The Epic Revenge

Chapter 267: Expose the fake doctor

Gu Qingzhou felt the provocation.

She is not afraid of challenges, especially medical ones. She has been confident since she was a child, and it was all the cultivation of her master and wet nurse.

Gu Qingzhou is very confident in medical skills.

Her previous concession was because she didn't want to interfere with the patient's treatment, and she respected the senior. Since Mr. Ma insisted on her staying, and his words were unpleasant, Gu Qingzhou did not avoid it.

She never embarrassed her teacher, and she will be a doctor today!

"Miss Zhu, then I will be ugly." Gu Qingzhou smiled, she agreed to stay.

Since they want her to try, let's try it. Gu Qingzhou's teacher has never taught her to show timidity.

The crowd continued to walk in.

Mr. Ma's two apprentices are very unqualified. They whispered and said bad things about Gu Qingzhou along the way, but Gu Qingzhou could hear them.

They said it to Gu Qingzhou on purpose.

"Have you finished memorizing "The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber"? Dare to come out and practice medicine."

"What kind of medical practice, I think it's almost like cheating. Not to mention "The Brief Introduction of the Golden Chamber", I'm afraid that "The Great Doctor's Sincerity" is not familiar."

"Now when people scold Chinese medicine, it's all a piece of rat **** that ruins a pot of porridge."

Gu Qingzhou heard everything.

They're blocking her, and of course she has to deal with them in her own way.

Gu Qingzhou turned her head, smiled at them, and asked, "You have been studying for a few years, do you know how to cut the pulse now? Some people think of me as a genius doctor, and some people think of you as doctors?"

The light of the street lamp was dim, Gu Qingzhou was wearing a school uniform, with a bright smile, and her waist-length hair was swaying, which made her eyes darker and more transparent, and seemed to be reflected in people's hearts.

Her voice is also soft and soft, so that the person in front cannot hear it.

"You..." The young man exploded in anger.

Gu Qingzhou's words touched their sore spot.

They entered the profession late, and even if their master was very serious, they still could not go to see a doctor independently, and no one invited them even for simple minor illnesses.

In this respect, Gu Qingzhou is much stronger than them.

The expressions of the two men changed.

Gu Qingzhou smiled and followed Misju, leaving them alone.

After that, the two little apprentices didn't speak again.

"They all picked up soft persimmons." Gu Qingzhou thought.

The group entered the old lady's house.

When entering the house, Gu Qingzhou was a little surprised.

Not as expected.

The old lady of the Zhu family is not like the old lady Si's nostalgia. The old lady's house is full of brand new furniture.

The spacious room has a high dome with crystal chandeliers, a large Western-style bed, and other furniture in the room, all of which are Western-style.

Mrs. Zhu was seventy years old this year. She was wearing silk pajamas and a mink coat. She was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette. Her pale white hair was curled up with iron. .

Thin, sallow complexion, but it did not affect her dignified beauty, even fashionable.

Green smoke overflowed from her red lips, and her thin but slender fingers held the cigarette gracefully, a little coquettish.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly liked the old lady very much.

Who says there are only young hipsters?

Who says old ladies have to be old-fashioned?

Gu Qingzhou appreciates the old man's enthusiasm for the new life. Even if she has a sick face, she is very precious, which impresses Gu Qingzhou.

"I need to be so beautiful when I'm old. I can't make young people look down on me and think I'm outdated and old." Gu Qingzhou thought, and immediately set himself up.

This is Gu Qingzhou's feeling, but Mr. Ma doesn't feel it at all.

Looking at Mrs. Zhu's style, she even applied makeup when she was ill, especially the red lips that were more conspicuous. Mr. Ma, who has always been conservative, scolded in his heart, "It's disrespectful to the old man!"

His two young apprentices immediately held their breaths and thought, "This old lady must be strict and unkind."

The old lady who looked like this showed shrewdness and sharpness all over her body, and her aura was too strong for ordinary people to dare to approach. And she's getting older, and it's even more frightening.

They came in, and the old lady was a little surprised.

"Have so many doctors?" The old lady frowned, the lines on her face were stiff, and it was indeed a bit harsh and cold.

It's not her fault, she's old, and her facial curves are not as flexible as those of young people.

"No, Mom." Misju lost her sternness outside, and she didn't have the usual harshness and strictness. She was very gentle in front of the old lady. She said to the old lady softly, "Only these two."

She pointed to Gu Qingzhou and then to Mr. Ma.

The old lady was slightly surprised: one was too old and the other was too young.

Who are you asking for!

Especially Gu Qingzhou.

The old lady looked at Gu Qingzhou carefully, a little curious, and even a little like: this little girl is beautiful, her eyebrows are not particularly delicate, but she is a little coquettish.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't see it at a young age, but now her brows are getting longer and wider. When she accidentally stares, she doesn't have a style.

Mrs. Zhu didn't like women who were straight-faced, so Gu Qingzhou cast her eyes on her.

"Mom, let the doctor give you a pulse." Master Zhu said.

The old lady had been pulling for nine days, and the pain was excruciating, and her **** had fallen off. She also wanted to be cured as soon as possible. For the doctor, the old lady showed 12 points of patience.

"Then I'll bother the doctor." The old lady.

The old man gave Mr. Ma a wink.

This old Mr. Ma is called Ma Xian. After he glanced at Gu Qingzhou, he sat down quietly to check the old lady's pulse.

Dysentery is not very easy to cure, you need to use a clever word. Sometimes this trick is not obtained, and it is always a long-term cure.

Ma Xian examined the pulse. After about ten minutes, he glanced at the old lady's tongue coating and complexion, stood up and said, "Miss Gu, you are a genius doctor, so come and check the pulse."

Mrs. Zhu raised her eyes and looked at Gu Qingzhou.

"Are you the Miss Gu that Mrs. Chen San said? She said that you are a genius doctor." Mrs. Zhu suddenly said.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Mrs. Chen is too famous. Actually, I just have a medical relationship with Sang Sang."

"You are too modest. I heard that you also cured a person who had been dead for a long time." Mrs. Zhu said.

Ma Xian's apprentice couldn't help but burst out laughing.

What an exaggeration!

After many years of Western learning, people are no longer as ignorant as they used to be. After a person dies, every organ in the body stops working, not the soul leaves the body.

What brings back the soul and resurrects from the dead is a deceitful trick!

This Miss Gu, I don't know how to get these rumors, but there are still many people who believe it!

Stupid, ridiculous!

Mrs. Zhu glared at the little apprentice with a stern look.

The little apprentice immediately suppressed his voice, and looked down on Gu Qingzhou even more in his heart.

"If the old lady doesn't dislike it, I'll show my ugliness." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll give you a pulse first."

Madam Zhu nodded.

Gu Qingzhou took about ten minutes to check the pulse.

She withdrew her hand and said, "I'm optimistic. Mr. Ma will see it first. Ask him to diagnose first, and I'll talk about it."

"Ms. Gu, you are a genius doctor. Why don't you tell us first, so that we can learn more." Ma Xian said.

His words were ironic.

There was a malicious expression on Ma Xian's face, as if he wanted to watch Gu Qingzhou make a fool of himself. He is by no means humble, but he doesn't want Gu Qingzhou to copy his diagnosis.

If Mr. Ma finished speaking, Gu Qingzhou said, "That's it, that's how I see it," and then took the opportunity to advertise that she cured Mrs. Zhu, wouldn't it be too cheap for her?

Ma Xian would never let her take advantage of this.

"Then I'll talk about it first." Gu Qingzhou said, "The old lady has prolapsed **** and her pulse is deep and thin. It should be due to a long illness caused by Yuanxu Xielian and spleen deficiency. You can no longer use any of the medicines that have been captured. It should be Use warm medicine."

Ma Xian was stunned at this moment.

He has seen quack doctors, but he has never seen such quack doctors!

People who study medicine all know that "the method of dysentery is endless". Dysentery is generally caused by excessive heat and dampness. It is necessary to clear heat and expel dampness, cool blood and detoxify, and must not use warm and tonic medicines.

Once the warm tonic medicine is used, the intestinal tract will become astringent, and all the heat toxins will remain in the intestinal tract, and the dysentery will only become heavier and even riskier to life.

Is this the magician?

Yuecheng people hold a little girl for this kind of medical skills?

Mr. Ma thought it was absurd, how dare such scum dare to speak out?

It's like treating the patient to death!

Mr. Ma felt that it was time to expose this fake genius doctor, make her face disgrace, and let the world know about this girl's deception!

He had a plan in his mind.

When Gu Qingzhou finished speaking, Master Zhu asked Ma Xian, "Mr. Ma, what's your diagnosis?" Ma Xian pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you trust Miss Gu?"

"Of course I trust." Misju answered next to him.

Gu Qingzhou was invited by her, of course she trusted her very much.

Ma Xian looked at the old lady again.

The old lady of the Zhu family is very wise and has a sophisticated personality. Ma Xian looked contemptuous, and Mrs. Zhu had seen it long ago, and she didn't like this old man.

She likes Gu Qingzhou more and is willing to give Gu Qingzhou face.

"I also trust Miss Gu." Mrs. Zhu said.

Ma Xian smiled: "In this case, my diagnosis is a little different from Miss Gu. If you trust Miss Gu, I won't say more."

Master Zhu was anxious: "Mr. Ma, did Miss Gu misread it?"

"Ms. Gu is a genius doctor." Mr. Ma replied with a strange yin and yang.

Master Zhu knew that this old man was more competitive with Gu Qingzhou.

But he can't compete with his mother's illness!

"Old gentleman......"

Ma Xian interrupted Mr. Zhu's words: "Mr. Zhu, Lingtang said that she trusts Miss Gu. If you are a son, you should obey your mother's words, and let Miss Gu treat the old lady."

The atmosphere is a little stiff.

Madam Zhu and Misju were unhappy, wondering what kind of temper the old man was angry with?

Gu Qingzhou stood up with a smile, and his eyes were gentle: "Thank you, old gentleman, for your acceptance, and please give me more advice in the future."

Ma Xian sneered, turned around and went out.

His two apprentices quickly followed.

Master Zhu chased out and begged: "Since you are here, sir, you can't just leave after a long journey. It's easy to talk about the cost of diagnosis. We are looking forward to you saving my mother's life!"

"Am I that quack doctor who doesn't care about life and death?" Ma Xian smiled, "Master Zhu, we are staying at the Wuguo Hotel for the time being. When the old lady doesn't trust the girl, she can trust me. Come back then. Please. I won't leave Yuecheng until the old lady recovers."

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