The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2738: Nanhua Navy is invincible at sea

I think back then, how cute the little princess was. In 1656, the little princess was only 5 years old. The painter Velázquez took her as the main body to draw the oil painting "Lady of the Palace". In the painting, she is super Kawaii. Angel descends! (You can search for it on Du Niang, I really like it!)

Now grown up, not cute!

Even if it is my own country, it cost 100,000 pounds to redeem the Balearic Islands from Queen Margaret Theresa, and another 20,000 pounds as a donation to the queen!

In this way, Queen Margaret Teresa got so much money just by using the army. It is difficult for her not to blacken.

As for the return of Italy's Spanish enclave to Spain?

Don't even think about it!

Even if the Spaniards want to spend a lot of money to redeem these cash cows, no matter how much the bid, Queen Margaret Teresa shook her head and said: "No, no, I will leave them to my children!"

As a result, these Italian enclaves belonging to Spain as stipulated in the "Cato-Cambrezzi Peace Treaty" signed in 1559 are no longer owned by Madrid.

Valencia Gaja Alba returned to the State Guesthouse feeling ill.

Countess Gloria was entrusted by the queen to bring a Chinese medicine doctor to diagnose Valencia Gaja Alba, and comforted the old minister: "People always grow up, those lands belong to Her Royal Highness, and they still belong to Habu The land of the Fortress family, and by doing so, Her Royal Highness can keep her position."

She talked a lot, saying that as long as Her Royal Highness's position in the Holy Roman Empire is stable, her child with the emperor will become the next emperor of the Shenluo Empire, and the glory and wealth of the Habsburg family will be preserved!

"Master, you don't want her to be driven back to Spain, do you?" Countess Gloria said.

Valencia Gaya Alba couldn't help crying, nodded repeatedly and said: "You are right, you are right!"

In fact, the Spanish nobles didn't care about the Austrian army's fuss about Italy. After all, the land was given to Princess Margaret Teresa, and the land would not flow to other people's fields. The main force of the South China Fleet.

As long as the Chinese fleet is killed, the matter will end naturally. At that time, anyone who is sorry for Spain and eats in his mouth will have to spit it out!

On December 18, 1671, the port of Cadiz, Spain.

As many as eight Spanish cruisers left the port to drive out the two South China cruisers off the coast.

This is the sentry ship used by the Nanhua Navy to monitor the Spanish fleet. In the era when the enemy was only detected by the eyes, the sentry ship was an essential fleet's eyes and ears. Killing them will disable the Nanhua Army's eyes and ears, thereby covering Spain Operations of the Naval Grand Fleet.

After several hours of chasing, the Nanhua cruise ship disappeared from the sight of the soldiers on the watchtower at the port, leaving nothing behind.

They were driven off, but without the Spanish cruisers gaining the victory.

The officers and soldiers on the Nanhua cruiser serving as sentinels are all veterans, and they are not slippery. It is very difficult for the Spaniards to achieve results. It is still difficult to drive the Nanhua cruiser away by relying on their superiority in strength. With the two ships turning around on the sea, the Spaniards couldn't catch up with the Nanhua cruiser. Even if they did catch up, as long as the Chinese were not willing to give up fighting, in the sailing period, the cruiser would be tickled if he wanted to sink the cruiser. .

Although Spain is a big country at sea, many of its skilled sailors were buried under the sea in previous sea battles. Now the level of sailors is poor.

Seeing the departure of the Nanhua cruiser, a total of thirty-five Spanish battleships set off under the command of Admiral Don Aznar Antonio and sailed to Brest, France, preparing to join the French fleet and do things together.

The main force of this fleet is the first-class battleship "Our Lady of Guadalupe" and "Our Lady of Concepcion" (both with hundreds of guns), and four second-class battleships of the "San Felipe" class (with 90 guns) and twenty third-tier battleships "San Diego" class battleships (with 76 guns) and nine fast third-tier battleships. In addition, there are some cruisers and supply merchant ships following the formation.

Unexpectedly, before walking for half a day, they saw two other Nanhua cruise ships on the route approaching them, which made Don Asnar Antonio's face darken, and the surrounding officers and soldiers also became unnatural .

In fact, the Spanish navy did not want to fight at all. Even after reorganization, the former admiral Don Fernando Chacon, who was fearful of the enemy, was driven out, and the new admiral was also changed. Aznar Antonio also became passive, and in court debates he firmly opposed the resumption of war against South China.

Don Aznar Antonio was not so timid at first, but when he learned more about the Nanhua Fleet, he became more afraid of going to war. Instead, he agreed with the former admiral's theory of "the existence of the fleet", thinking that only by keeping the fleet can he Save Spain.

Now that it is difficult to fight, Don Aznar Antonio felt angry when he watched the two Nanhua cruisers approaching through the telescope!

"Damn heretics, why can't you stay in the east and earn your silver dollars!" Don Aznar Antonio thought to himself, giving orders, and soon, the four cruisers left the formation and boarded Drive to drive the Nanhua cruise ship.

It just drove the Nanhua cruiser a little farther away, and then, a Nanhua cruiser sailed away, obviously to report the news.

Seeing this situation, Don Aznar Antonio ordered the fleet to stay away from the coastline, and then drive closer, maneuvering in a snake shape, trying to avoid being found by the main force of the South China Fleet.

Sure enough, a day later, the battle line formation of the Nanhua Navy rushed from their flanks. The Spanish Navy was unlucky and could not avoid it after all.

The Spaniards stared wide-eyed, and it seemed that the number of the Nanhua Fleet was not enough for the current fleet.

Carefully count one, two, three... twenty-eight battleships!

Once identified, the main force of this fleet is the first-class battleship "Taiyi", there are eight second-class battleships of the Zhonghua class, and nineteen battleships of the "Southeast Asia" class.

However, even if the number is not as large as that of the Spanish Navy, the Nanhua Navy, which has only one first-class battleship, still chases the Spanish Navy, and the Spanish Navy does not want to fight, but instead patronizes to escape.

This is exactly the Nanhua Navy's "Fight against the enemy!"

And the Nanhua Navy is invincible at sea!

Through a series of victories, the Nanhua Navy gradually established a reputation of invincibility, and the enemy began to panic. This means that reputation can bring combat effectiveness and make the South China Navy full of confidence. The confidence of their officers and soldiers is now so strong that when they see enemy warships with more guns and people than themselves, they don't turn around and hide, but wave their hands up.

The escape really made the Spaniards feel suffocated, but no one blamed their admiral.

After all, no face is better than no life!


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