"Harold! Take off your eye patch," I say to Harold's back.

Harold takes off his eye patch and throws it behind him while looking at Lily in front of him.

The eye patch is just thrown into my hand, even though he is not looking at me at all.

"Master Rust. Harold, even though you belong to the military, aren't you a clerical worker?"

Ary whispered to me. Harold's timing was a little off, probably out of concern.

Kareen responds in a loud voice that ruins my concern.

"Oh, yeah, it's an accounting job. What, are you worried about me? He'll do just fine."

"Master Kalin. That's one thing, but what about that Lily, Mr. Harold's man? It doesn't look like you work in accounting at all."

"I heard last night that he was sent to command because of the chaos in King's Landing and the lack of manpower, so I guess he's one of his subordinates."

I now answer Ary.

For some reason, Karin and Ary glance at each other.

"Looks like it's starting. Rust, I'll be there when the time comes, just as I declared.

The discomfort I felt for a moment was lost in the fight between Harold and Lily in front of me.

"Of course I won't stop you. But I'm sure you'll be fine.

I answer Karin as I watch them fight.

Lily's fast twin sword strikes.

Harold is parrying them with his one-handed sword.

Harold takes a step forward and raises his sword.

Lily is lifted up as if she is scooped by a sword strike. Harold fires a magic bullet, aiming at Lily's slight opening.

It was fired from Harold's pistol-shaped magic gun.

Lily cuts through the magic bullet with her twin swords using her amazing physical abilities.

The distance between Harold and Lily widens.

Harold sticks the tip of his sword into the ground and takes out another pistol-shaped magic gun, and shoots magic bullets with both hands.

However, Lily is unable to keep the countless number of potion rabbits at bay. Naturally, all of Harold's magic bullets were cut off and snuffed out, not reaching Lily.

On the contrary, Lily slowly walks toward Harold in the rain of magic bullets.

"Master Rust, isn't it about time?"

Ary sees this and speaks up.

"Sure, it's about time," I reply, keeping my eyes fixed on Harold.

"I knew it. ....... What's that? Ary suddenly holds the monocular.

"Ary, what's wrong?"

"Yes. Just now, my vision of the future has changed.

Just as Ary is speaking, the magical element in Harold's prosthetic eye rapidly increases.

"Master Rust. What is that?" said Ary with a big smile on his face.

"Ah. I put a little trick in Harold's prosthetic eye. It looks like it's finally working.

Harold's movements began to change from there.

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