The Epic Revenge

Chapter 229: get well

Huo Yue carried Nie Yan up and squeezed the water out of her lungs. Nie Yan became conscious after a while. .

She cried and yelled, "Murderer, devil! Get off, you both!"

She staggered to run, for fear that Huo Yue would help Gu Qingzhou to kill her. At this time, she was terrified and did not consider her motives at all.

If it's normal, think about it and know it's weird!

Huo Yue held her back: "Sister Yan, Qingzhou was treating you just now!"

"You lied, get out of here!" Nie Yan's soul was so frightened that she slapped Huo Yue hard, scratched and scratched, and touched Huo Yue's eyes.

Huo Yue was in pain, and as soon as the strength in his hands loosened, Nie Yan broke free and ran.

She is very strong.

He ran quickly, and disappeared in the back of the corridor in an instant. Neither Huo Yue nor Gu Qingzhou could react.

Nie Yan was running for her life.

She escaped from the backyard, immediately rang the bell to call all the servants, and called the patrol room at the same time.

Soon, people from the French Concession patrol room arrived.

When Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue arrived in the hall, they heard Nie Yan on the phone, crying and shouting at the other end of the phone in very mellow and smooth French.

It was presumably a call to her husband.

Nie Yan and her husband, Ambassador Lamport, went to France for medical treatment. Their children were still in Nanjing, and there were only a few servants at home.

These few days, Lampert has taken care of some government affairs by the way, and he doesn't have much time at home.

"Master Huo, what's going on here?" The people in the French Concession patrol room knew Huo Yue, and they had received Huo Yue's favor. They dared not let them arrest someone.

This is the leader of the Green Gang.

The French will leave, the Green Gang will always be in China, and these small Chinese patrols also have relatives and friends who offend the Green Gang.

No matter how powerful the French are, they can't match the Green Gang.

The patrolman stood beside him, not daring to make trouble.

"It's okay." Huo Yue was indifferent, gently lifted the hem of his clothes, and sat on the sofa.

Several patrol officers looked at each other, they were all Chinese, and they were all afraid of Huo Yue. Huo Yue made it clear that he didn't want to explain, but they didn't dare to ask.

Huo Yue is one of the kings of **** in Yuecheng.

After Nie Yan finished the phone call, she was tightly wrapped in the woolen blanket handed by the servant, her hair was dripping all the time, her makeup was all smeared, her eyeliner was dizzy, her eyes were black, and with her pale face, she was very ghostly. .

Several patrol officers lowered their heads subconsciously and dared not look at her, panicking!

"What are you doing, arrest them! Arrest that woman, she is going to murder me and the counselor's wife!" Nie Yan shouted hysterically.

Huo Yue sat still: "Sister Yan, you have to trust me, Qingzhou is here to treat you."

"At this time, you are still saying these light words? I'm about to die, I believe you?" Nie Yan wanted to cry and laugh again, her face was hideous.

She was scared crazy by Gu Qingzhou.

Her hair was dripping all the time, and her face was wet, not from the swimming pool, but full of sweat.

Nie Yan hasn't sweated so much for a long time.

When she was struggling in the swimming pool, it was a struggle to survive, showing how hard she used her strength; then she ran out of the backyard and ran all the way, never running so fast.

"Ayue, why am I sorry for you, you used such a poisonous plan to harm me?" After speaking, Nie Yan came from her heart, her face changed, and she choked and cried.

Ambassador Lamport returned at this time.

The counselor was not tall, but he was very fat, about fifty years old, with a thick beard and blue eyes.

Nie Yan jumped into his arms and cried.

He comforted his sweet wife.

Nie Yan's emotions couldn't be calmed down, and she kept talking in French, like a bamboo tube to a bean, Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue couldn't understand.

Ambassador Lamport said to Huo Yue: "Huo Longtou, please go out, we will not welcome you in the future."

His Chinese is relatively fluent, with a poor accent, but there is no problem with his expression.

Although he is a French consul, he also understands the current situation. Strong dragons do not overwhelm the locals. People like Huo Yue, who control the three religions and nine streams of Yuecheng, had better not offend him too much.

They were just passing by and didn't want to get revenge.

Huo Yue stood up: "I'll take my leave first."

Gu Qingzhou followed Huo Yue and walked out of the door of Lamport's house.

After getting in the car, Huo Yue first apologized to Gu Qingzhou: "I'm really sorry for you today..."

"I didn't put us in the patrol room, I just looked at your face, Mr. Huo. Besides, I don't know what I did?" Gu Qingzhou smiled.

Huo Yue heaved a sigh of relief.

"Qingzhou, why did you do that?" Huo Yue asked at this time.

why? Heal.

Gu Qingzhou told Huo Yue about her treatment method.

Huo Yue listened and asked, "Is it really effective?"

"If you have doubts, just wait and see." Gu Qingzhou smiled, "We will know the result the day after tomorrow at the latest."

At the Lampert house, Nie Yan took a hot bath.

The fireplace was on fire, and she sat in front of it, wiping her hair, tears still running down her face.

Her husband comforted her.

Nie Yan couldn't help but feel sad.

"I've been through life and death. That girl, only seventeen or eighteen years old, has such a vicious heart. She knew that I was sick and that I was afraid of the cold, but she pushed me into the pool." Nie Yan cried. , "Isn't this fatal?"

Her husband took her hand.

Nie Yan cried again: "I trust my old friend too much, and I think that Huo Yue is the leader of a party. If I can help you a little bit, I will reminisce about the old relationship. How do I know that he has bad thoughts!"

Her husband is a very wise old man.

After pondering for a moment, her husband, Mr. Lamport, said: "This is a bit strange. What kind of thing is it to kill you and harm you in our yard?"

"It's my fault, I said something unpleasant," Nie Yan said.

She tried her best to prove that Gu Qingzhou just wanted to kill her.

Her husband shook his head: "That's not true! Huo Yue can't just ignore it. I think it's a little strange. We ignored it."

Nie Yan felt that her husband was not in the same mind with her, and she was instantly disheartened.

The servant cooked the porridge, and Nie Yan ate two bowls of hot bowls in one go. She went to bed after sweating all over her head.

In her house, the earth dragon and the fireplace were burnt, and the warmth was roaming.

Her husband was fat and afraid of the heat, so he stayed upstairs temporarily and did not live with her.

Nie Yan was lying on the bed, thinking about what happened today, and feeling very down.

Her rare body warmed.

Too tired and deeply hit, Nie Yan fell asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, she woke up hot, wiped her back, covered in sweat.

"Come on, open the window, why is it so hot?" Nie Yan was so irritated.

The servant had been setting up a small couch at the door to take care of her at night. Hearing this, he entered the bedroom, only to see Nie Yan in a daze.

Nie Yan was rubbing her forehead vigorously, then her back, then staring at her hands in a daze, with a ecstatic expression on her face.

"Hot, hot!" Nie Yan repeated in a strange voice, as if she was laughing and crying.

The servant asked in a low voice, "Madam, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm sweating, I slept covered in sweat!" Nie Yan choked and laughed, "I'm hot!"

Since she fell ill, she had covered the quilt in the hot summer and had woken up with a dry and slightly cool body. She had never slept so dry before.

Now, in Yuecheng, where the spring is cold, she is sweating for the first time.

She stood at the window, the wind was blowing on her face, it was cold, comfortable and cold, no longer biting cold.

Nie Yan looked like she was going crazy, laughing and weeping.

"Quick, give me the phone!" Nie Yan said.

She sat on the bed and called Huo Yue.

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, and Huo Yue was in a daze when he received the call.

The voice on the other end of the phone was too weird, and Huo Yue suddenly woke up.

"I'm healed, Ayue!" Nie Yan's voice was crying and smiling, "I'm sweating a lot!"

For normal people, sweating is normal, but for Nie Yan, it is the beginning of recovery.

"Don't freeze, it's hard to get better, so hurry up and lie down on the bed and cover it tightly." Huo Yue said, "Tomorrow morning, I'll take Qingzhou to see you for a follow-up."

Speaking of Gu Qingzhou, Nie Yan was a little embarrassed.

She finally understands now that Gu Qingzhou did not want to kill her by holding her in the water, but to cure her.

Huo Yue was right.

Thinking of her being so mean, Nie Yan was very embarrassed. She coughed awkwardly: "A Yue, will that Miss Gu blame me? Yesterday I..."

"No, don't think about it." Huo Yue said, "Hurry up and cover the quilt, and sweat a little more, and the illness will recover soon."

Nie Yan hung up the phone, and her husband dragged his fat body downstairs.

It was very hot in the room, and Mr. Lamport could not breathe. He was also very surprised to listen patiently to his wife's improvement in his condition.

"...Then I'll see that Miss Gu tomorrow, too." Mr. Lampert said, "Lie down now!"

At 7:30 in the morning, Mr. Lamport personally called Huo Yue.

On the phone, Mr. Lamport apologized to Huo Yue: "Yesterday was so rude."

Then he asked Huo Yue, "That genius doctor, will she come today?"

"I'll go, and I'll have a follow-up consultation." Huo Yue said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good!" Mr. Lampert breathed a sigh of relief, "Chinese doctors really have witchcraft, and they can cure diseases easily. It's amazing!"

The French consul was very impressed with Gu Qingzhou.

Just, what is the principle of this, why push the sick person into the swimming pool, and the condition can be improved? Mr. Lamport wants to hear Gu Qingzhou explain himself.

Nie Yan also got up.

She took a hot shower, washed the smell of sweat off her body, and got dressed.

Five minutes later, her body was still warm, even sweaty.

In the past, every time she took a bath, she was warm for five minutes at most, and then shivered with cold, but this time it was different. She knew that her condition had eased, and she was in a good mood.

"I called Huo Longtou, he will be here soon, and he will bring the genius doctor." Lampert said to Nie Yan.

Nie Yan nodded.

She thought that she should seriously apologize to Gu Qingzhou. Yesterday, she was arrogant, rude, and even rude and had no tutor.

As for Gu Qingzhou, just because she was humiliated, she still helped Nie Yan to heal, instead of walking away in frustration, Nie Yan should respect her.

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