woman helplessly.

Si Xingpei is not panicked, falling in love with someone is a skill, and everyone will fall in love with other people.

Sometimes people look for something, but they don't meet the destined woman. He, Si Xingpei, met.

He was so lucky, and he was confident that she would love him too!

Not yet, but definitely in the future.

When you don't love, you can say a lot of promises casually. Once you fall in love, those words are heavy and stuck in your heart.

Commitment becomes expensive with sincerity.

He kissed her softly, lingeringly.

When Gu Qingzhou couldn't bear it any longer, he was relieved: "I'll knit you a scarf, it's easier that way."

Si Xingpei tapped her nose lightly: "Weave a scarf first, then a sweater."

"You are insatiable!" Gu Qingzhou's soul-like eyes were full of anger. She was angry and thought she was very intimidating, but in Si Xingpei's eyes, she was full of amorous feelings.

In particular, the flow of the eyes, like Qionghua like a clear spring.

They bargained, and Gu Qingzhou finally agreed to knit a sweater and scarf for Si Xingpei.

"Alright then, I'll only knit a sweater for you. I've agreed, don't ask for anything else later." Gu Qingzhou said.

Sweaters are difficult. It is estimated that they will not be knitted until the end of the year. Gu Qingzhou said, "You are not in a hurry to wear them anyway."

"You're so lazy!" Si Xingpei said, and at the same time gave in a step, "As long as you are willing to weave, I like it whenever it is done."

So Si Xingpei asked Mrs. Zhu to buy needles and wool.

He himself likes dark black wool, and Gu Qingzhou thinks azure looks good.

She has always liked men to wear azure clothes, gentle and graceful.

"Whatever you want." Si Xingpei agreed not to compete with her on such trivial matters.

Sister-in-law Zhu taught Gu Qingzhou to start from the bottom of the sweater and hit it all the way up until the end of work, and then leave a hole to hit the sleeves.

After two hours of study, Gu Qingzhou learned a few stitches, and she chose the easiest one. It's not that she's lazy, but that the man's sweater is not good-looking, and the simple needlework looks calm.

Knowing what to do, Gu Qingzhou measures the size for Si Xingpei.

While measuring with a ruler, she wrote it down in a small notebook, very attentively.

Si Xingpei looked at her, she took care of her body to write the size, a strand of blue silk fell on her cheek as white as jade, looking charming, and his heart was surprisingly quiet.

The whole world was so silent that there was only her in front of her.

Her frown and smile bloomed in his heart, the whole heart swayed with flowers and shadows, and Si Xingpei was in a good mood.

"Written?" Si Xingpei asked her.

Gu Qingzhou nodded.

He took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist. In his arms, she was extraordinarily petite and exquisite.

Si Xingpei lowered his head against her forehead, and said, "Remember, your man's clothes will be bought by you in the future. It's a lifetime thing!"

Gu Qingzhou bit his lips silently.

Si Xingpei felt that he was his woman after sleeping, while Gu Qingzhou felt that only Mingmi who was marrying her would be her husband.

When two people's ideas are completely different, and neither can convince the other, arguing is meaningless.

Gu Qingzhou was already trying to restrain himself. When restraining, she also has to show a little edge, it is not her to be submissive, Si Xingpei will see the clue.

"I'm not a servant!" she muttered.

Si Xingpei laughed.

This evening was not bad, Si Xingpei took out a very delicate little box and packed the silver scorpions she ate from the dumplings.

The case is small, like a small pocket watch, and can even be worn on the body.

"This is a lucky talisman, it can bless Qingzhou's wishes come true." Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou took it seriously.

After thinking about it, she hung it around her neck.

Perhaps, these two little silver scorpions can really bless her and escape from Si Xingpei's hands.

The next morning, when Si Xingpei rolled over and got up, Gu Qingzhou also woke up, she opened her eyes and half sat up.

He was standing in front of the bed getting dressed, tall and slender, with a strong and dignified military uniform.

Si Xingpei, who was wearing a military uniform, showed killing and cruelty all over his body, which was different from his appearance in civilian clothes.

He leaned over and kissed Gu Qingzhou's forehead: "Qingzhou, I'm going to the station. I have to go to Suzhou in a few days. Maybe I'll be back at the Yuan Festival. Be good at home."

Gu Qingzhou hummed.

"Get the sweater ready for me soon." Si Xingpei said again.

Gu Qingzhou hummed again.

He leaned over and kissed her lips again. The medal of the military uniform was bright and hard, and it was also a little cold. It fell on her through Gu Qingzhou's pajamas.

She shivered slightly.

Si Xingpei kissed and kissed before leaving.

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