The Epic Revenge

Chapter 747: I trust you

Ye Xiaoyuan, the military governor, could never imagine that one day he would suffer a loss in front of a girl in her early twenties.

The severe pain in his feet took a long time to pass.

The emotions in his eyes were complicated.

A little surprised, a little surprised, mixed with a third of annoyance at the same time.

"I just passed by the new courtyard with Miss San. She was not quite right. She was fighting and making trouble. I was afraid that she would hurt herself, so I fainted her." Gu Qingzhou's eyes were cold.

Her docile and bright eyebrows were full of majesty and solemnity at the moment, she stood back a few steps, her chin was slightly raised, and she had a arrogant attitude.

Ye Dujun looked her face squarely for the first time.

In Ye Dujun's mind, Gu Qingzhou had no face at first, but it became clear at this moment.

Actually, she was a little different from Mrs. Hirano, especially the distance between her eyes.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes were a little further apart, not as charming and enchanting as Mrs. Hirano, but with a dignified air, enough to look down on the world.

"... Governor Ye, have you told your daughter that the fire wasn't her fault?" Gu Qingzhou continued without waiting for Governor Ye to say anything.

Ye Dujun returned to God.

His fists tightened slightly: "Miss Ah Qiang..."

Gu Qingzhou didn't care about his warning, and continued: "As a father, are you not sure enough to trust her enough? If it wasn't for your hesitation, maybe she wouldn't have a stubborn illness in her heart!"

"How did you know? What did A Wu tell you?" Ye Dujun's face seemed to be overturned by Yan Shuang.

He wanted to get angry.

However, he just clenched his fists and listened to Gu Qingzhou's words.

"No, I guessed it myself." Gu Qingzhou said.

After Gu Qingzhou arrived at Taiyuan Mansion, he has been observing everyone.

Mrs. Cai Changting and He Ye didn't tell her anything, just let her be a good girl. Maybe it's trumping her sources, maybe it's testing her.

When Gu Qingzhou was in Yuecheng, he trained an intelligence team.

They then went to Taiyuan House in one step.

Gu Qingzhou was under the surveillance of Mrs. Hirao and Cai Changting all day long. Her people were also unfamiliar in Taiyuan Mansion, so everyone was very careful.

She couldn't rely on others, she had to rely on herself.

Gu Qingzhou found that Ye Wu, the third young lady of Ye Du Jun's mansion, had the most disparate personality. She was gentle on the outside and cold on the inside.

As for Ye Dujun, his feelings for this daughter were very strange, and he seemed to obey Ye Wuyan.

Therefore, Governor Ye loves Miss Ye San the most.

Gu Qingzhou found the direction, and asked his intelligence personnel to carefully focus on the Ye family's intelligence and Ye Wu's deeds.

Soon, she knew a secret: there was a fire in Ye Dujun's house.

In that fire, almost no one was injured, but the frail and sickly lady was frightened and died of illness after a month of cultivation.

This matter made Gu Qingzhou pay attention.

By contacting the Ye family and keeping this in mind, she finally found a very crucial point.

She knew the Ye family's bigger secret.

She also knew Ye Wu's secret.

Of course, Gu Qingzhou is not sure, everything is her guess.

Now, she is confirming her suspicions.

"Miss Ah Qiang, you have to know the seriousness and don't talk nonsense about anything!" Ye Dujun's expression was solemn, he threatened Gu Qingzhou.

He was worried that Gu Qingzhou was tempting, so he refused to reveal his bottom.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Of course I know. It's just that I believe in Ah Wu even more!"


"Compared to you, I believe in Ah Wu." Gu Qingzhou said, "I believe that it wasn't the fire she set, she didn't kill her mother!"

A muffled sound.

Gu Qingzhou and Ye Dujun turned around at the same time and saw Ye Wu fell off the kang.

Her quiet and peaceful eyes were now filled with tears.

She looked at Gu Qingzhou, and at her own father, crying, "Teacher..."

Ye Dujun stepped forward and carried Ye Wu onto the kang.

The wide and sturdy kang was filled with quilts, and Ye Wu fell into it, almost being submerged.

She cried but was silent.

Ye Dujun felt that a hole was going to be dug out in his heart.

"A-Wu, father is here." He patted his daughter's back lightly, "A-Wu..."

Ye Wu shrank her shoulders hard.

Ye Dujun was stunned.

Ye Wu shivered, and the whole person curled up into a ball, trying to hide in the corner of the kang.

"Overseer, why don't you let me come?" Gu Qingzhou said.

Ye Wu immediately raised her eyes and looked at Gu Qingzhou with tears in her eyes: "Teacher!"

Du Jun Ye sighed, feeling an indescribable loss, he stood up.

He glanced at Gu Qingzhou.

At this moment, the emotions are complicated.

Gu Qingzhou understood and said, "Don't worry, Overseer, I will take good care of A Wu."

Ye Dujun went out.

Ye Wu hugged Gu Qingzhou tightly, and suddenly burst into tears: "Teacher, teacher!"

"I'm here." Gu Qingzhou said, "Awu, don't be afraid."

Ye Wu was still crying for a while.

She kept crying until she was tired. Gu Qingzhou brought hot water to wash her face before she stopped.

She was very tired and slowly fell asleep.

The second miss of the Ye family came to see Ye Wu.

This second young lady, Ye Shan, has a lively personality, with clear love and hate, and Ye Wu is two extremes.

Because the second lady didn't like Mrs. Hirano, she subconsciously resisted Gu Qingzhou.

"What's wrong with Ah Wu?" She asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I have fallen asleep."

"I heard that you went to the new guest room. It's okay next time, don't go there with A Wu." Second Miss Ye said.

Gu Qingzhou asked why: "It's just a fire, no big problem, right?"

"Where are you doing so many things, if you don't go, it's fine if you don't go." Second Miss Ye's words were a little stern.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her: "You also doubt A'Wu?"

"What?" The second lady was taken aback.

"You know what I'm saying in your heart." Gu Qingzhou said, "So, do you also doubt Awu?"

Second Miss Ye was suddenly short of breath, her lips parted slightly, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

What surprised her the most was not only Gu Qingzhou's questioning, but also the inside story that Gu Qingzhou knew: "Have A Wu told you all this?"

"Everyone needs to talk. If you don't talk about the depression in your heart, it will become a disease." Gu Qingzhou said, "Second Miss, have you talked to her about this?"

Miss Ye Er was speechless.

The most taboo thing in their family is probably the fire, who would talk about it when they have nothing to do?

"I..." Second Miss Ye said embarrassedly, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

She left in a hurry.

When Ye Wu woke up, Gu Qingzhou told her that the second lady had visited her, and she just nodded.

The servant brought rice porridge.

Gu Qingzhou brought a porridge bowl for her and western medicine for her, asking her to take the medicine before eating.

After eating the porridge, Ye Wu took a serious look at Gu Qingzhou.

"Teacher, do you trust me?" Ye Wu asked.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "I trust you! In this matter, I have no doubts about you."

"But, I don't trust myself..." Ye Wu cried in a low voice, "Maybe I really did it."

While crying, she told Gu Qingzhou about her mother's death.

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