The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 454 The perfect combination of business and art

The official account operated by the company Sun Qing works for is called 'Midnight Fantasy World'.

As mentioned before, their official account is dedicated to articles from the perspective of women, and basically does not write anything related to movies.

But this time, she wrote so unusually.

The "Warcraft" series is very famous, but perhaps among girls, the audience is not so wide.

No matter how willful she is, she must have the minimum professional ethics. Writing this article, it is impossible to be completely self-satisfied, and she is also responsible for herself as the editor-in-chief.

Therefore, she chose a perspective to talk about love in the way of movie analysis.

After the article was finished, she posted the article due to the timeliness of the huge popularity under the movie premiere.

To be honest, this is a bit of a taste of rubbing heat. This is the instinct of people who work in the media today. When a hot event occurs, no matter what you are doing, you have to lean on it.

But then again, isn't this kind of enthusiasm adding to the hot topic itself?

Just like this article written by Sun Qing titled "Desire but Unavailable, Like Frostmourne". Although she took advantage of the popularity of "The Rise of the Lich King", she also introduced this movie to a large number of people who haven't seen it, or even didn't plan to watch it.

Sun Qing's writing style is still good, with a thousand words in an article, full of melancholy. This kind of text with a bit of sentimental literary taste just hit the hearts of some girls.

In the comments below the article, many people who have watched the movie also wrote down some of their own feelings along with the emotions conveyed by this article. And more people who haven't seen the movie are attracted by the article and the comments below.

And indeed, someone decided to go see this movie because of it


The release of "Rise of the Lich King" caused a far greater stir than the "Warcraft" movie a few years ago.

The word-of-mouth of the film is quite good. Among the many comments, the biggest praise is that this film is a good combination of commerciality and artistry.

Needless to say in terms of commerciality, Dimension Entertainment has demonstrated its ability in this regard through many previous works.

Shown in the film "The Rise of the Lich King", the rhythm of the film is very comfortable, the ups and downs of the story, the climax is there, and there are places where it should be calm and pave the way for the emotions and the story. The picture is expressive and the special effects well made...

And the most important point is that the story is well told.

The story line and logic of the story are very good. After reading it, everyone will not be confused, will not feel that there is something very dramatic, or that they want to complain or feel uncomfortable.

That would be great, at least the movie's commercial success can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

And this movie has also been well praised in terms of profundity.

"Alsace is a character with an obvious tragic color, and there are many similar characters in mythology."

"His birth was a preordained heroic birth. His mission was preordained, and the ending heightened that sense of tragedy."

"My son, on the day you were born, all the forests of Lordaeron whispered the same name, Arthas..." - Terenas Millhills

"During the defensive battle of Tannbrad, the call of heroes sounded. As the prince of Lordaeron, Arthas is duty-bound, and he is also driven by a strong sense of justice and responsibility. As a mentor, Uther always guides with him."

"After the first test, a bigger test came. Investigate the invasion of the Scourge with Jaina. Kel'Thuzad is the first gate that Arthas crosses, and is the guardian of the dark land."

"So far, Alsace's tragedy is not doomed. Stratholme, let Alsace enter the deepest darkness. Here, Alsace killed himself, completing the turning point of fate."

"It's not the rebirth of a hero, let alone a triumphant return. Arthas died in this greatest crisis."

"He didn't pass the test of a hero."

"After that, the temptation of Frostmourne and the fall of the death knight only intensified the tragedy."

"Dimension Entertainment's creation of this movie is worthy of thanks and respect."

"I used to think that the story about Alsace would never have a chance to be put on the big screen. It has too many problems in terms of subject matter and content. It does not conform to the so-called 'mainstream values' and does not reflect the tall story. , great hatred and deep bitterness, easy and fun that doesn't meet people's entertainment requirements..."

"However, for us audiences, after seeing so many movies packed with seemingly humorous lines and simple and quick consumption stories, we seem to really lack a movie like "The Lich King."

"It satisfies our imagination for visual effects like a general commercial film, but it is not only that, it is not just a consumer product, but a real work of art. Through Alsace's life, he tells us It nakedly shows a tragedy, which is about depravity, about choices, and about thinking about life."


In the field of public opinion, there is a lot of praise for "The Lich King", as if they are going to blow it up to the point of being a masterpiece.

In terms of score, the score of 9.2 is also the highest rated movie among the movies produced by Dimension Entertainment.

This film, of course, is undoubtedly a feast for the fans of "Warcraft", and they are quite satisfied with the quality of this work. "The Lich King" exhibits far superior qualities than the "Warcraft" movies.

Even non-fan groups can still feel the charm of this movie.

This film, in all aspects of parity, is a bit similar to "The Dark Knight" back then.

This movie is extremely successful commercially. "Batman: The Dark Knight" is the first superhero movie in film history to enter the "billion dollar club".

When Nolan was filming the Batman movie, he packaged an extremely realistic superhero story in the style of a realistic police film, successfully excavating the deep character of the character and the human philosophy contained in the story, and raising the comic movie to a new level. levels.

"The Lich King" has a bit of this flavor.

In terms of word of mouth, this film does not seem to be much weaker than the Dark Knight Trilogy, at least judging from the period of time it was released.

In terms of box office results, it seems that it will not be bad.

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