The Epic Revenge

Chapter 353: : Gu Qingzhou fishing

The news that Simu had forced Nie Yun to death changed every day.

Soon, Yuecheng's newspapers also began to report, and then it spread all over Yuecheng.

Rumors will be fermented and processed, so Nie Yun is forced to death, becoming "Simu killed Nie Yun".

"There is no evidence that the young marshal killed Nie Yun, and there is no evidence that the young marshal is innocent." The staff members discussed.

Gu Qingzhou was also called to the Governor's Mansion.

The governor even asked Gu Qingzhou: "Qingzhou, can you testify against Amu?"

"Abba, I'm the wife of the young marshal, and my testimony is not enough to convince the people." Gu Qingzhou said, "The matter of the young marshal is a scandal. If you want to eliminate the influence, you have to fight a public opinion war."

She agrees with Yan Xinnong's current method.

The other party has no evidence.

Since you can use newspaper, so can I.

When Simu went to the camp, there was an upright general who was very rude to him. In front of Simu, he said to the commander-in-chief: "Young Marshal should stay behind closed doors, so as not to smear our Yuecheng."

Simu's face was pale.

The battle between him and Si Xingpei had long since spread in the army, causing dissatisfaction among many generals. They don't trust Si Mu and feel that Si Xingpei is their future.

Simu was despicable and shameless, and drove away Si Xingpei, and the generals were all simmering on fire.

Those old and rough, naturally will not give this young handsome face a good face.

Simu returned to the city, and secretly sent someone to investigate the matter, who was behind it.

But things started from Nanjing.

The people in Nanjing read the newspapers and talked about it every day. They thought that Yuecheng had already turned upside down, so they took it as an anecdote.

The Si family is well-known throughout Jiangnan, and the warlords and powerful families can arouse the interest of people all over the world.

Yuecheng does not have much influence in Nanjing. If you want to investigate the root cause of this matter, there is no way to start.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Simu asked Gu Qingzhou while smoking.

Gu Qingzhou said: "First, we don't know how much evidence the opponent has. Maybe what he wants to do is to deliberately make you think there is no evidence? Second, we don't know who the opponent is. Not optimistic. The only thing I can do is wait."

Smoo irritably pressed the cigar into the ashtray.

On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, which is Yuecheng's New Year's Eve, the Yuecheng Evening News added a new headline.

These days, the military government has been arguing with the people behind it, insisting that Nie Yun is just missing and the deceased is not Nie Yun.

As a result, news came from Nanjing, saying: "Nie Yun's right foot was born with only four fingers, and the bones that were found, although festering and unable to refute her face, her right foot also has four fingers."

This time, the deceased was undoubtedly Nie Yun.

Nie Yun is indeed dead.

Simu suddenly stood up, turned around and went out.

In the evening, the adoptive father came back from Nanjing, and Si Mu didn't know where to go, so Gu Qingzhou went to Yan's Mansion for dinner.

At the dinner table, Yan Luoshui and Yan Yiyuan surrounded their adoptive father and kept asking questions.

"Abba, is there nothing we can do about this? The commander-in-chief of the Overseer may not be able to do it, right? The public opinion in Nanjing is very unfavorable for him." Yan Luoshui said.

Yan Yiyuan also asked: "Abba, is it true that the second brother forced Nie Yun to death? Dad, Nie Yun is a student, she hasn't officially graduated yet, will it trigger a student movement, just like the last time she was still a student. Same thing with Tao?"

"As soon as the students move, the workers will move. At that time, the suppression will bleed and become the public enemy of the whole country, unless the second brother is sentenced." Yan Luoshui also said.

They were both worried.

"Eat, eat!" Yan Xinnong said to the two children.

Gu Qingzhou didn't speak.

From start to finish, Gu Qingzhou didn't even frown. She was casual, as if she didn't care about Simu's life and death.

She is so indifferent and ruthless. Yan Xinnong and Yan Luoshui can understand them, but they are also shocked. Gu Qingzhou is a little too cruel this time.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu are fake marriages. No matter Si Mu's life or death, Gu Qingzhou is the young lady of the military government, and all she needs is this. But she was so unconcerned about her husband's affairs as a stranger.

After the meal, Yan Luoshui brought this up again.

Gu Qingzhou said slowly: "the opponent's cards are not finished yet."

Yan Luoshui was stunned.

Yan Xinnong also looked at Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. Yan and Yan Yiyuan did not understand the meaning.

"Father, I always feel that you are too impatient. You see, you just responded that Nie Yun was not dead, and the other party immediately proved that the corpse was Nie Yun. Every next step you take is in the other party's calculations." Gu Qingzhou said .

Yan Xinnong thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it was indeed the case.

The movements of the military government are all within the calculations of the opponent.

The Si family wanted to justify that the deceased was not Nie Yun, and Nie Yun's identity was immediately confirmed; when the Si family wanted to say that the deceased had nothing to do with Si Mu, the other party immediately confirmed the relationship.

"...Qingzhou, you are a very smart person. According to your opinion, what should be done?" Yan Xinnon asked.

"According to what I said, proceed according to the adopted father's method. When the other side forces the Si family into a corner, Si Mu can't stay in Huaxia completely, and the military government is notorious, and the identity of the opponent can be revealed.

Only when the opponent is exposed and we know who is behind it can we hope for victory in the counterattack. The current counterattacks are useless. "Gu Qingzhou wrote lightly.

"Is there any capital to fight back then?" Yan Xinnong asked.

"Yes, haven't I moved yet?" Gu Qingzhou said.

The Yan family looked at her.

Gu Qingzhou, a woman, has no power or power. In this trap where politics and capital go to sea together, what chance does Gu Qingzhou have?

She is by no means the last trump card of the Si family!

"...Then why don't you take action now?" Yan Xinnong asked.

Gu Qingzhou felt that Yan Xinnong didn't understand what she meant: "Foster father, the mastermind behind the scenes will not be eliminated. This time, the influence will be eliminated, and there will be another time! There is no reason to prevent thieves for a thousand days! The bigger the trouble this time, the better."

She looked calm.

Yan Xinnong did not dare to put hope on her.

No matter how smart and capable she is, isn't she still a girl?

The Overseer's Mansion is also in turmoil.

"This matter can't be passed on to the company hall. The old lady must be **** when she finds out." The governor said.

So, the Si family continued to bribe the newspapers, insisting that Simu and Nie Yun had nothing to do with each other.

Nie Yun might have really died, but Simu had never happened to her.

Soon, such a rebuttal article appeared on the headlines of important evening newspapers in Nanjing and Yuecheng.

Public opinion calmed down a bit.

Indeed, who can prove that Nie Yun is related to Simu? She is neither Si Mu's concubine nor Si Mu's girlfriend, and there is even no news that she and Si Mu know each other.

Today, the military government has only begun to clear up the relationship between Nie Yun and Simu.

Public opinion soon changed.

On the first day of the new year, the newspapers in Nanjing and Yuecheng published several photos at the same time.

The first photo is of Si Mu walking into the restaurant with a woman with a back like Nie Yun; the second photo is of Nie Yun wearing the clothes she died, standing at the door of Si Mu's new house; the third photo is of Nie Yun standing by the river on the bridge.

The last one is of Nie Yun's mother holding a gold bar, which came from the military government's treasury.

"Iron evidence is like a mountain!"

It is true that Simu and Nie Yun went to the restaurant; Simu gave Nie Yun gold bars, and there is material evidence for this;

Simu forced Nie Yun and even made her commit suicide.

In an instant, public opinion collapsed, and no one believed Si Mu's innocence anymore.

The Nanjing commissioner had been in Yuecheng for seven or eight days, and found nothing.

Seeing the newspaper, Minister Qu took the arrest warrant from the Nanjing Supreme Court: "Commander, this matter is suspected of murder. I will take Linglang back to Nanjing to be examined."

"According to the rules, I can understand." The commander-in-chief seemed to have aged a lot overnight.

They thought of a way, and even started from major newspapers, but they didn't find the mastermind behind it. They only knew that this matter might have something to do with the Political Department.

When Shang Tao had an accident in Yuecheng, the Nanjing Political Department suspected that it was a subordinate of the Yuecheng military government.

Soon, there was news that Li Wenzhu was about to become the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

"It was the Nanjing Political Department and Li Wenzhu who conspired to target the position of the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Navy and the Army, as well as the Yuecheng military government." Gu Qingzhou thought.

However, wouldn't anyone in Yuecheng benefit from this?

Who will be the biggest winner in this kind of thing?

Si Xing Pei?

Si Xingpei disdains to use this method to deal with Simu.

It appears to be someone who has nothing to do with the military government.

Just as the Overseer's Mansion was utterly defeated and Sim was about to be escorted to Nanjing, someone came forward.

She is Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia found the military governor and Mrs. Si: "I know some British and American church members. I want to go to Nanjing to run for the young marshal. I hope to get your and your wife's approval."

At that time, Simu and Gu Qingzhou were both present.

Simu said nothing, his face was gloomy, and he didn't show any expression.

Gu Qingzhou's expression was gentle.

Mrs. Si thought: Gu Qingzhou, this daughter-in-law, has no role from beginning to end! Gu Qingzhou has no powerful family, no fame or friends, and once something happens, she will be useless!

Mrs. Si didn't think of this before, because she didn't know that the Overseer's Mansion would have such a huge trouble!

"Okay!" Mrs. Si agreed. "Jiajia, everything else is easy to say. If we can ask the British to come forward and apply for Mu'er to the Concession Public Court, we will be very grateful!"

Once Simu enters the court of the Nanjing Ministry of Justice, the Si family will not be able to reach in, and he will be defeated.

If it can enter the court of the public concession, the Nanjing government will not be able to cover the sky, and the Si family will be able to deal with it, and it will not necessarily fail.

Mrs. Si is no longer called Miss Wei, and directly calls "Jiajia" warmly.

Needless to say, if this matter is successful, Wei Qingjia will be the benefactor of the Overseer's House, and Gu Qingzhou may face the situation of being swept out of the house.

The commander-in-chief looked at Si Mu in disgust, and then glanced at the silent and quiet Gu Qingzhou, showing disappointment in his heart.

"Miss Wei, I'll leave it to you!" The commander-in-chief finally let go.

It's not that the commander-in-chief doesn't care about Gu Qingzhou, she is really useless.

Gu Qingzhou's lips moved slightly.

Finally, all the fish were hooked: Nanjing's, Yuecheng's!

"Nie Yun" was a supporting role, I didn't think much about it when I first named her, but when I wrote it later, I always accidentally wrote it as Gu Yun, that is, Gu Qingzhou's little sister. It happened that the input method automatically matched a Nie Yan, so I temporarily changed it to Nie Yan.

After I finished writing and uploading, I remembered that the name Nie Yan was not automatically matched by the input method, but that there was such a female supporting role before, the wife of Master Lamport.

I hurriedly asked the editor for revisions.

So everyone may have seen Nie Yan in the first chapter yesterday, and then Nie Yun came out, a little confused. It is hereby announced that this female supporting role is called Nie Yun!

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