The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 52: Rookie singled out Pierce

On the Celtics' bench, Strickland lowered his head, not daring to look up at the furious coach Pitino.

Pitino's forehead bulged with veins: "He's just a rookie, a second-round pick, and you guys let a rookie play around on the court!"

No one dared to say anything.

Pitino pointed to Joe Johnson and said: "You are the No. 10 pick this year, go up and prove yourself."

Sun Zhengping: "The timeout is up. Let's take a look at the lineups of the two teams. Kidd played for the Nets, and Walker and Pierce also substituted for the Celtics."

Zhang Weiping: "Both teams have replaced core players, and it seems that they are going to do it with real knives and guns."

After the substitutions, the Nets lineup is: Collins, Martin, Jefferson, Shentong, Kidd.

The Celtics lineup is: Batty, Walker, Pierce, Johnson, Anderson.

The game restarts.

Pierce, who played again, performed his famous stunt as soon as he came up: back-to-hip singles.

He just opened a bloody path under Jefferson's pressing.

Turned around and made a layup, which also caused Jefferson's foul.

Sun Zhengping: "Oh, the Celtics scored 2+1 from Pierce at the beginning of the game, narrowing the point difference."

Zhang Weiping: "Pierce is really tough. This is what we often call aggressive. He plays very aggressively."

After the goal, Pierce stared at Jefferson arrogantly.

"Rookie, you can't stop me."

Jefferson was not afraid at all: "Yes, my crotch is not tight enough."


Shen Tong, who came out of nowhere, suddenly laughed tacitly with Jefferson.

Pierce, who was pretending to be aggressive, couldn't get off the stage.

However, Pierce, who has seen big scenes, will still make an extra penalty.


Shentong, who started to shine in the second quarter, encountered Johnson's close defense.

Kidd controls the ball on the outside and directs his teammates to move.

Scott even yelled tactical code names from the sidelines.

Except for Kidd, who was standing near the middle circle, the four players of the Nets kept running on the court.

Zhang Weiping: "Look, you played so patiently. This game is interesting."

Johnson, who was defending Shentong, didn't know what medicine was sold in Shentong's gourd, which ran around the court twice.

"This guy is too good at running."

Just pause and think.

Martin came over to block, and Shen Tong immediately dodged Johnson.

Pierce, who has been paying attention to Shentong, quickly came to make up the defense.

Unexpectedly, Jefferson, who was facing Pierce, blocked Pierce and opened a wide road for Shentong.

People arrive at the ball.

The 45° angle on the right is the position where Shentong has the highest three-point shooting rate, and it is also a tactic specially arranged by Scott for Shentong.

Double pick and roll!

Sun Zhengping: "Hey, the Nets have two players doing pick-and-rolls for Shentong. This is a tactic specially arranged for Shentong."

Zhang Weiping immediately said: "It seems that the Nets are really sure about Shentong's long-range shots."

Amidst Shuangping's discussion, Shentong jumped high after receiving the ball.

Hold the basketball in your right hand, hold it slightly with your left hand, and throw the ball with the strength of your wrist.

The basketball drawn by the fingertips draws a wonderful parabola in the air.


The wonderful sound made the Continental Arena explode instantly!

Cheers like a tsunami.

"Who is that young guy with black hair and yellow skin? He's so handsome!" A plump, temperamental Caucasian beauty asked happily.

"His name is Shen Tong, he's from China, and he's a pretty good shot!" A middle-aged man with a beer shouted back.

"Oh, his shooting is so wonderful. Look at the muscles in the arms and the line of the calves, tsk tsk tsk, it must be very strong and powerful." These words came from a middle-aged beautiful woman.

"I'll buy a No. 25 jersey after the game. He's my new idol. That's right, it's him!" This is a young middle school student.

Shen Qing and Avril Lavigne who were sitting in the auditorium looked at each other and smiled.

After scoring the goal, Shen Tong raised his finger.


The third three-pointer!

Sun Zhengping stammered rarely because of surprise, and said, "It's coming in again."

Zhang Weiping repeated it in a low voice, and continued: "No, it's the fourth one, and this is the third one."

Sun Zhengping: "That's right."

With consecutive three-pointers in the second quarter, Shentong became the hero of the Nets.

After the goal, Shentong was surrounded by Kidd, Martin and others.

Kidd: "Keep it up, do you hear me?"

Martin: "I can't block people in vain, otherwise there will be no next time!"

Jefferson, who wanted to kick Shentong, walked around the three of them for a long time, but there was really nowhere to go.

But some people regard Shentong as a thorn in their side.

The Celtics use the pass to create a dislocation.

Pierce holds the ball, and it is Shentong who defends him.

Sun Zhengping: "Oh, it's Shentong defending Pierce. The stars of the two teams are directly confronting each other."

Zhang Weiping: "That's right."

Instead of jumping, Pierce feinted on the spot, then used his hips to push out the space, broke through to the basket, turned around on the spot and made a small throw.

Shentong made a block action.

The ball spun around the rim and missed.

But the referee blew his whistle.

Shen Tong made a defensive foul.

Sun Zhengping: "I'm afraid Pierce deliberately came to this point. He wanted to say that you are not a good shooter, so it will cause trouble for you on the defensive end."

Zhang Weiping agreed with his partner: "That's right, use experience to make your fouls and break your rhythm while scoring. Pierce is a very experienced player."

Pierce, who caused the foul, turned to Shentong: "Hehe, me."

Shen Tong: "Richard, do you still remember the hat of Lao Wang next door?"

Jefferson: "Of course I remember, the green one."

Shen Tong shivered all over: "I have never had a good impression of green."

Jefferson nodded in agreement. "So after hearing the green legend, I don't wear my green peaked cap anymore."

The two chatted on their own, without giving Pierce a chance to speak.

Pierce looked at the green clothes on his body, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Two nasty little bastards."

Steadily scored two free throws.


10 points difference.

Zhang Weiping: "We see that the Nets' spacing is very good, and the players are very wide apart."

Through passing and running, it is Pierce who caused the foul just now who is defending Shentong alone.

Sun Zhengping: "Look quickly, both sides are pulled apart, let Shentong single out Pierce."

Zhang Weiping: "How bold!"

The home fans started to make noise.

The fiery newcomer Shen Tong faced the enemy general Pierce.

Exciting one-on-one!

Shentong dribbled the ball skillfully under Pierce's defense and suddenly started.

Continuous feints, changing hands left and right, stepping down the dribble, and emergency stop jumpers outside the three-point line!

Pierce's defense was excellent, he didn't lose his position, he used his body to push Shentong to the bottom line, and almost pushed Shentong out of the bottom line.

The basketball flew out from Shen Tong's fingertips, drawing an almost perfect parabola in the air.

Pierce looked at Shen Tong who jumped into the air.

This shot angle should be negative.

This ball can't be scored.

Pierce turned and shouted, "Rebound!"

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