After hearing this, Zhou Xing frowned. He knew that this kind of thing happened from time to time in power struggles in the kingdom. When the central kingship was not strong enough, the local powers would be ready to move. They either colluded or communicated with foreign countries. Just for self-interest, he would not hesitate to launch countless wars, destroy countless homes, and kill countless people. The crimes can be described as numerous.

No wonder Princess Sissi said that his elder brother has been grumpy lately and that he was under such a great pressure. Zhou Xing didn't have much information and didn't know what to say for a while, so he asked: "Where are the hidden dangers of war?"

Gene immediately found a map of the country, which had been marked with many red dots, each of which represented a betrayer. Zhou Xing carefully counted, there were 7 red dots on the map! You know, Camilo Kingdom has 16 main cities and 7 treasonous cities. This is almost half of the country's power!

If only the lord of one or two main cities have different intentions, Zhou Xing believes that with the strength of the kingdom as a whole, it is not difficult to quell the rebellion, but if nearly half of the forces collude, or even borrow foreign power, it will inevitably lead to a major war .

In an instant, a word appeared in Zhou Xing's mind-Civil War! Immediately afterwards, he seemed to see a scene of raging war, where players from different main cities fought together, at every turn the scale of millions of people.

Soon, Zhou Xing realized that this change was likely to be related to the main storyline. He could not change it by himself. He expected similar civil wars in other kingdoms. Maybe, then the entire Orbis continent Will be caught in the flames of war.

Then what he needs to do is to keep Tage in this chaotic world, and even use this chaotic battle to expand his strength. Maybe in the future, the territory of the kingdom will change, whether it expands or shrinks, full of variables.

"How? What do you think should be done? Do you take the initiative, or stick to it?" Jean asked Zhou Xing for advice. As the Minister of State and his lifesaver, Zhou Xing's words were very influential.

After thinking about it for a while, he said: "It seems that there is only one way to stay. If you attack rashly, it is likely to give the other party a word of truth and cause an even more unfavorable situation. Our current strength is not strong enough, and the attack is too risky. We have to stick to it. They dare not act rashly by constantly strengthening their defense forces. Even when the situation becomes chaotic, the rebels may have a war of annexation because of their interests. We can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but the premise is sufficient. The ability to protect themselves prevents them from attacking Dawn City."

"It makes sense, it's almost the same as I thought, but what should I do? Build the city walls? Recruit troops and buy horses? But now the finances are very tight! The money is not enough!"

Zhou Xing's eyes rolled, he thought about it, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty doesn't know anything. Now many big guilds have emerged in the royal city. All of these guilds are both rich and rich. They are all members of the kingdom. It is shameful to enjoy the various benefits provided by the kingdom free of charge, but only pay small benefits! I suggest taxing them and levying heavy taxes. The name of this tax is called the preventive war tax!"

"War tax prevention? Well, I like the name. Who is taxed then?"

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will make a list for you. There are five guilds that are very powerful. We can ask them to pay 50,000 gold coins. Give them ten days. They will definitely be able to raise them. , These five guilds have opened many shops inside and outside the city. These shops are all hens who can lay golden eggs. We should unconditionally own 40% of their shares in the name of national guarantee!"

"Is it too much to do this? Wouldn't it arouse their resistance?" Gene frowned.

Zhou Xing said with a smile: "What did your Majesty say? They are His Majesty’s subjects. They should have served His Majesty long ago. It should be confiscation of all their property for free. Moreover, when the enemy is present, if they dare not follow their lives, they are treason. Sin! Although the minister is not talented, he still has the ability to maintain order in the king's city. If any guild is not obedient, hey, I will personally lead the soldiers to ask the sin!"

"Okay, great! Zhou Xing, you are really the pillar of the country, and I am so lucky to have your assistance!"

"Your Majesty is too acclaimed, and Weichen dare not be."

Later, Zhou Xing gave a list of five guilds, which are naturally the Great Qin Empire, the Tenth Reincarnation, the Star-Moon Alliance, the Temple of War and the Magic Moon.

Zhou Xing also suggested that the order be issued in the form of a city-wide announcement, and Gene readily agreed. Then the two discussed many other things, and they were busy until dawn.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the royal city’s tax and shareholding orders for the five guilds were officially issued. There was an uproar in the city. Although no one saw Zhou Xing making suggestions for the king, he contacted Zhou Xing’s status as a ministerial minister and his relationship with the five guilds. The tense relationship between the family guilds, just ten minutes later, one-sided arguments appeared on the forum, and new posts appeared in an endless stream, all of which were released by the vests of the five major guild players. Regarding Zhou Xing’s various accusations and curses, this is the latest The order severely suppressed the development of the five guilds. This kind of self-interested policy must have been enacted by Zhou Xing to encourage the king.

They asked to enter the palace to tell the truth to His Majesty, to punish the treacherous minister Zhou Xing, and also called on the top twenty guilds except Ta Ge and Long Xiang Jiutian to join forces to jointly punish Ta Ge and his accomplice Long Xiang Jiutian.

It's a pity that everyone's slogans were loudly shouted, but few responders. After all, Zhou Xing was already covering the sky with one hand, and no one dared to offend him. The Five Great Guilds were living examples. As soon as Zhou Xing returned, such a national policy appeared. You don't need to ask to know that it was him behind the scenes, but he didn't expect that he had such a large energy, so the major forces became more jealous of him.

Through the information provided by Jian Yu, Zhou Xing found that during the one and a half months of power vacuum when he was absent, the five major guilds developed almost exponentially. No wonder they could easily use 10,000 gold coins as fines. There were more than 70% inside and outside Wangcheng. The resources were divided among these five guilds, and the development of other guilds was greatly restricted, but they dared not say anything. As soon as Zhou Xing arrived, he broke the solidification situation, and other guilds had more opportunities, so he was also happy to watch the good show on both sides.

Of course, Zhou Xing wants to break the situation. His first goal is to raise the guild ranking to number one again, so he immediately took action and went to the gathering places of various players, especially in front of the gates of each dungeon. Anyone who saw five guilds Players, no matter what their level, no matter they are men, women or children, and no matter what profession they are, they are all killed!

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