The Epic Revenge

Chapter 723: deep love

Huo Yuanjing felt very painful.

Pain, suffocation, and darkness made her seem to have returned to the darkest days.

It was unbearable for her, and she would never look back.

She struggled desperately.

The more she struggled, the less air there was in her lungs, and her whole body was about to burst. The blood in her body seemed to have its own opinion, trying to break through her and escape.

Something soft touched her lips.

This softness, like a weak gap, made her find a little relief. She greedily absorbed it and hugged it desperately.

However, she still wasn't relieved, the pressure around her grew, she almost wanted to crush her, and the blood in her body wanted to go out.

Huo Yuanjing slowly lost consciousness in this extreme pain.

When she woke up again, she was lying in a dilapidated house, and there was a strong smell of sweat and seawater everywhere.

A heavy white cloth was wrapped around her head.

A slight movement caused severe pain in her head, which also affected her cheeks.

She looked around blankly.

Something was churning in her mind, but she didn't understand what it was.

She only felt pain, except for pain and hunger.

The shabby curtain was lifted, and a warm sunset came in. Huo Yujing closed her eyes hard, and her eyes didn't like too bright light.

"Drink the medicine." The person who came was very tall, with a curved and determined face, and a long scar on his forehead, as if his brain had been cut open.

He handed a medicine bowl to Huo Yuanjing.

"If you can't get western medicine, you can't move today. Drink some Chinese medicine first, and then we will find a way to go back." The man said.

Huo Zunjing did not answer.

She looked at the man. He was so tall, even fierce, he should be fierce, but she was not afraid of him at all.

From the bottom of her heart, she was very familiar with this person.

As if they were very close.

"Who are you?" Huo Yuanjing asked him.

The man was startled.

Immediately, Huo Yuanjing was stunned. She seemed to be trying very hard to catch something, and then a lot of things flew in front of her eyes, but she couldn't catch anything.

In vain, she asked herself in a daze: "Who am I?"

The man was stunned again.

He looked at her, and she looked back at him. From her eyes, he saw dependence and trust.

The fear that had been hidden in her eyes for a long time finally disappeared.

There was an indescribable surprise on the man's face, as well as an inexplicable joy.

He hesitated.

The man said, "I am your husband, your name is A Jing, and you are my wife."

He walked over gently and tentatively put his arms around her shoulders.

Huo Yuanjing let him hold it, as if suddenly: "I also think you are my closest person, I remember you. Although I don't know very well, but I know you..."

Other than that, she doesn't remember anyone.

"Is this our home?" Huo Yuanjing looked around again, and the house was broken.

The man said: "No, this is not our home. We are businessmen in Nanyang. This time, we encountered robbers when we purchased the goods, and the boat overturned. We are going back to Nanyang. Can you leave?"

"Of course." Huo Yuanjing said, "It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that I can't remember your name." Huo Yuanjing said, "Am I sick?"

"Yes, I will raise it slowly in the future." The man said, "When you are good, you often can't remember my name. My name is Jiang Lin."

"Jiang Lin?" Huo Zuojing chewed on the name slowly, "I have no impression at all. It's broken, am I very sick?"

"No." The man said, "You're fine, just rest for a few days."

Huo Yujing nodded.

The man personally took the medicine bowl and fed her to drink it.

The concoction was bitter, and Huo Yujing frowned in pain. However, the expression on his face was affected, and bursts of severe pain came from his head.

She was breathing heavily.

Jiang Lin hugged her head: "Don't think too much. You have to remember that you are Mrs. Jiang. The rest, I will tell you later."

Huo Yujing nodded.

She asked Jiang Lin who she was and what her maiden name was.

Jiang Lin told her: "your maiden name is Huo. Your mother used to be a dancer, and you met your father at the Huanchang. Later, your father lost and returned home, and your mother gave birth to you alone.

A few years later, your mother died, so you were sold to a theater troupe in the north. I was the same as you, then we escaped and with the help of your brother, went to Singapore to do business. I only went last year, this is the second time I have come back to stock up. "

"I have a brother?" Huo Yuanjing asked.

Jiang Lin nodded.

"Do I have children?"

Jiang Lin shook his head.

Huo Yuanjing asked a lot. When she just woke up, she didn't panic because her husband was in her sight.

She knew that the other party did not lie, because she also felt the sense of security from him from the bottom of her heart.

He is the person she trusts most.

It must be a couple who love each other very much, and they have been together for a long time to have such a tacit understanding.

Now that her husband is by her side, Huo Yuanjing doesn't get into the things she doesn't remember.

She knew a lot of things, but they were vague. She was only temporarily confused, she could always remember it.

"Your face, as well as your hands, are all wounds." Huo Yuanjing said distressedly.

Jiang Lin showed her the wound on his hand: "This is to save you and the flesh was scraped alive, and it became like this later."

Huo Yuanjing was shocked and had a splitting headache at the same time: "What's going on?"

Jiang Lin took her hand: "I'll think about it later, it's all over."

He hesitated, tentatively, trying to kiss her lips gently.

However, he seemed afraid of running into her.

Seeing her husband being so cautious, Huo Yuanjing couldn't bear it, so he held his face and kissed him.

He hugged her tightly: "A Jing!"

"Ajing, let's go home, it's just the two of us." He said, his voice lowered.

"Okay." Huo Yuanjing said.

In the early morning of the next day, a fishing boat went out to sea, and Huo Yuanjing followed her husband and left the fishing village.

They got on a fishing boat and then went to another pier and changed to a cruise ship.

All the way to Singapore, Huo Yuanjing's head wound did not heal for a long time.

Because of her brain injury, she was like a baby, knowing very little and remembering less.

As long as Jiang Lin is by her side, she is not afraid of anything. She recuperates all day long and seldom thinks.

As for the rest, there is something wrong, she wants to wait until she is better, and then slowly think about it.

"My brother, what kind of person is he?" Huo Yuanjing also asked accidentally.

Jiang Lindao: "He is a very good businessman. We will meet him again when we settle down next time."

"Okay." Huo Yujing was obedient, resting her head on his shoulder.

He is tall.

Huo Yuanjing was very sure of him, because she did have traces of him deep in her heart.

Every time she thinks of him, she can feel sweetness in her heart. She knows that feelings will not deceive her, her husband is the person in front of her.

He was strong and unsmiling, but extremely gentle to her.

"I'm going home." Huo Yuanjing thought, "I always want to go home, although I don't know why. Now, I can finally go home."

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