This is simply a legend, and everyone seems to see a big man like Dumbledore, Grindelwald or Voldemort rising up.

Ye Ting became more famous, even the dark wizards in Romania knew his name.

And his professors, his classmates, are all proud of him.

At this moment, the Floo Bang company also timely announced Ye Ting's new invention - the mobile fireplace, this revolutionary invention that allows wizards to enter the Floo network anytime, anywhere.

Just use a moving fireplace spell, and then use Floo Bang's Floo powder, and you can access the Floo network anytime, anywhere.

In short, it is a movable teleportation array, and you only need to build a teleportation array and you can use it anywhere.

This technology can not only facilitate ordinary wizards, but also reduce the workload of the Ministry of Magic Floo Network Administration. It is indeed a subversive invention.

The mobile fireplace was an instant hit, and countless wizards said after learning about Ye Ting's new invention that it would change their travel patterns.

The moving fireplace spell has become a mandatory spell in many magic schools, and Floo Powder companies from all over the world have sought out Floo Bang companies for cooperation - otherwise they may go bankrupt.

Both Floo Bang and Ye Ting made a lot of money.

But that's what happens later.


But in fact, after returning to San Cachipol Village, the hustle and bustle of the outside world has nothing to do with Ye Ting.

Today, he spends all day in the greenhouse garden on the roof of the car, becoming a Green Finger.

He wears dragon leather gloves every day and works with dragon dung, busy planting balbo tubers, mandrake roots, fang geraniums, etc. into the fertile soil.

In the corner of the greenhouse, he also planted some devil nets, poisonous tentacles, and knotty vines, and even transplanted a young willow sapling. These plants can become his automatic defense force when they grow up.

In order to speed up the growth of these seedlings, Ye Ting simply hung his broom "Sun Wheel" in the greenhouse, trying to use the sun power of "Sun Wheel" to help plants grow.

If the sun wheel has an artifact, his artifact will definitely cry.


After completing the construction of the greenhouse garden, Ye Ting no longer spends too much time on it. Orianna will take care of the daily care. It only takes a while for this greenhouse garden to continue to provide Ye Ting's services. Provides a lot of magic materials.

Of course, for some precious materials, he still needs to buy them in the market, or collect them in the forbidden forest.

But in most cases, this conservatory garden will meet his needs.

Now, it's time to shift your energies to more important things.

The first target in front of him was the Philosopher's Stone - or the Sage's Stone.

The Sage's Stone is a mythical substance, the holy grail of Western alchemists for a long time, believed to be able to turn ordinary base metals into precious metals, or to create the elixir of immortality. Therefore, its titles are "Philosopher's Stone, Stone from Heaven, Philosopher's Stone, Raw Material of Gold and Silver, Red Liquid, Fifth Element." and so on.

The Sage's Stone is the pinnacle of mortal alchemy and the beginning of entry into the realm of the gods.

Countless great alchemists have added countless praises to the Stone of Sages:

——"Alchemy Museum" said: This is the oldest and most mysterious or the least known, and the most unreasonable in nature, and it is also blessed and sacred from God.

——The 9th-century Persian alchemist Raz said: It is a substance composed of four uniform properties and three uniform forces, which do not cancel each other out and can make it noble. . . Water cannot dissolve it, fire cannot destroy it, and according to its effectiveness and delicacy, it is spirit. By its strength and sturdiness, it is metal.

In various magical worlds, the stone of the sage is the greatest treasure: Diablo, World of Warcraft, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sorcerer, Touhou Project, Irregular at Magic High School, Rose Girl, Xingyue World ...

Today, this treasure is in front of Ye Ting. Although it may not be perfect, it is indeed a sage's stone.

He hoped that through the study of the Philosopher's Stone, he could learn how to make the real Sage's Stone, but this is definitely a long subject.

After all, even a great alchemist like Nicole Lemay had only one sorcerer's stone, and no one before him could make it.

Ye Ting hopes that his research on the Philosopher's Stone can be fruitful.

Chapter 0088 Research on the Philosopher's Stone and Animagus

The truth of the Philosopher's Stone is the crystallization of the ether.

"Ether." It is the fifth element other than earth, water, wind, and fire. It is considered to be the source of all matter, the necessary medium for constituting matter, and has a special connection with spirit.

In addition, Ether also has the ability to record information and information, and Akashic is its alias, and the so-called Akashic record is, in its original meaning, a general data collection recorded in a unified encoding method using Ether as a storage medium.

The ether does not exist in nature as a separate physical form, but without this element, magic would not exist.

However, since no one can directly command the ether element, ether does not have a high sense of existence in the wizarding world in the Harry Potter world or in other worlds.

However, it is precisely because the ether has a special relationship with the spirit that there is a magic

the existence of law.

Magic is the technique of using the mind to manipulate the magic power to invert the rules, and the reason why the power of the mind can really interfere with the material world in the world with magic is because of the existence of ether.

Conversely, it is precisely because of the lack of ether that some worlds—such as Ye Ting’s hometown—are monotonous materialistic worlds.

However, as the crystallization of ether, the sage's stone is not so easy to extract.

At least after Ye Ting studied for a month, there was still no breakthrough.

No, he still has some gains, at least he has developed a technique for storing magic power based on the magic stone.

Using this technology, he can transform mineral crystals, and these transformed crystals can store magic power.

This technology is actually quite common in many magical worlds, but in Harry Potter, there is no such technology.

This is also the reason why there are no powerful magic props in the Harry Potter world.

In the Harry Potter world, the source of magic power of all magic items is maintained by rune, although alchemists can use rune to maintain higher magic power, but that's all.

The magic text is not for this, the magic text is mainly used as a cpu, but these people insist on using him as a power source...

And without the real source of magic as the core, how can magic props explode with enough power?

Although this is just a simple basic technology for most of the magical world, for Ye Ting, the magic storage technology is actually a great start, because there are quite a lot of technologies and magic creations, all from The storage of magic power begins.

Including the magic mechanical technology mastered by Orianna, Ye Ting did not study further because he could not find a substitute for the magic core.

And the magic furnace that can generate magic power by itself, even the more powerful magic furnace, Misser energy core, etc., are all built on this basic technology.

Although it is only a small sapling now, but one day, it will grow into a towering tree.

However, the sapling always needs water to irrigate, and this sapling needs money to irrigate - he needs to spend a lot of money to buy gems as a storage battery for magic power, so that further research can be carried out.

If there is not enough money to support it, then all this is empty talk.

This also means that Ye Ting's money-making plan must continue, at least until he masters the technology of man-made magic storage crystals.

What happened to the last person who had no money to study these mineral crystals?

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