The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 84: Born to Franco

Although Chu Mingcheng took the two-star exam, he has zero foundation in freediving theory and some skills, so it is not a problem to be arranged to study with the students who took the one-star exam.

The difference is that the requirements for his assessment are more difficult.

If you want to take the fishing and hunting test, it is best to take the AIDA certificate. The PADI test is not difficult, and many fishing and hunting clubs reject this certificate.

Most girls take PADI because there is a mermaid course in this system.

The beauties in the aquarium who dive and swim in the water and show their beautiful postures are tested for this certificate.

Next, Lu Zheqiang will teach everyone about Franzo's practice methods in detail.

"Leave a small gap in the hand holding the nose (you don't need to push the air into the ear every time you lift your throat, which will cause middle ear fatigue), and the air you lift up the throat can come out of the nose gap.

200 times a day, keep practicing until the frequency and success rate are satisfactory. "

At this time, a female student asked: "Coach Daqiang, how can I calculate Lanzuo's success?"

Lu Zheqiang: "The success of Franzo's ear pressure balance is actually very simple."

"Everyone look at me like this. I pinch my nose with one hand and press the depression below the breastbone with the other to exhale all the air in my lungs."

"The hands and belly below cannot use any force, and the throat is raised repeatedly."

"If you hear the sound of air being pushed into the ear, it means that Franzo's ear pressure has been successfully balanced."

Then Lu Zheqiang made a demonstration for everyone, and saw the rapid agitation of his pinched nose, that is, the sound of air reaching the ears, which cannot be heard by those present.

In just a short while, his nostrils twitched more than 60 times, and the frequency was very fast.

"Okay, now everyone will do it once, and I will correct you."

"Acheng, you come first!"

"Okay!" Chu Mingcheng nodded, pinched his nose, and pushed the air in his mouth with the base of his tongue naturally.

Just now when Lu Zheqiang was teaching, he tried it himself, and found that the balance of Franzo's ear pressure is very simple, and he doesn't know if it is because of the ease of swimming.

He could feel that his ears could hear a sound similar to drumming, and his ears would become a little swollen after more times.

Seeing that he finished it so easily, Lu Zheqiang smiled and said, "Ah Cheng, you probably haven't practiced Franzo before, have you?"

"Yes, let alone practice, I don't even know what Franzo is."

"Then it seems that you are a natural Franzo, and with your water ability, it is easy to take the two-star test."

Hearing that Franzo was born, the other students present were a little envious.

After all, many students were stopped by Franzo when they took the two-star certificate test.

People who are born with Franzo, when they pinch their nose and puff up their ears, they naturally use the base of their tongue to press the air in their mouth, and it doesn't take a long time to practice.

Lu Zheqiang continued to let the remaining students try to be Franzo one by one, and after correcting their mistakes, he began to introduce the equipment and functions of free diving.

Chu Mingcheng was not very concerned about this aspect, all he needed was a diving suit and fishing and hunting equipment.

The snorkel can indeed help him breathe without showing his head, but he is already on the surface of the water, so it is not bad to raise his head.

The mask is really a burden. Wearing it will block your vision, and it will be uncomfortable to wear.

However, in special cases, the mask can also protect the eyes.

Flippers are optional for him, and it is easier for him to swim when he has fishing tools in his hands.

The disadvantage is that the water resistance he feels is very small, but it increases some resistance after wearing flippers.

It takes more energy on the feet, and secondly, it is powerless to swim at high speed.

Therefore, he did not wear fins for the first few dives.

The club naturally sells freediving equipment, and Lu Zheqiang recommended some basic equipment for them, but Chu Mingcheng has already brought over his own equipment, so there is no need to buy additional equipment.

After the introduction of the equipment, the next step is the most important security mechanism.

First of all, every freedivers needs an excellent diving buddy, regardless of freediving or scuba diving, it is not recommended to go into the water alone.

Chu Mingcheng also didn't need this point, but he listened very carefully.

Because Lu Zheqiang explained a lot of important knowledge about the dangers that may be encountered in the water and how to rescue them.

The morning passed quickly.

Lu Zheqiang asked everyone to have a lunch break first, and go to the swimming pool at one o'clock in the afternoon to start the next stage of study.

Then he wanted to take Chu Mingcheng to dinner, but before he got up, he was stopped by a female student named Tong Shuman, who was wowed by a figure.

"Chu Mingcheng, don't leave in a hurry."

"Coach Daqiang, and everyone, we come from all over the world, and we are destined to meet each other. Would you like to have a meal together at noon?"

Tong Shuman had the best figure and the strongest aura among the six women present.

When she proposed to have a dinner together, all the other women present agreed, and a few of them even dimly looked at the most handsome Chu Mingcheng.

The other male student was a little moved when he heard the words, and the six female students, having a meal can bring them closer together, and maybe they can have a special fate.

Lu Zheqiang laughed and said, "I won't go, I have something to do at noon, you go!"

After speaking, he nodded to Chu Mingcheng and left the classroom.

"Since Coach Daqiang won't go, let's have dinner with our students at noon today, two male students, what do you think?"

Chu Mingcheng was noncommittal about this.

This woman is a bit too cautious, she looks like a leader and wants to ride on his head?

In addition, they ate together in the name of a dinner party without saying AA in advance.

Now there are only two men, when the time comes for a few women to compete at the dinner table, most men will feel embarrassed and will definitely pay the bill.

After all, it's not uncommon to see big men with thick skins, and most of them are gentlemen and honest, so they are easy to be manipulated.

Chu Mingcheng directly refused: "You guys eat at noon, I have an appointment with a friend!"

After speaking, he turned a small corner and left the classroom from the other side.

The few people left looked at each other, but Tong Shuman, who was talking about the dinner, looked back at Chu Mingcheng, with a little more interest in his eyes.

But the dinner party will not be canceled just because one of them leaves, that would be too deliberate.

She turned to look at another male student: "Are you coming?"

The male student was a little disappointed and reluctant to leave: "I don't have an appointment at noon, so we can have a meal together."

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing him like this, Tong Shuman couldn't help raising her brows, thinking that she was being taken advantage of. So I greeted and set off with the rest of the people to find a suitable place for dinner.

Chu Mingcheng left the club, began to search for various famous snacks here on the Internet, and then took a taxi.

When he came to the snack street, he first bought a shrimp cake.

This Anxiuwen is also made occasionally, but I don’t know the difference between the shrimp cakes here.

After one bite, it still feels familiar, but the shrimp cakes here are coated with a layer of juice, which makes the taste more rich, and it tastes delicious anyway.

Then he found a shop that sold coconut rice. It seemed that this place had a soft spot for coconuts, so he went in curiously and ordered one.

After the rice was served, Chu Mingcheng was surprised to find that this stuff was very similar to his glutinous rice, but the ingredients were different.

What he ordered was salty, with more coconut meat and marinated ribs, and it tasted a little more coconut-y.

After eating, I paid the bill and left, and bought a cup of refreshment, which seems to be the special dessert here.

The meal was very satisfying, and the only regret was that the weather was too hot, which discouraged him from walking along the street and walking back slowly.

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