Ye Xiuqing spoke very firmly. After she said this, she ignored the young man who was blushing because of anger. Instead, he looked at the people around him who were watching the excitement. Raising his voice, he spoke to them.

"I admit, she is indeed my sister. But her father, my second uncle, broke up with our family a year ago.

The reason for the divorce was because their father and daughter wanted to plot against my marriage, and wanted to marry me to a man who had a second marriage and domestic violence. She also ran out for more than a year because of this incident. When I came back this time, I said that I wanted to get our forgiveness, which is probably what I said.

But to be honest, for this matter, not only me, our whole family is not ready to forgive their father and daughter. Mainly because of what they did, it was disgusting.

There is another reason why we don't forgive her, that is, we are afraid of being tricked by her again. When she was having a hard time, she came to my father for help. My father didn't say a word, and wholesaled the cost of my family's lo-mei to her.

During that time, she made a lot of money for selling my house's lo-mei, and she turned around and started to count me. Like this white-eyed wolf, do you dare to contact him again? "

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, the people around who were still hesitating about whether to speak for Ye Xiuli stopped speaking at this time.

Some people also reflexively backed away.

Ye Xiuqing is famous in their area, and she can study at Capital University at a young age. Many parents like to use Ye Xiuqing as a role model when teaching their children.

Such a promising child, even those of them who are neighbors, are looking forward to her being better. Unexpectedly, Ye Xiulu, who looked so weak and weak, had such a dark heart, and wanted to marry her to that kind of man.

Seeing their performance, Ye Xiuli's tears flowed even more fiercely, and she kept shaking her head.

"It's not like this, listen to my explanation, it was really just for my father at the beginning. Even if you and the fourth uncle didn't go in, when I leave, I will come to find you specifically and tell you about this. You are so good to me, how could I do something to hurt you?"

Although Ye Xiuli was crying pitifully now, compared to Ye Xiuli who had never been in contact with her before. The neighbors around were more willing to believe that Ye Xiuqing was studying at Capital University at this time.

Therefore, the neighbors who were still showing sympathy to Ye Xiuli stood there with indifferent expressions at this time, and no one said a word. Even the young man who just wanted to get ahead was held back by his own mother. He couldn't help but say more, dragged him directly and went home.

"Ye Xiuli,

Originally, I wanted to save some face for you, but I didn't say anything bad except not letting you enter the yard.

Our family can't stand your entanglement like this, so I'll make it clear to you. No matter what the reason you came back this time and pestered our family, it is impossible for us to provide you any more help.

Please stay away from my family in the future. If I find out again, you will pester the people in our family. Then don't blame me for speaking badly. Everyone knows the shameful things you've done before. "

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Ye Xiuli looked at her in disbelief. However, she found that Ye Xiuqing had a very serious expression on her face at this time.

It can be seen that she really thinks so in her heart.

Ye Xiuli, who had a lot of small problems, didn't dare to pester Ye Xiuqing at this time. He insisted on saying a few scenes, and after showing respect for himself, he left here in despair.

Not long after Ye Xiuli left, Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun, who had gone out to check out, rushed back in a hurry.

"I heard that Ye Xiuli came over just now. She didn't do anything outrageous, did she?"

Seeing Ye Jiangong's worried look, Ye Xiuqing couldn't help laughing.

"What can she do to me? Dad, don't worry, your daughter is amazing.

She also wanted to use the surrounding neighbors to pressure me to forgive her. I was not polite at all, I just told the shameful things she had done before, and she ran away without saying anything. However, I am afraid that she will pester you in the future. "

Ye Jiangong didn't take Ye Xiuqing's worries to heart.

"If she has the ability, let her come here. Your father and I are not vegetarian. Don't worry, as long as we are vigilant, she can't figure out any tricks."

In this first month, Ye Xiuqing kept a certain vigilance in her heart. Are you afraid that Ye Xiuli is doing something stupid?

However, I don't know if it was what Ye Xiuqing said before that scared Ye Xiuli. Just after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Ye Xiuli secretly left the county seat when everyone was not paying attention, not knowing where she went.

And before she left, she really hadn't contacted Ye Jiangong and his family, which made Ye Xiuqing relax a lot.

With the training class in mind, Ye Xiuqing returned to the capital about a week early.

She first went back to the bedroom and put down her luggage. I went to the post office to call the Luwei Factory again, and after reporting safety to Ye Jiangong, I went directly to the courtyard.

Originally, Ye Xiuqing thought that there was no one in the courtyard at this time. Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked to the gate of the courtyard, she saw the lights in the room.

After entering the courtyard, Ye Xiuqing heard the voice of someone lecturing in two classrooms.

Before Ye Xiuqing approached, the door of the office was pushed open. Lu Kangmei, who came out of the room, was a little surprised when she saw Ye Xiuqing. Then, couldn't help but laugh.

"President, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year! Did our training class start so early? When did you come back? Compared with you, is my president a little too lazy? I'm ashamed!"

Ye Xiuqing walked into the office while talking, and saw other classmates in the office, so she said hello to them first. They put the special products they brought back on the table and asked them to come and get them by themselves.

These students were already familiar with Ye Xiuqing, and they were not polite when they heard her words, and the office suddenly became lively.

After everyone had finished their specialties and sat down in their seats, Lu Kangmei answered Ye Xiuqing's question just now.

"Before the Chinese New Year, a few students from our club didn't go home and stayed in the capital to give students one-on-one training? The parents who came over before came back several times and strongly urged us to open a new class.

We have talked about this before in the meeting, and the parents have been urging it. Those of us who stayed here talked about it and started the new class ahead of time! "

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