The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 303: Gathering Array

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"So, I hope that you will seize the opportunity to practice in the Lingling Formation this time to improve your cultivation behavior and prepare for the Zongmen Wuhui 20 days later."

"Thank you, Senior, the younger people know."

Qin Yi respectfully thanks.

As Governor Shi said, this is indeed a very good opportunity. He can easily figure it out. In fact, this time the Director of Administration allowed himself to gather in the Spirit Array for ten days, it should be his intention to arrange. He knew that the Zongmen will be held The matter of the large martial arts club is to let yourself try to rush before the arrival of the large martial arts club.

Thinking of this, a hint of warmth rose in Qin Yi's heart.

"Go, work hard. Although you defeated Xin Tang last time, the strength of the inner disciples is much higher than that of Xin Tang."

Shi Guanguan smiled and waved at Qin Yi. Obviously, in his eyes, Qin Yi had already been identified as his disciple. He did not want his disciples to challenge and fail in the Zongmen Wuhui.

"Younger people understand."

Qin Yi nodded.

"Boy, please follow me."

Deacon Huang Pao didn't talk much, and he beckoned towards Qin Yi with an expressionless face. He walked out of his own way, and Qin Yi immediately followed.

Zongmen Summit!

Qin Yi clenched his fists in secret. This almost, he had to seize it, and became a disciple of Nei Men. Once he became a disciple of Nei Men, he would be valued by Zong Men to some extent. Not so random.

Once you become an inner disciple, it is much easier to find a backer.

In fact, he can also recommend himself to Elder Jiang Maosui to become his proselytized disciple, but if he does so, Qin Yi will have to expose himself to the super high potential of King Sen Luo, which is too eye-catching.

On the day of the entry assessment of the third pass of the Tongrenguan, the "10th Tongren" also reminded Qin Yi that he should not be too eye-catching and was afraid that he would be killed. The Sect Master of the Magical Traces was hit hard by the "10th Tongren", but Qin Yi defeated the "10th Tongren". In this case, if Qin Yi also showed a high potential, Sect Master of the Magic Trail, I am afraid that he will not be tolerated.

In other words, the master of the magic trail is the object that Qin Yi must worry about.

Out of such worries, Qin Yining could rely on his combat power to hit Neimen step by step, and he would not reveal to his elders the slightest potential of his superiors, so that they would like to see him as his disciple.

The two left the Skyrail Hall, and not long afterwards, they came to a place where the fairy land was blessed, where weird rocks, white cranes and fairy dances lingered.

As soon as he came here, Qin Yi was aware of the heaven and earth aura here, which was almost inseparable. At the same time, he obviously felt that there were time and space lines arranged around him.

"This is the Zongmen's Gathering Array? Sure enough, it is a good place to practice."

Qin Yi was secretly happy and couldn't help but rushed past.



In front of Qin Yi's eyes, a golden space pattern appeared, blocking him outside. The blocking force of this space pattern was so great that he couldn't move forward.


Qin Yi stunned, raised his hand and rubbed and almost knocked out a large bag of forehead.

"There is an entrance to this Lingling array. If you want to enter the Lingling array to practice, you must pass through the inlet before you can enter it."

Deacon Huang Pao said expressionlessly: "You follow me."

Deacon Huang Pao looks like a light yan, looking at a place and skimming away. Some cliffs with a height of more than ten feet all jumped up. He did not hesitate and appeared quite relaxed.

Qin Yi behind him looked secretly stunned.

However, he is not bad himself. "Kuafubu" has been cultivated to the peak, and it is not difficult to cross the cliff.

Deacon Huang Pao in front, seeing that Qin Yi always followed behind Qin Yi in a hurry, that face that had been expressionless, finally passed a shocking color faintly.

After a moment.

In front, a noisy color suddenly came. At this time, Deacon Huang said lightly: "Here it is."

Qin Yi looked around, only to see that not far ahead, there were a dozen disciples of Zongmen gathered there.

Not far in front of them, two stone tablets appeared. The stone tablets have been weathered very badly. Apparently they have been placed here for years, at least, and for thousands of years.

A stone tablet on the left reads "Zongmen heavy ground", and a stone tablet on the right reads "Idle people stop." Between the two stone tablets, there is a faint golden space pattern, slowly flowing.

Here, is the entrance to the Juling Array.

Uh! Uh!

With the figures of Qin Yi and Deacon Huang robbery, the ten disciples of Zongmen who had gathered there immediately received their voices. After only a slight glance at Deacon Huang, they were Curious eyes are on Qin Yi's body.

"These disciples are all granted the privileges of their respective masters, waiting to enter and waiting to enter the spiritual gathering to practice."

Deacon Huang Pao explained Qin Yi's expression blankly.

Qin Yi knew it. He could easily think of it. The reason why these people would gather at the entrance of the Juling Formation and enter it to practice was to prepare for the Zongmen Wuhui 20 days later.

It is not surprising that the ancestors of the royal families of the Ling family, such as the magical miracles, jumped out of the most powerful disciples at the time of the Zongmen Wuhui. In order to be invincible at the Zongmen Wuhui, only before the Wuhui arrives, do everything possible to improve your cultivation.

Qin Yi's eyes swept slowly, and the whole person could not help freezing.

Among the ten disciples in front of him, three are familiar with him. The first is Makita, the second is Princess Taiping, who has not seen for many days, and the third is Huo Ran, a girl wearing a red robe.

"She is ... a girl who brutally killed an ancient spirit beast in the depths of Mofeng Mountain ..."

In an instant, Qin Yi recognized the red robe girl in the crowd.

The red robe girl is only about 13 or 4 years old, but she can brutally kill the ancient spirit beast comparable to the peak great mystery master. Its potential and strength have really reached an appalling point.

At this moment, the red robe girl also looked at Qin Yi curiously with a pair of big eyes with water spirits.

Seeing Qin Yi's gaze, he fell on his body motionlessly, a pair of "flower idiots", the cheeks on both sides of the red robe girl suddenly appeared a shy ruddy, and hurriedly turned his face away.

Qin Yi realized his gaffe and coughed twice.

"Qin Yi, you and these Zongmen disciples, wait here first. Someone will come to help you open the entrance to the Juling Array, and then you can just go in with everyone."

After Deacon Huang Pao explained to Qin Yi, he shook his figure and disappeared in place.

"Qin Yi, must be the old man Shi, allow you to come to practice in this gathering of spirits. Gee, this old dead man really cares about you."

Princess Taiping came towards Qin Yi's style, and her figure was curled up to Nana, which made the eyes of the male disciples present slightly warm, and fixedly stared at the part with a very charming twist.


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