The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 312 Chris Evans

Danny Camacho looked curiously at the Asian in front of him, which was Li Zhen.

Of course he knew who the other party was, the person in charge of the Chinese company called 'Dimension Entertainment' in North America. It's just that he doesn't quite understand why such a Chinese company wants to invite Chris to play one of the two protagonists in a movie made by such a Chinese company?

Did you fall in love with Chris, and the popularity he has accumulated around the world through playing the role of "Captain America"?

But... Aren't they worried that this kind of series and superhero adaptation movies will have a fixed image for the actors?

This is exactly what happens to actors in many superhero movies.

Not only Chris Evans, but also Chris Hemsworth, who played the role of Thor in "Brother Hammer", has the same situation.

The two have said in front of the public and the media more than once that they don't want to continue acting.

Something like 'I'm not going to play Captain America anymore', something like 'I'm tired of being Thor'...

More than once.

This is actually quite normal. From an actor's own point of view, if he has a higher pursuit, he will not be willing to play a role for the rest of his life.

This pursuit refers to both art and business.

There are no real superstars who just play one role and get away with it. Stronger than "Captain" Johnson Depp, and "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr., they seem to be extremely popular, and they play corresponding roles in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series and the Marvel series, and the pay is horribly high , but as soon as they left their famous series, their influence dropped a bit.

This is the hidden danger.

Therefore, 'Captain America' and 'Thor' are thinking about how to get rid of their inherent image.

But how easy is it? It's not that easy to switch to other films. They started from these two roles, and even their own images have been bound together with the corresponding superheroes.

Other movies, please, would have a huge worry. For example, when Chris Evans saw him, would he be unconsciously regarded as "Captain America" ​​and feel out of play?

This is very harmful to the film itself.

This may still be relatively unimportant. What is more worrying is that he has only shown commercial ability in the role of "Captain America". No one knows whether Chris Evans can still have the role of "Captain America" ​​after leaving the role. Enough commercial appeal? Without commercial appeal, why should I use you as a famous actor?

For actors, the same problem exists.

If the series of movies and fixed roles continue to play, at least the situation will not get worse, the salary will only rise and not fall, and the reputation will continue to be maintained. But once another film series succeeds, everyone is happy; if it fails, it will be an extremely heavy blow to the actor, which will further deepen the impression of the outside world: he can only play Captain America.

When the actors and film crews are very cautious, it is naturally rare for an actor like Chris Evans to act in other commercial blockbusters.

But these are not affected, Camacho strives for more benefits for his employer, he is a professional broker, this is his job.

What's more, after careful discussion, Camacho, as Chris' agent, believes that going to China to act in a movie should not be a big problem. If it succeeds, it can get back the Hollywood publicity, saying that Chris Evans’ influence is not just as simple as the US team, and he can be successful even if he goes to act in a Chinese movie; if it fails, it’s just a Chinese movie anyway, no Not for Chris Evans, but for Chinese movies.

It is precisely with this in mind that they decided to cautiously try to get in touch with this Chinese team.

"We can accept going to China to make a movie, but the premise is that the salary can be satisfactory enough. After our internal discussions, we believe that for Chris, a salary of 20 million US dollars is a relatively good way to reflect his price of value."

"We are very sincere, but we also hope that you can maintain your sincerity." Hearing the price, Li Zhen shook his head with a sneer, and said, "Twenty million dollars? Mr. Camacho, your quotation makes me feel nothing about you." Sincerity. There are not many members of the 20 million club in Hollywood, and Chris Evans must not be included among them. At this price, I can even use it as a stepping stone for Tom Cruise."

Before Camacho could speak, Li Zhen continued: "If you insist on such an offer, I don't think there is any need for us to continue talking."

After speaking, he made a gesture to leave. However, Camacho stopped him at last.

Camacho was indeed a bit of a lion before. Asking prices is a very normal business practice, but he doesn't really want to scare off the other party directly through this. If he doesn't have any sincerity in cooperation, he doesn't need to spare time to meet this Chinese.

"You don't agree with the quotation of 20 million US dollars, I can understand, but I think Chris's price will not be very low, I want to hear your quotation, and finally see if there is any further communication between us significance."

"Seven and a half million dollars, this is our offer. As far as I know, this price has exceeded Chris's salary as Captain America."

"That's true." Camacho didn't intend to lie about this matter, "But, I must emphasize that the risk of Chris going to China to shoot a movie is huge. The Chinese film industry, IMHO , is not mature enough, we are very worried about the quality of the finished film, which may affect Chris's future career development."

Saying this, his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat: "So, we asked for more extra remuneration to offset the risk. Moreover, it is also your company that invited Henry Cavill to play a role, and they paid 10 million US dollars , I don’t think Chris should be paid less than Henry.”

"There is no comparison." Li Zhen said, "In addition to Superman, Henry Cavill also has other influential film and television works, which cannot be equated. Eight million dollars, this is our final offer."

The two had been arguing for a long time, Li Zhen bit the eight million dollar price to death, and refused to raise it any higher.

Moreover, apart from the fact that the salary is outside, he also requires that he sign contracts for at least three leading roles, and at the same time be obliged to cooperate with the filming of non-main characters in other films under this series. The salary increase for each film shall not exceed 10%. .

In the end, Camacho said: "I need to go back and think about it before giving you an answer."

Li Zhen stood up: "We don't have much time. Next week, my boss will come to the United States. I hope we can reach an agreement before then."

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