
On the court, Ye Ting leisurely returned to his half.

When passing by Roger, he also provocatively asked: "How did I play?"

Even though he was as calm as him, he gradually became excited when he came to the court, appearing to be full of aggressiveness.

Roger snorted angrily: "This time you are just a fluke. Next, I will let you get nothing."

However, in his heart, he was still vigilant and did not dare to relax any longer.

He knew that if Ye Ting scored again, even if he won in the end, it would not be Ye Ting who would be embarrassed.

But Ye Ting didn't think so, just smiled slightly: "It's you who won't get a single point next, 3:0 is the final score."

He waved to be ready.

The referee next to him announced the start of the second inning.

This time it was Roger's turn to attack.

"You are too arrogant!" Roger held the Quaffle and rushed towards Ye Ting: "Just let you see how professional players play Quidditch."

His flight speed was not too fast, but he seemed to be full of impact, and his direction was directed at Ye Ting on the opposite side.

Ye Ting could see that he just wanted to use his physical advantage to eat Ye Ting with his older, taller and stronger body.

After all, Ye Ting was younger than him, he didn't look strong, and he probably wasn't proficient in physical confrontation skills in Quidditch.

So, in this case, the simplest physical confrontation is the most simple and effective strategy.

To put it more bluntly, this lesson is an aerial collision on a broomstick.

Generally, when people without special training see a tall object flying towards them, their first reaction is to avoid them instead of colliding head-on.

However, Roger still underestimated his opponent.

A body that can grow indefinitely, coupled with daily exercise, brought Ye Ting an unimaginable physical quality.

He doesn't seem to be very tall, but hidden under his clothes is a body of lean muscles.

Although he is not as muscular as bodybuilders and weightlifters, his muscles, like the muscles of people with supernatural abilities in movies, animations, and games, have qualities beyond human beings.

In short, the current average quality of his muscles is comparable to Hawkeye and Black Widow in American comics. Although he can't compare to Steve Rogers, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses him in the case of infinitely stronger. .

And what about Roger? He's just an underage wizard in the world of Harry Potter.

And "Harry Potter" is a magical world. In addition to the magic resistance of the wizards in this world, there is nothing outstanding in terms of physical fitness, let alone in a world like "Marvel", Superheroes for comparison.

Although compared to his peers, Roger is already considered strong, but in the face of today's Ye Ting...

This can only be said to hit the stone with an egg.

Facing Roger, who was flying towards him, trying to push him physically, Ye Ting's choice was to confront him head-on.

He was also flying in the direction of Roger, and he didn't act cowardly at all.

At first, Roger thought he was bluffing, and just wanted to scare him with a head-to-head momentum, forcing him to change direction temporarily and lose the opportunity.

He felt that as long as he didn't change his direction first, Ye Ting would definitely change direction to avoid him before the two collided.

However, when the two got closer and closer, Roger realized that he was wrong.

The newcomer on the opposite side is not pretending to be tough, but really not cowardly.

In this regard, he had no choice but to grit his teeth hard. After all, as a captain and a senior, he couldn't lose his momentum.

As for what would happen if Ye Ting had an accident, he couldn't take it into consideration.

The two just collided.

A second before the collision, Roger was still surprised. He had no idea that the opponent would actually hit him straight like a stunned young man, and he didn't even do anything to reduce the impact by turning a little bit in the direction.

He sighed to himself, did he overestimate Ye Ting?

He also turned the direction subconsciously, for fear that a head-on collision would cause Ye Ting to cause a major accident, then he would be guilty of a serious crime, and the girls in the whole school would not be able to spare him.

At this moment, the girls outside the venue lost their voices. They didn't believe that Ye Ting's body was a circle smaller than Roger's, and he could compete with him head-on.

The result of the collision between the two is destined to be a tragedy.

Some girls have closed their eyes and can't bear to look any longer.

Hermione and Penello were pale, biting their lips, and were extremely nervous.

Chapter 0033 Strong and Willful

No one is optimistic about Ye Ting, his failure seems to be doomed.

But the next second, when the two bumped into each other, Roger finally understood why Ye Ting dared to confront him.

Roger's left shoulder and Ye Ting's left shoulder just collided.

The collision of the flesh, under the blessing of speed, actually produced a muffled sound of "bang--".

Immediately afterwards, Roger felt an overwhelming force hit him from his shoulders, smashing him into the air with his broom attached.

The next moment, the feeling of pain instantly drowned him.

He had stars in his eyes, and his body felt like it was going to fall apart completely.

He could no longer hold the ball in his hand, and the Quaffle also flew far away under the collision.

At that time, he felt that what he bumped into was not a freshman even thinner than him, but a high wall.

He remembered that on platform nine and three-quarters, some stupid Muggles wanted to imitate curiously after they found the wizard passing through the wall and entered the platform, but they slammed into the wall.

At the time he also thought Muggles were stupid and ridiculous.

But now, he felt, at this time he was no different from those Muggles.

He began to appreciate his choice to steer sideways to avoid a frontal impact.

If it really hits hard, then he may be knocked off the broom himself, and he will lose his face.

Now it's just being hit and flying, which is the best result.


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