Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 615: The holy statue sings her?

The Holy Lord finally let go of her, and looked up and down a few times: "What are you nervous about?" It seems like a smile: "Where did you go to the sleeves of the deity?"

Gu Xiyu secretly gritted his teeth, and brave a sleeve to be brave? She didn't pull his pants again -

Busy to fly this unreliable thought, lest the thoughts run in a more dirty direction -

"Sacred, this time I am also a good person, I feel that I have the right to know." Gu Xiyi fight for his rights.

"Do you drink tea?" The Holy One suddenly flew out of the sky.

Gu Xizheng, she does have some dry mouth, so it should be very simple: "Drink!" Just drink tea to refresh.

The Holy Master did not know where to take out a set of tea sets and began to brew.

Gu Xizhen sat there, staring at his movements, lest he would feed her...

The action of the holy sacred tea is actually very flowing, and it is not much more than those of the tea ceremony masters. After soaking, he gave her a cup: "Drink."

Gu Xi’s hesitation, the smell of this tea is very fragrant, very good, but not like the taste of any tea she has ever had.

"Afraid of the deity poisoning you? Do you think the deity wants to do something to you, but also use poison?" St. John interpreted her hesitation.

Gu Xizhen shook his head: "The Holy Spirit did not give reasons for the poison, but hesitated because the taste of this tea is a bit strange..."

Hey, how does she feel that her conversation with the Holy See seems to have been similar?

Thanks to the good memory, she soon remembered that she seemed to have had a similar dialogue with Emperor Yizhuang...

strange! She is with the Holy One, I don’t know why I often think of the Emperor’s clothes.

In other words, the man has had no news since he retired from her.

Should he still be as happy as he used to be?

She was slightly distracted and did not move with the teacup.

strange? The holy man raised his eyebrows and took a sip of his own. It tasted good. Where is it strange?

But look at her stubborn look, not the taste of this tea is just that she does not like it? !

"If you really don't want to drink, don't force it!" The sage is open, and the tone is not so good.

This tea is exactly what he spent a lot of hard work in the past few days. I thought that this tea is good for her practice, she would like it, I didn’t expect it...

Gu Xizhen finally returned to God, knowing that the other party misunderstood, and busy bowing his head and drinking a big mouth.

The tea is clear and mellow, as if it still carries the tender fragrance of the shoots with the spring breeze.

The cheeks are fragrant! The real cheeks are fragrant!

So she took another sip, so a cup of tea bottomed out -

"Good to drink! This tea is delicious!" Gu Xizhen praised, almost want to give a thumbs up.

She pushed the teacup over and stared at the small teapot in his hand: "Can I have another drink?"

"A cup is a product, two cups become a cow." The saint shook his head and saw her gaze as if she saw a cow chewing a peony, but she still had a cup for her: "Slow down this time."

I did not expect the Holy Master to understand the words in "Dream of Red Mansions", and Miao Yu said that the words of Baoyu coincide.

Gu Xi’s heart leaps slightly, and Miaoyu in the Dream of Red Mansions likes Baoyu, but she has never shown it, and it is deeply hidden.

The Holy Lord will not like her too, just hidden deep?

Stop! stop!

Gu Xiyu suddenly felt that his thoughts were horrible once they spread out! When people inadvertently say a word, she can also spread to such a strange direction!

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