The First Mage

Chapter 693: Sea of ​​Fire

Lynch's face was full of black lines. The power of the undead knight's charge is really strong enough. It seems that when he faces soldiers in the future, he can make good use of the undead knight's charge. A spell hit it directly, simple and rude...

After the female worm flew out, it was overturned by the power of the undead knight. It happened that the lower abdomen was facing the sky. With the help of the firelight, Lynch could see the whole picture of the female worm clearly. Immediately afterwards, Lynch's eyes suddenly lit up. There was a bloodstain the size of a palm on his lower abdomen. Lynch walked over and wiped off the blood, but saw that it was a blood hole the size of a palm.

Before, Lynch had been guessing how Cheridian killed the female worm. Now that he saw the blood hole in the lower abdomen of the female worm, he finally understood that maybe Cheridian lifted the female worm first. , and then attacked the relatively soft lower abdomen on its body, and only then did it successfully take away the life of the female worm.

Since the lower abdomen of the female worm has always been close to the ground, Lynch didn't really discover it until now.

The appearance of this lower abdomen made Lynch see the possibility of understanding the planer worm. Following this wound and dissecting it from the inside, it might be possible to gradually decompose the mother worm's body.

He couldn't help but feel a little eager to try.

"Huh?" At this moment, Lynch suddenly found a bright light flashing in the body of the female worm. Although it was very inconspicuous, it was still captured by Lynch.

"What is that?" Lynch thought for a while, looked around, then took out the wand from his body, followed by holding the part of the wand, and stretched the wand in, and then, the wand seemed to touch Arrived at something.

Lynch was not in a hurry, but took the wand and poked it everywhere, and finally took out the wand, and found that there seemed to be no change except that the wand was covered with blood.

Seeing that the wand was safe and sound, Lynch didn't have any worries. He got close to the corpse of the female worm, and then stretched out his hand and stretched it in.

Immediately afterwards, Lynch quickly took out the hard object from inside. After taking it out, Lynch discovered that it turned out to be a silver gem. The light itself is transparent. Although it is in the body of the female worm, it seems not to be affected at all. Through the gemstone, Lynch can even see the lines on his fingers clearly.

"This is..." Lynch's eyes widened slightly. He never thought that a gem could be found inside the female worm's body. This is too unbelievable. If it is a magic core, Maybe it didn't surprise Lynch so much, but gemstones really made Lynch a little confused.

Why did this gem appear in the body of the female worm?

And speaking of the luck of this gemstone, Cheridian's power broke through the body of the female worm and took its life, but did not destroy this gemstone. I have to say that this is extremely lucky.

Holding this gem in his hand, Lynch examined it carefully, trying to find out the origin of this gem, like a silver gem, which is extremely rare in the world of Anriel, even in Lynch's impression, I have never heard of this kind of gem. Could it be that this is a gem that has not yet appeared in the world of Anriel? In other words, it has already disappeared into the long river of history?

Whether this is the case, Lynch is still unclear, but he seems to be unable to distinguish the origin and function of this gem.

Lynch looked at it for a long time, and also used some methods of activating the gemstone, wanting to test the ability of this gemstone, but the gemstone seemed to be dead, and there was no movement at all.

"It seems that this gem is not simple..." Lynch muttered, and after thinking for a while, he put the gem away.

Although he still has no way to find out the function of this gemstone, but he can be sure that the value of this gemstone must be beyond his imagination, after all, he found it from the body of the female worm...

And Lynch also believes that with the growth of his future experience, he will definitely be able to figure out the origin of this gem.

Immediately afterwards, after putting away the gems, Lynch's eyes fell on the female worm again. Relying on the bloody hole in the female worm, Lynch believed that it should be possible to dissect the female worm, starting from the lower abdomen, Finally, its corpse is completely decomposed into materials.

But what is more embarrassing is that to complete the whole process, there is no way to rely on your own hands alone, including the bone gun of the undead knight. If the force is too large, it may destroy the body of the female worm .

It would be great if I could find the alchemy scalpel at this time...

It's a pity that it's not in the alchemy laboratory now, and Lynch has no way to find the alchemy scalpel.

There is no way, I can only temporarily put the corpse of the female worm in this place, and when I come to Budapest next time, I can decompose the corpse of the female worm with an alchemy scalpel...

The corpses of the devil worms around were also almost burned. Looking at the female worm in front of him, Lynch finally took the initiative to extinguish the sea of ​​flames. In the darkness, a faint light appeared on Lynch's fingers, illuminating the three to four meters around him. scope.

Lynch thought about it for a while, and then planned to leave. After all, at the bottom of this abyss, apart from the corpse of the female worm, there is nothing of value left.


But at this moment, Lynch suddenly heard a loud noise from above, accompanied by countless falling stones, Lynch's face suddenly changed, and before he could figure out what it was, Then, an indescribably terrifying aura came from above the abyss.

"Damn..." Lynch's complexion changed dramatically. Lynch was very familiar with that huge aura. It was the aura of Cheridian, and his scalp felt numb for a moment. Isn't Cheridian already have you left? Why did he come back out of nowhere at this time? Could it be that the sea of ​​flames he unleashed attracted Cheridian back?

But, it shouldn't be...

The sea of ​​fire is only a first-order spell, and the fluctuations in the mana that permeate it are also extremely weak. It should not arouse Cheridian's vigilance. Could it be that Cheridian's perception is really so strong? up? From this point of view, in Budapest, I really dare not use any spells lightly...

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