The Epic Revenge

Chapter 781: heart attack

Si Xingpei got on the horse.

In addition to Gu Qingzhou and Mr. Kang Er, other adjutants and others followed, and a group of people was mighty, causing bursts of blue smoke.

Ye Wu looked at this scene.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Kang Yu next to her.

Ye Wu knew that Kang Yu hated her very much. No matter what she said, Kang Yu was afraid that she would say a few ugly words.

"Have you reviewed your homework?" Kang Yu spoke first.

Ye Wu said: "Not yet..."

"Which one is more difficult?" Kang Yu asked again, his tone gradually gentle, not **** for tat like before.

Ye Wu also felt it.

She was a little surprised.

"Counting." Ye Wu said, "Don't talk about me, even my teacher, she is not very good at counting, so it is very difficult to review."

Kang Yu looked at Ye Wu's shadow.

She has ear-length hair, which sets off a round face.

Ye Wu has flowing shoulders and a swan neck, and her shadow is more beautiful than her own.

Kang Yu stared at her greedily, as if he could look at her unscrupulously and unobtrusively.

"I can help you study." Kang Yu said, "I also want to help Ah Nuan study?"

"A Nuan?" Ye Wu laughed, "A Nuan's calculations are the best..."

Having said that, she suddenly stopped.

She thought, if she said that, would it anger Kang Yu?

Kang Yu didn't like her very much in the first place, so why are you joking?

Sure enough, Kang Yu's tone over there was not good: "Is it wrong for her to want better?"

It seems to be trying to prove that Kang Nuan really wants to learn arithmetic.

Ye Wu bit her lip.

She didn't answer any more.

"I can teach you too." Kang Yu said. When he said this, his voice was hollow, and he was inexplicably nervous.

His heart was tightly grasped by a hand, and his breath was slightly held.

"No, I can pass." Ye Wu said with a smile, her voice a little unnatural.

Kang Yu's tone was all in his heart.

His heart sank to the bottom.

He didn't look very good either.

Ye Wu couldn't stay any longer, she turned around and wanted to walk faster.

However, she was in such a hurry, and her legs were not in a good shape, so she fell forward.

Kang Yu's eyes and hands were quick, he supported her and hugged her.

Ye Wu's face was pale, and cold sweat flowed down.

She stood firm for a while, and Kang Yu also let go.

The atmosphere was suddenly silent and suffocating.

"You sit here for a while, I'll go up and have a look." Kang Yu strode up to the flag building.

The sound of his footsteps sounded on the third floor of the flag building, Ye Wu heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the steps.

She waited for a while, then went up to the second floor, chose a private room with a good view, and watched a few people riding horses in the distance.

They circled around and were walking back.

Ye Wu looked at it.

The curtain was lifted and Kang Yu came in again.

Ye Wu's face suddenly became tense.

"I promised my father to accompany you, and when I come back to see it later, I will scold me again." Kang Yu explained without looking at Ye Wu.

He doesn't want to stay here either.

Ye Wu said: "No..."

Also looked away.

There was silence in the private room, and neither of them spoke. Ye Wu maintained a posture and did not move.

Kang Yu looked at the shadow beside him.

"...Are you going to choose a son-in-law in the future?" Kang Yu suddenly asked Ye Wu, "The governor hopes that someone will inherit the family business and does not intend to marry you. Is there a candidate now?"

Ye Wu didn't expect him to say this.

Regarding the candidate for her future husband, her father did have an arrangement.

She didn't know exactly what the arrangement was.

Relying on her father's idea, she brought her son-in-law into the house first. Whether it was marrying a stepmother or concubines, she gave them a hint: Ye's family business would be left to her son-in-law.

In this way, women will not be so eager to give birth to a son, after all, there is nothing to gain by giving birth to a son.

When people are stable, the Ye family can develop.

Ye Wu may have been abused by her mother since childhood, so she can accept any unreasonable request. She never thought to resist.

Before her mother beat her, she did not resist; now her father arranged her marriage, even less so.

"Already have it." Ye Wu also told Kang Yu truthfully.

Kang Yu was obviously stunned: "What?"

Ye Wu turned around, looked at him and said, "I mean, my father has already made arrangements..."

Kang Yu's face turned paler.

He stared at her blankly.

"When did it happen?" he asked.

Ye Wudao: "We have already made arrangements, we have already negotiated, and I am quite satisfied..."

Kang Yu looked out the window.

He didn't move, but Ye Wu saw the blue veins on his forehead jump slightly.

His fists were also clenched tightly.

Therefore, when Mr. Kang Er returned, the first thing he did was to find that something was wrong with his son.

"Are you suffering from heat stroke?" Mr. Kang Er asked.

Kang Yu was speechless.

"What's the matter with you?" Mr. Kang was even more anxious.

Kang Yu stood up.

He seemed to want to say something, but Venus shot straight in front of him, as if he had been hit with a stick.

He saw his father's mouth move, but couldn't hear what he said.


There seemed to be someone exclaiming in the ear, as if it was Ye Wu.

Kang Yu turned his face, trying to see if it was Ye Wu's exclamation, but his neck was stiff.

The Venus in front of him expanded round by round, and finally he completely fell into darkness.

Gu Qingzhou saw blood oozing from the corners of Kang Yu's lips, and then the blood slipped down his lips little by little, and the young child fell straight down.

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi!" Mr. Kang Er was frightened by this change and wanted to pick up his son, but unfortunately he didn't have that much strength.

Gu Qingzhou stepped forward and said loudly, "I'll take a look, don't move!"

She is very loud.

Master Kang Er looked at her and remembered that she once rescued Kang Nuan.

"Miss Ah Qiang..." Master Kang wanted to grab Gu Qingzhou's hand and let Gu Qingzhou save Kang Yu.

Gu Qingzhou avoided it and said, "I have studied medicine, let me see!"

She stepped forward and gave Kang Yu a pulse.

Okay, sudden vomiting of blood and coma may be a huge problem.

However, when Gu Qingzhou took the pulse, he found out that he was just angered by the retrograde movement of qi and blood, so his qi rested.

The breathing time should not be too long, otherwise the organs in the body will also fail, which will cause more problems. .

All I had to do was wake him up.

There is no major problem, it is just the gas break caused by retrograde qi and blood, and the first aid method of Western medicine can revive his heart and restore his mind.

Gu Qingzhou said, "No problem!"

After she finished speaking, she began to perform cardiac resuscitation on Kang Yu, pressing hard.

Then, she opened her mouth to look at Kang Yu, and when she wanted to let him breathe, Si Xingpei was quick-witted and grabbed her at once.

"What are you doing?" Si Xingpei frowned.

"Breathe." Gu Qingzhou said.

Si Xingpei's hand was even harder: "How do you breathe? Mouth to mouth?"

"Yeah, blow into his mouth." Although Gu Qingzhou said this to Si Xingpei, he said it to the second master of the Kang family. "He needs to wake up."

She also briefly described the method of Western medicine recovery.

At present, it is necessary to calm down and let Kang Yu wake up quickly.

"Then hurry up, stop dawdling." Mr. Kang Er became anxious.

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