After clicking on the game, Fan Zhe first entered a pinching interface.

This pinching of people is completely different from the crude and messy pinching of people in the first part. Players can choose a variety of official presets here. The overall image of these presets has its own style, and they are all pretty good-looking.

And if the player is not satisfied, they can make their own set.

Seeing the pinching system, Fan Zhe touched his chin and said, "This is quite realistic."

He refers to the overall picture effect, which is not like the common 3D pinching picture, which always looks a little fake, but here, from the modeling details to the skin texture to the light and shadow simulation, the whole thing is very real. At the same time, the painting style of the model is also very Chinese, and it looks very beautiful. At first glance, it looks like a "martial arts face", not the ugly and realistic style that is common in European and American games.

"After entering, you must be surprised."

"I'll wait and see."

While talking, Fan Zhe's hands didn't stop. Too lazy to spend time pinching his own face, he randomly swipe through the many presets, choose a young man in blue fir that is pleasing to the eye, and click to continue.

Followed by some initial options, including difficulty, initial attributes, characteristics and the like. Some things that used to be in the first part of "Taiwu Picture Scroll" have been retained, and some have been deleted, but in general, this is something made for players to create a unique character.

Of course, the most important one is the choice of the initial location. Fan Zhe chose the 'Bashu area', where there is the Emei School.

After completing the series of preparations before the start of the game, Fan Zhe finally entered the game.

On the screen, is the game loading page. This is an original drawing, which is also the conceptual design work drawn by Fan Zhe at the beginning of the project.

"The painting is not as good as mine, but since you are the boss, I will show you some face, and I put up the first one, hehe..." Zhong Hua was talking nonsense again.

"Thank you." Fan Zhe didn't care about him.

It took a long time to load the page. His personal computer was specially bought for playing games... no, it was for work, and the performance was quite good when he was not short of money.

In this way, the loading speed is not fast, which is not a good thing, so he raised this issue.

Gao Yixiang replied: "Yes, there are indeed areas that need to be optimized. We will do targeted work in this area at that time. The PC is fine, and the work on the host will definitely be done well. Don't worry."

"En." Fan Zhe nodded, and waited patiently for a while before the game officially started.

Turning from black to bright, the first picture is a close-up of a wooden pile with a piece of firewood on it, and an ax is chopped down, splitting the firewood in half vertically.

The camera gradually zoomed out, and Fan Zhe saw a young man chopping firewood sitting in a yard that looked like a paradise.

This is exactly the person Fan Zhe chose in the picture of pinching his face just now.

Seeing the whole picture, Fan Zhe frowned.

He has now entered the player's mentality. Seeing such a scene, it is really amazing-the animation here should be the result of real-time calculations. The whole looks very harmonious and comfortable. There are no low-level model bugs at all. Early in the morning The lighting is beautiful, and the whole picture is beautiful and full of texture.

Although the quality of the picture cannot be compared with the CG animation produced by the 'Dimension' system using A-level calculations, the quality of the real machine picture displayed by the entire game has reached the most advanced level of games in the world. Presumably, after this game is released, no matter how picky people are, it is impossible to say that this work is bad in this respect.

After a while, about a few seconds later, the protagonist wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to himself: "The 'ancestral festival' in the village is about to start again, so it should be a good time to go now."

As a result, the game has entered a controllable stage.

Fan Zhe noticed that even at this stage, there is no UI displayed in the game.

"...We don't want the UI of the game to be too conspicuous, and try to do it as much as possible, and don't show the UI when it is not necessary."

"Very good." Fan Zhe responded and manipulated the character.

He uses a mouse and keyboard. The character is controlled in a third-person perspective, which is still very traditional. WSAD has four action keys, and the mouse controls the perspective.

The controller moved twice, and the first UI of the game came out, which was the tutorial copy at the upper center of the screen.

"You can follow the roulette wheel to identify the direction, or use the M key to open the map and confirm your location."

In the lower right corner of the game, a roulette wheel appeared, and the direction he was facing at the moment was true north.

Fan Zhe opened the map, it said 'Taiwu Village'. The map is mostly green, representing the difference between grassland and forest.

The map is still pretty good.

And his first task target is about not far to the north of the courtyard where he is located, which is where Taiwu Village is located.

After closing the map, Fan Zhe controlled the characters to go there.

This whole process is roughly a tutorial for character movement, and there are some obstacles in the middle, so the tutorial also teaches the player to get through it.

Gao Yixiang's commentary next to him also sounded at the right time: "...We have done a generally clear tutorial before, but later thought it was not good, so we deleted it. I think it is boring to make a tutorial level alone. Many players don't like it. Special tutorials, but sometimes there are many gameplays and game systems, and it is difficult to get started without tutorials. Therefore, we finally decided to integrate the entire tutorial into the game and reduce the presence of the tutorial.”

"It feels pretty good." Fan Zhe praised again.

He really thinks it's pretty good. During this short journey to Taiwu Village, the tutorial clearly taught the player how to operate the character, but it wasn't annoying.

On the way, a wounded wild boar caught in a trap appeared.

Here, there is a combat tutorial.

The tutorial will remind the player to enter the character's luck interface and equip the skills, which is called luck.

For any exercise to be effective, it must be activated. At the same time, the exercises that can be used are limited, which is limited by the inner strength and mental methods. There are many exercises that can be used for advanced inner strength methods; at the same time, different types of methods have different emphases. Some mental methods support more 'attack moves', some mental methods support more 'body protection moves', some mental methods support more light skills...

And so on.

The initial skills of the game are only one move of "Taizu Changquan" and the initial internal energy method of "Tu Na Gong".

After being equipped, the player can attack the immobile wild boar, but it also needs to be carefully avoided, as the wild boar will attack people with its fangs in place.

Here, Fan Zhe also experienced for the first time what the so-called "martial arts combat system" is like.

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