Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 284: She dared to look up!

She couldn't help but look at the millennium and the flowers, and wanted to see a little bit of information from these two people.

But the masked masks of these two men, wearing veiled veil, can't see their expressions at all, naturally can't see their emotions, and it is impossible to judge whether these two people have experienced this when they were tested.

The electro-optical snake is also divided into multicolored, chaotic in the clouds, and dazzling people.

Gu Xiyu looked up and found that the electro-optical snake seemed to be awkwardly chaotic. In fact, he still walked according to what method.

She carefully observed the trajectory of the electro-optical snake, faintly thinking that if they were put together, they seemed to be combined into one flower...

This is the most stressful moment.

The nerves of the people on the stage were all tight, and most of the people's eyes were concentrated on the spiraling electric snake on the top of the head.

There are also very few people who are looking at Gu Xiyu.

Such as Rong Jialuo, such as Rong Rong, and then like a flower and a thousand words...

Jungaro and Joncher should be worried about the pity, and the millennium is slightly different, but the flowers are silent but somewhat complicated.

Millennials and flowers are gone through the 'Tianzhi test', when they were already adults, but when the head was dark, the whole body was tightened like a straight stick, closed eyes Waiting for the whole body's skill, the cold sweat on the forehead is layer after layer, the feeling of fear is not too ecstasy!

But now this girl, looking skinny and small, actually has such guts! She dared to look up! Look pretty serious!

This girl is really different! Let them look at each other -

A moment later, the Emperor’s hand made a gesture, and the electric light snake turned into a colorful ball of light.

Mom, still squatting down!

This is simply a ballistic lightning with a huge lethality!

When Gu Xizhen had a flower in front of her eyes, the whole body had been shrouded in that colorful light ball...

The flowers are silent and the millennium is subconsciously holding their breath, and the moment to distinguish between true and false is coming!

These five-color electro-optical snakes are actually sub-attributes, green is wood, white is metallic, black is water, red is fire, and yellow is soil.

If it is a true enlightenment, after the multi-colored light ball cover, the body of the testee will absorb the same properties of the five-color light snake into the body.

For example, the flower is a water attribute cultivator. At that time, she absorbed all the black photoelectric snakes. After the absorption, the body of the subject will emit the same color brilliance, and the other four-color photoelectric snakes will spread along the gossip map, and then The entire gossip map is burning...

If it is fake, the multi-colored ball cover will take away all the power of the test subject, and after the colorful light ball is dispersed, there is no other reaction.

The colorful electric light snake turned into a colorful light building in Gu Shi, and completely drowned her figure.

The flowers are staring at the colorful light, specifically the five-color electro-optical snake staring at the flying scorpion, as long as there is a color of the electro-optical snake that drills into the body and quickly reduces one by one. It proves that she is a godstor...

The five-color electro-optical snake was spinning around in the cherished sorrow, and the flowerlessly pointed out that no electric snake disappeared. It has been turned for more than ten seconds, and all the electro-optical snakes are there!

The flower shook her head slightly, she was coming over, knowing that it would take a while, and the colorful electric light building would disappear and disappear...

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