Crabbe and Goyle shouted and rushed towards Ye Ting, but he didn't dodge, he just pointed at them both with his wand, Malfoy's two big valet immediately turned into mice - Crab Boo turned into a big fat brown mouse, and Goyle turned into a stout black mouse.

Ye Ting broke a dead branch and turned it into a large iron cage. Then, he threw all the three panicked mice into it with a floating spell, and then hung the cage on the ceiling of the corridor, leaving the three mice free Crawling around in the cage.

In the end, Ye Ting also instructed Feiju: "Feiju, call all your friends and let them teach these three little hooligans how to be a good student."

Hearing his words, the nearby little wizards who disobeyed the view couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Let Feiju's friends educate him, who is Feiju? The eldest sister of all the cats in Hogwarts, what kind of friends can she call?

Let the cat deal with the three little wizards who turned into mice, this is to scare people out of heart disease.

Ravenclaw's genius has such a terrible side, don't provoke him.

This is what the boys think.

But the girls' reactions were completely different. Instead of thinking that Ye Ting was ruthless, they respected him even more.

"Ye Ting is so cool."

"What a safe man."

"Because the female partner was insulted, he fought in a rage, so romantic."

"Why does that nerd get his favor?"

"If only I was the one being called a Mudblood."


After leaving the trio, on the way to the match site, Hermione looked at Ye Ting curiously and asked, "Are you all right now? Why did you make such a fuss just now?"

Before Ye Ting could speak, Zhang Qiu interjected sourly: "Didn't you see it? He was venting his anger for you at this time, and Malfoy insulted you."

But Hermione still couldn't understand, she looked a little worried: "I know Malfoy said some rude things, but there is no need to do this, it is against school rules to use magic in the hallway, just because he said I 'mud —'What's that word called?"

"It's a Mudblood." Ye Ting took the conversation, sighed, and whispered, "This is very vicious, it's the most insulting thing he can think of. Mudblood is a slanderous name for a Muggle-born person. It's okay if he says that, but he's actually saying that to you—to a girl..."

"So you can't help pity Xiangxiyu, right?" Zhang Qiu said angrily: "This is using magic on classmates in the corridor, and the target is Snape's proud disciple. Do you think that eccentric old bat will What's the reaction? He'll put you in solitary confinement for a month! He's been looking at you all the time, so can't you bear it? Even for yourself."

"So I'm going to watch him scold him, or retort him?" Ye Ting shook his head: "I won't fight him, that would make me look as stupid as him. The best way to deal with this kind of person is to Shoot, shoot, if you put up with him, you'll find that he'll become as annoying as a fly-because he can't help you, but he'll keep annoying you. Oh, I forgot, you wizards Never be bothered by flies, then replace the flies with the goblins in your garden."

Finally, he added proudly: "Besides, Snape can't do anything to me. If he puts me in confinement, as long as it's less than three days, he'll have to ask me out, so you can see."

Hearing him describe Malfoy as a goblin, Hermione and Zhang Qiu both burst into laughter. After finally stopping the laughter, Zhang Qiu turned to Hermione and said: "Listening to him, I suddenly think it makes sense. Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel that they are superior to others because they are so-called A purebred. Actually, the rest of us know it doesn't matter at all. Look at Neville Longbottom—he's a purebred, but he doesn't even put the cauldron properly."

Ye Ting also proudly echoed: "The magic spell that Hermione can't use, they haven't invented it yet!"

Hermione flushed with shame.

Zhang Qiu frowned and said to Hermione seriously: "'Mudblood' is indeed a very ugly name, which means dirty, inferior blood. But these are all crazy words, and most wizards are mixed blood now. If we hadn't intermarried with Muggles, we would have been extinct."

Hearing this, Hermione's expression softened. She looked at Ye Ting and said in a gentle voice that was completely unlike him: "Thank you."

"Don't thank him," Zhang Qiu complained angrily again: "He is making trouble for himself. I heard that Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy, is the school manager, and he Once a Death Eater, if he heard that his son had been turned into a mouse and used it to tease the cat, he would definitely come to trouble you, what should you do then?"

When she said this, she was completely facing Ye Ting, and her voice was an octave higher.

However, Ye Ting was not angry because of this, he responded calmly: "It doesn't matter, Lucius Malfoy can't do anything to me, at most he proposed to expel me at the school board meeting, but Dumbledore would not agree."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Qiu sighed and said helplessly: "It's good for you to know what you have in mind. Anyway, it's not me who will be unlucky at that time. What should I be worrying about, and then I will be treated as a nosy by you."

"How could it be?" Ye Ting gently touched her smooth black hair: "I know you're just worried about me, but boys should stand up and protect me at this time.

his girl, isn't she? If the person being insulted was you, I would do the same. "

- His girl?

- Is it yours?

Ye Ting didn't know, he hit the softest place in the hearts of the two girls at the same time with a casual sentence, the scene immediately quieted down, and the girls were moved, and involuntarily kept one of his arms.

Although he's just a straight man, he can sometimes say some deadly words.

What a joy.

Chapter 0059 Victory and pectoral muscles

In this Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin match, Ye Ting seemed very hardworking.

In order to deal with the highly skilled Ye Ting, Flint chose to use the tactics of fouling and hitting people. Every Slytherin player waited for an opportunity to knock Ye Ting off his broomstick.

But he did not show weakness at all, but confronted the Slytherin players time and time again.

Whenever an opponent maliciously bumped into him, Ye Ting would never dodge. He did not use his flying skills at all, as if he was venting, choosing to physically confront his opponent every time.

Zhang Qiu in the arena and Hermione in the stands could see that Ye Ting was deliberately taking revenge. For a long time, the pure-bloods of Slytherin had not dealt with the Muggle-born geniuses Ye Ting and Hermione, and the likes of Malfoy were even more openly embarrassing them.

For a long time, Ye Ting has always dealt with them in a joking manner, but Malfoy's actions before the game completely ignited his dissatisfaction, so Ye Ting let go of his hands and feet in this game, intending to give the little snakes a lesson.

Therefore, the result of each confrontation was that either the Slytherin players were cowardly and turned ahead of time to make way for Ye Ting; or the two collided, and then Ye Ting used his strong physical fitness and flying skills to stabilize the broom, His opponent was either knocked flying or lost control of his broom.

Even Flint Marcus, who was tall and thought to be of troll blood, couldn't do anything about him. Whenever he wanted to hit Ye Ting from the side, Ye Ting would immediately counterattack him firmly.

Every time he collided with Ye Ting, Flint felt as if he had bumped into a flying fire dragon. When the other side shook the other side, he was knocked out all the way.

After three consecutive attempts, he was so sore he could barely hold his broom.

Ultimately, the Slytherins paid the price for their tactics - two players were knocked off their broomsticks and the others were dazed.

Such a Slytherin was no match for Ravenclaw, who had a tacit understanding of cooperation and sharp tactics. Ravenclaw was 240 to zero with a score of zero - they didn't even get a point.

And Ravenclaw Seeker Zhang Qiu also caught the Golden Snitch for the first time on the field.

This is of course because her skills have greatly improved under Ye Ting's training, but another reason is that Slytherin's Seeker Higgins was hit by Ye Ting and couldn't hold his broom and could not compete with her, otherwise she would It takes twice as long to find and catch the Golden Snitch.

However, the most unfortunate thing is that in every foul incident, the Slytherin players took the initiative to shoot, and Ye Ting just passively fought back, so the Slytherins were completely speechless and could only suffer from this dumb loss - if it wasn't for Huo Huo Mrs. Qi considered that Slytherin was the disadvantaged side in the collision, so there was no additional free throw, and Ravenclaw's score could add another hundred points.

After the game, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff all cheered.

They've always hated Slytherin's unscrupulous game tactics, but they've always had no choice. Now Ye Ting can face them and punish them, which makes him a hero in the eyes of the little wizards of the three academies.

As for the little snakes in Slytherin, their reaction was very funny - first, the academy was divided into two factions, the boys sighed and cursed Ye Ting, while the girls started to support Ye Ting - Slater The Lin people have a side of worshipping power; then, the little snakes lost and lost in the debate with other academies, because all the fouls were initiated by them, and they were the unlucky ones, neither taking advantage nor taking advantage of it. It is simply that he lost his wife and lost his army.

Their dean, Professor Snape's face was terrifyingly black. Everyone saw that he left the audience angrily in the middle of the game.

After the game, the most frequent discussion among the little wizards was Ye Ting's exaggerated performance of knocking all the Slytherin players down when facing Slytherin's foul tactics.

"I can't believe it, even that Flint was knocked out by him. At that time I thought it was Hagrid on the broom." Ron babbled to Harry on the way back to the lounge from the arena. "That guy is two laps older than him! How did you feel the last time you got hit by Flint?"

"Flint was really strong like a troll," Harry frowned, and it wasn't a pleasant memory. "I felt like a weak bunny? Or a squirrel? Anything."

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