The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 232 The So-Called Gamble

After doing the math, this year, Dimension Entertainment's revenue is actually not as much as last year.

Last year, with the release of "Fantasy Three Kingdoms" and two other relatively small projects, the company earned more than one billion yuan in revenue.

This year, although "Amber" is a big hit, the volume of animation works is still not comparable to that of TV series, and it only earned 170 million in revenue. However, "Amber" is produced in seasons after all, this is only the first season, and there are still many days to come.

Although "Hell Apartment" has a high rate of return, the overall box office scale is still around 300 to 400 million after all, and Dimension Entertainment's income from this work is only about 150 million.

So far this year, the two works that have been launched have brought a total of a little over 300 million in revenue to 'Dimension Entertainment'. Coupled with the long-term income of past works, the total calculation will not exceed 350 million.

This number is not as good as last year.

At the same time, relatively speaking, spending money has become more aggressive.

The investment of "Taiwu Painting Scroll 2" exceeded one billion; the public investment of "Amber Sword" and "Hell Apartment" also reached 50 million; Grandmaster".

According to the public funds, 'Dimension Entertainment' cannot make ends meet, and still relies on 'Dimension Technology' for blood transfusion.

But it didn't work out that way.

These investments that have been made will make money in the future.

First of all, let's talk about the film and television drama "Martial Arts Master". On the basis of "Fantasy Three Kingdoms", the quality is guaranteed, and the star lineup is relatively improved by several levels. According to the estimate given by the company's commercial department, the bottom line of the final revenue of this drama is 1.5 billion, the expected value It is more than two billion.

This project should be relatively stable. In other words, by next year, Dimension Entertainment's marketing, at least the least, will more than double from last year.

A large investment naturally requires a large return.

Speaking of big investment, 'Dimension Entertainment' also has another project that can be called a big gamble, and that is "Taiwu Painting Scroll 2".

For this work, the nominal investment scale given by 'Dimension Entertainment' is 1.2 billion.

In the future, "Taiwu Painting Scroll 2" will definitely be launched on multiple platforms such as PS, XB, and PC. Ye Jiayi is already doing related work. Its global pricing will inevitably look like a 3A masterpiece, about 60 for the standard edition, 80 for the special edition, and 100 for the ultimate edition.

The pricing mentioned here is in US dollars.

In the national area, the price may be slightly lower, but the standard version must be at least more than two hundred yuan.

Calculated as a whole, "Taiwu Painting Volume 2" has sold at least 4 million sets, which can roughly reach the profit and loss point. If the publishing commissions and publicity investment of major platforms are included, this profit and loss point may be doubled. If you want to have an ideal profit, you may need to sell tens of millions of sets.

This is actually a lot of pressure.

The reason why it is called a big gamble is that the company's internal business department has no idea what the final results of "Taiwu Painting Scroll 2" will be.

Tens of millions of sets of what concept? A game with a sales volume of over 10 million is quite rare in the entire world game industry.

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", GTA series, Need for Speed ​​series, Call of Duty series, Radiation series...

Both are famous.

For example, "Taiwu Painted Scroll" has sold more than one million, which seems good, but you must know that the volume of this game is completely incomparable with the 3A masterpiece, how much is its price? It's only sixty yuan. Which 3A, don't sell it for two or three hundred?

The sequel of "Taiwu Painting Scroll 2" needs to sell ten times the sales at several times the price in order to make a relatively good profit.

This is the first serious game work of 'Dimension Entertainment', and it has to challenge this kind of difficulty from the very beginning. For 'Dimension Entertainment', the challenge is very huge.

Marketing means is one aspect, but in the final analysis, the most important thing is the quality of the work itself.

If you can't make a work that is particularly excellent in its own quality and gameplay, it is impossible to sell 10 million.

No matter how good the marketing is, without its own quality support, it is a loft in the sky.

The efficiency of Luozhou Studio is quite fast.

The game itself has already reached a certain degree of completion, and it was originally planned to integrate a beta version. Now, the boss wants to play first to see the investment results, and they quickly take this integration work as the first task, and quickly produced results.

Earlier than expected, Fan Zhe played the beta version.

The game has been installed on his computer.

At present, in the office, besides him, the four persons in charge who are deeply involved in this project are also present.

In addition to the two chief planners, Eggplant and Gao Yixiang, Zhong Hua, the art director, is also there. In addition, there is another person named Chen Jue, who is in charge of the very important technical and AI builder in the "Taiwu Painting Scroll" project.

At this moment, they are nervously waiting for Fan Zhe's evaluation.

When Fan Zhe opened the game, the first thing that caught his eye was a CG opening animation.

The main function of the game's opening animation is to serve as a game's signature.

The famous "World of Warcraft", every time an expansion piece is released, its CG animation can cause a sensation-making CG with heart, making games with feet, although it is just a joke, but people's CG animation is really good sharp.

And other game masterpieces have also worked hard in this regard.

'Dimension Entertainment' has very unique conditions, and if it doesn't produce an awesome CG, it will be a shame for its own technical ability.

This CG, the whole process took about three minutes, it is a relatively complete short film.

In the short film, what is shown at the beginning is a bustling street market.

Under the bright sun, bright red ribbons are fluttering on the buildings beside the spacious Qingshiban Street, which is densely populated, and there are many shops on the street, and many vendors are communicating with various customers. The feeling of buzzing.

Not far away, a luxurious team came. Dozens of servants, carrying a luxurious sedan chair, came step by step; beside the sedan chair, there were many heroic knights guarding it.

Looking at the clothes on this team, Fan Zhe recognized that they were the people from Fulong Altar drawn in the design draft.

That's a sect.

The perspective shifts to the second floor of a tavern on the street, and there is a man wearing a bamboo hat sitting at a table on the balcony.

When the convoy approached, he stood up, stepped on the railing, and jumped down suddenly. The sword light flashed in mid-air, instantly beheaded a guard, and rushed towards the sedan chair.

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