The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 53 Wedding

"Get married!" This was Ruan Zhan's first words after returning from the village.

"Who are you going to marry?" Wan Li was puzzled, "Are you looking after Yang Muyou and some ethnic minority beauty?"

"You are the one marrying Xiaoxia."

"Well - I'm very willing, but I don't know if my little bride will nod or not." Wan Li said while smiling and raising his chin to Xiao Xia.

"Okay, I agree. But how to do it?" Xiaoxia knew that Ruan Zhan would not say such things for no reason. It must be a strategy to conquer Guan Zheng, so she answered without thinking.

"We cannot wait for him to come, but must lead him to come, so that the initiative is in our hands, and we must choose the time, place and result independently." Ruan Zhan said.

His poison broke out again a minute ago. This was not only a matter of huge pain, but also meant that his self-control was declining, so he had to fight Guan Zheng as soon as possible.

The method of waiting for the opportunity and using static braking will only arm a powerful opponent to the teeth, which is of no benefit. It is in their favor to force the opponent to make a hasty move without having time to carefully arrange traps. This is the same as martial arts, only quickness will make you lose, so you must be quick and take the initiative.

"But Guan Zheng is not a fool, will he take the bait?" Xiao Xia was worried.

"Not only is he not stupid, he is also very smart, otherwise he would not have designed such a big trap. You must know that perverts usually have high IQs." Wan Li chuckled, "But he is too controlling, even if he knows it is a trap, he will Step in. He will never let the woman he likes prepare to marry another man for the second time. Rather than doing so, he would rather die. So, let him be fulfilled."

"That's right. But he will prepare carefully, and so will we." Ruan Zhan said, "It depends on which of us has the last laugh."

"However, if he is a soft turtle and doesn't dare to come to snatch the bride, then shouldn't this wedding count?" Wan Li spoke in that half-truth tone again, "In that case, you will be Miss Yue when you come. , she will be Mrs. Wan when she returns. After all, you cannot make random promises in front of the God of All Things, otherwise the sky will strike like lightning."

Oh, this man!

Xiaoxia wanted to say something, but after opening her mouth for a long time, she finally exhaled a long breath without saying anything. She was so weak that her head almost dropped to the ground. There was really nothing she could do against him. The more critical the moment came, the less he cared about anything, as if the sky had fallen and he was being used as a quilt.

"Don't look at him, he can't be your groom." Wan Li saw Xiaoxia looking at Ruan Zhan and explained, "His role is a gold medal thug."

Ruan Zhan's eyes couldn't help but intertwined with Xiao Xia's eyes in mid-air for a second, but then they separated, "I found a treasure in the woods, what do you think it is?"

"By coincidence, Xiaoxia and I also found a treasure, and we just happened to spend my last single night playing guessing games."


The wedding took place the next night.

There are only three people in the whole wedding-the groom, the bride and the witnesses.

This was a weird wedding, because apart from the "finding a bride" activity, they didn't know what other rituals the Lisu people had at their weddings, so they had to follow the usual Han wedding ceremony.

The red cloth and the fairly sumptuous food on the table were brought by Ruan Zhan from the village. The groom and witnesses still had T-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Only the bride was dressed up, lightly applied with makeup, and wore Abaiya Jin hand-sewn The wedding dress and embroidered shoes are made and filled with her magical power and residual thoughts.

"You're trying to fascinate me, right?" Wan Li looked Xiaoxia up and down and saw her rosy face, sparkling eyes, and pretty red lips, "I didn't expect you, a girl, to dress up like that. Son."

"Nonsense, I've always been loved by everyone and loved by everyone! And even if it's fake, this is the first time I've experienced the feeling of getting married. Of course, I have to pay attention to it."

"Don't speak!" Wan Li took a step back. "As soon as you speak, your secret will be revealed immediately. You are so fierce and will completely destroy your image! Azhan, what do you think?"

"It proves that she is Xiaoxia." Ruan Zhan smiled rarely, "It also proves that she is not possessed or replaced by anyone!"

It's not that he didn't see Xiaoxia's beautiful and delicate look, but he didn't take a second look. That not only made his heart beat wildly, but also made his heart suffer from the sting of jealousy.

This was a fake wedding arranged by him, it was just a trap, but seeing her standing next to another man, holding another man's hand, smiling charmingly, she still felt a little unbearable, even if that man was His best friend.

When he met her for the first time, he didn't think he would fall in love with such a naive woman, so he didn't restrain or remind himself. But when she broke into the deepest part of his heart recklessly and rampantly, he couldn't even stop her. He himself was panicked and it was too late to resist.

He doesn't know what he loves her for, kindness? Upright? enthusiasm? Innocence? Confused? But she just made his heart melt for her.

"That's right." Wan Li interrupted Ruan Zhan's thoughts, "If she is gentle and shy, I won't be able to adapt to it. It seems that men are really cheap!"

Ruan Zhan was about to say something, but suddenly he felt something different in his heart. This made all the hairs on his body stand up, not because of fear, but because of excitement and vigilance.

At this time, they were on the third floor of the octagonal building. However, they had already dismantled the bamboo bed, but they had brought the altar up. In addition to the wedding supplies prepared around them, they only placed a statue of all gods invited from the village chief's home on the altar. .

The statue is carved from dark wood and is square. At first glance, it looks like a shield.

"Let's get started, the weather has changed." Ruan Zhan winked at Wan Li calmly.

Wan Li knew it, took Xiao Xia's hand and stood in front of the altar. He felt Xiao Xia's hand trembled slightly, so he squeezed it hard and gave her a warm smile, which made Xiao Xia's nervousness lessen.

"Would you like to worship the heaven and the earth first, the high hall twice, and the husband and wife to each other?" Wan Li said easily, looking out.

Outside the window, the sky was completely dark. There was no moon in the sky, and it only showed a turbid reddish-brown color, giving people a heavy sense of oppression. It was as if the world had been squeezed in, leaving only this dead forest like a sea of ​​green. . And this octagonal building is the only island in this boundless wave.

"It doesn't need to be so ritualistic, as long as two people love each other." Ruan Zhan said, taking a few steps back and standing at the position he had calculated in advance. He could observe the windows on all sides and face the door.

As soon as he stood up, a gust of wind started blowing.

The wind came strangely and suddenly, with no direction. It seemed to come from all directions, and it had a different feeling from the comfortable summer night breeze. The breathing was intermittent, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and sometimes it felt like someone was whispering in my ear. The air is the same, but sometimes it is so strong that the dust, fallen leaves, and weeds on the ground are blown around.

"There's no need for such a big scene. A dragon's movement will cause rain, and a tiger's movement will cause wind." Wan Li scolded lightly.

Ruan Zhan made a silent gesture and drew a charm in mid-air. Xiaoxia felt dizzy for a while, and then heard the sound of footsteps.

The visitor walked steadily and cautiously, as if he didn't want to be noticed, but his footsteps were heard very clearly in Xiaoxia's ears. She knew that it was caused by Ruan Zhan's sound-producing talisman. It was said that the talisman could amplify small sounds several times. The amount of amplification depended on the spiritual power of the person who drew the talisman. When getting ready during the day, she helped Ruan Zhan spread the talisman ashes downstairs.


The bamboo ladder let out a suppressed groan. Apparently the man had passed the room on the first floor and walked up the stairs!

Xiaoxia reached into the small batik cloth bag slung over her shoulder and held tightly what Ruan Zhan handed her. She was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her throat, and she didn't even dare to breathe out. Looking at Wan Li opposite her and Ruan Zhan on the side, one looked relaxed, as if he was playing hide and seek, while the other was calm and calm, not caring about the danger he was about to face. He couldn't help but secretly curse himself for being useless.

The sound of creaking and creaking came continuously, indicating that the man slowly walked up to the second floor.

He stopped on the second floor, as if he didn't believe that the altar had been moved, and he didn't seem to believe that there would be no traps from the first floor to the second floor, and he hesitated to move forward.

After about five minutes of silence, there was a rustling sound, and it felt like something crawled across the road, followed by the sound of messy footsteps, which was obviously witchcraft to find the way. This was repeated three times. After confirming that there was no danger, the man slowly walked up to the third floor.

He paused warily in front of the door again, as if stealing through the cracks of the bamboo door. But when he saw Wan Li and Xiao Xia worshiping the gods of all things, and were about to finish their salutes and become an official religious couple, he suddenly He pushed the bamboo door violently open with a palm and rushed in almost recklessly.

"Aren't you afraid?" Ruan Zhan's sarcastic voice came.

"Do you think I don't know this is a trap? But why should I be afraid of you?"

It’s really Guanzheng!

Although she already knew the answer, Xiaoxia was still a little unbelievable at the moment of complete confirmation. Although she had never liked him, she had always thought that he was an upright person and admired him greatly in her heart. However, her impression at this moment was completely overturned.

This is called knowing people but not knowing their hearts. You can never judge a person's true heart from his appearance!

Who would have thought that on the surface, a lawyer who is devoted to legal aid work and does not care about money and status, and who is too honest, is secretly a lawyer who uses despicable and dirty methods to plunder money, kill innocent relatives and friends, and even kill innocent relatives and friends. The villain who killed his own parents!

"Know the trap?" Ruan Zhan asked knowingly, "Then why are you here?"

"You know very well, aren't you using this to seduce me?" Guan Zheng snorted coldly and looked at Xiaoxia.

"It doesn't matter why you came. You are a guest!" Wan Li said jokingly, "But if you are here to watch the ceremony, please stand aside. My wife and I are about to complete the last ceremony. You stand like this It’s weird in the middle, like it’s about self-sacrifice.”

It was a good thing that Guan Zheng didn't look at Wan Li. As soon as he saw him, he remembered all the closeness between him and Xiao Xia. Remembering that he claimed to be Xiao Xia's boyfriend, he immediately became angry and threw a green ball at Wan Li with a wave of his hand. Another He also quickly threw one to Ruan Zhan.

Wanli didn't watch out for his sudden attack, and he was hit instantly. But before he could scream, the green thing that hit him exploded with a 'pop', blasting a big bloody hole in his chest, and blood splattered everywhere. , his people also immediately fell to the ground. Ruan Zhan was a little further away, but he was caught off guard and avoided it in an extremely awkward manner. He rolled all the way to the innermost corner of the room. He looked like he was injured and couldn't get up even after crawling several times.

"Too bad!" Guan Zheng glanced at Ruan Zhan and repeated what Ruan Zhan said to Huang Boheng that day, which clearly exposed his personality of spending every penny.

"Wanli!" Xiaoxia screamed and rushed to Wanli to see him. Originally, she was standing on the inside, but she ran to the outside in order to see Wan Li's injuries. In addition, Wan Li fell in the direction of Guan Zheng, so she almost rushed to Guan Zheng in her anxiety.

Guan Zheng, who was still polite, pulled Xiao Xia over and put her under his control.

"Let me go! You bastard, pervert, murderer! I want to see him! Let me go!" Xiaoxia cried without even taking a breath.

Guan Zheng ignored Xiao Xia's struggle and said contemptuously, "This is the glue I made using vines and phosphorus fire from corpses. It can be as hard as you want it to be. It will penetrate into human flesh and explode, causing the limbs to rot." , he won’t survive!”

"You can't kill him!"

"You can't kill him!" Xiaoxia and Ruan Zhan shouted at the same time.

"Why can't I? No one can take my things away, and anyone who touches them will die!" Guan Zheng gritted his teeth and looked at Wan Li.

Wan Li was writhing in pain on the ground, unable to scream, just rolling around. Guan Zheng was condescendingly admiring the miserable state of his love rival, while Xiao Xia suddenly stopped talking, and then fell into his arms as if she had fainted. .

Guan Zheng subconsciously put his arms around Xiaoxia's waist, but he felt something strange under his tentacles. Her slender waist should have been soft and warm, but it hurt him when she was held in his arms. He thought she was wearing something around her waist, and was shocked when he looked down.

He saw that the cute girl he wanted to have had deformed and shrunk at this moment, as if an inflated balloon suddenly deflated and quickly withered and shriveled. The weight in his hand also became lighter in an instant, and the whole person and the beautiful wedding dress disappeared without a trace under his eyes, leaving only a vine.

"Don't you know how to control plants? I can too." Ruan Zhan's cold voice came from Guan Zheng's side. There was no trace of him in the corner where he originally lay, it was just a vine.

Before Guan Zheng had a chance to answer, the vine in his hand suddenly started to move again, crawling up his arm like a snake, and then his body. As Ruan Zhan moved his fingers, it circled around his body. Wrapping it up and tightening it quickly, it made him look like a rice dumpling.

At the same time, there was a strong pull under his feet, causing him to fall to the ground. When he looked again, Wanli had turned into a vine, tightly binding his feet.

"I said you are like a sacrifice, but you still don't admit it." Wan Li's voice came from the other side of Guan Zheng.

"Where is Xiaoxia?" he called.

"Here." Opposite him at the altar, Xiaoxia was looking at him with disgust, "You make me sick, and now you want to harm others!"

"It's amazing, it turns out to be an illusion!" Guan Zheng was lying on the ground and smiled gloomily, "I know it's not easy to deal with you, but I still thought that the sneak attack was successful. Well, it was too easy, so I lost interest in playing. "

He laughed, and in his laughter there was an unintelligible curse. The laughter didn't stop and he actually flew into the air.

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