The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2764: bad news floods paris

"...So, I don't have a chance to meet a French major general?" Siresma said regretfully on the open deck of the "Yinghuoxing" after listening to the report.

"Yes, Marshal!" Rear Admiral Xu Weiye, who came to report, said helplessly. He was originally a lieutenant general, but he was demoted due to some accidents in the fleet. Originally, everyone gave him a chance to accept the surrender so that he could recover from his meritorious deeds. With the rank of lieutenant general, the duck in his hand flew away unexpectedly.

He said: "The remnants of the enemy's flagship, including the murderer, all surrendered, saying that they were ordered by the enemy's major general. What should I do if I ask for instructions?"

"The following offenses are the ones, this wind cannot last!" Siresma said without hesitation: "All will be reimbursed!"

Xu Weiye nodded. He admired the courage of the French sailor, but he would never forgive that sailor. After all, the news of his behavior would inspire the courage of the French, which would not be conducive to the future attacks of the South China Army.

In this way, none of the twenty-eight French battleships evacuated from the Brest naval port escaped, and all were captured. The commander, Major General de Rabio Sarabia, drowned in the water while escaping (claimed), Nanhua The fleet was unsinkable and won the final victory, making the French navy a thing of the past.

The Nanhua Fleet came to Brest Naval Harbor again. When the hastily repaired original French ships "Royal Sun", "Crown Prince" and "Royal Duke" hung the flag of Nanhua and the French flag upside down, they appeared in the When the French in the port looked into the telescope, all the French were stunned!

A priest murmured: "The glory of France is gone! Lord, forgive us sinners!"

Not only did the glory of France disappear, but France also fell. When the Nanhua Marine Corps arrived, Siresma plundered the west coast of France!

They captured towns and villages, robbed property, plundered people, set fire before leaving, and did all kinds of evils like North African pirates!

After doing all the bad things, Siresma's devil name is so resounding that French children dare not cry at night when they hear his name.

The "efficiency" is very high. Many places were looted in one day, and a large amount of property and people were obtained, all of which were transported back to the UK.

The west coast of France was billowing with smoke and howling.

Sure enough, the Nanhua Navy is basically a pirate, there is nothing wrong with that.

Towns and villages within ten or even thirty miles along the coast have become terrible hells.

The South China Army was raging, they snatched everything they could, burned everything they could, and took away the young and healthy population—fortunately due to the Holy Roman Empire Queen Margaret Theresa The Nanhua Empire announced that it would no longer traffic human beings to heretics, but would send them to Britain or engineering camps in the Shenluo Empire to work for free, including food and housing, but without wages.

Engaged in road construction, mountain opening, sand field, brick field, salt field, mine, etc. Anyway, some of the hard work and dirty work are done,

Although the French garrison along the coast rose up to resist, it was very difficult to resist the South China Army.

After the 20,000 marines of the South China Army arrived, Siresma, as a front-line commander, had the right to deal with the battle. Instead of attacking the strong naval port of Brest, he divided his troops to attack the west coast of France without attacking the fortified city. , Only attack the weak points, wherever they go, the French can't resist at all.

Facing the South China Marine Corps armed to the teeth, they were flexible and fierce in firepower. The French were powerless to resist, and urgent documents flew to Paris like a snowflake. At this time, Paris had fallen into incomparable sadness and chaos. .

The bad news came one after another, and the French were shocked!

In the sea battle in the Treguier area, the 160 battleships of the West-French Combined Fleet lost to the 188 battleships of the South China Empire. The West-France Combined Fleet was defeated. Of the 110 battleships that participated in the battle, only five battleships escaped, and more than 2,000 people returned to French soil.

The chief admirals, Admiral Abraham Duquesne and Vice Admiral Jupe Bahathir, were captured, and Earl Ernie was killed.

When French Navy Minister Colbert received the report, he initially thought he was delusional.

Because battleships fought during the sailing period, they often fought for a few days, and both sides of the war got nothing, and then they retreated to Hong Kong.


That is to say, the result of the battle is often like a few to a few goals in football, not like tens or hundreds of goals in basketball.

One hundred and ten battleships were dispatched, and only five escaped back. The loss set a record in naval history, a heavy loss, and an incomparable shame!

After confirming that the battle report was true, Colbert turned pale. He opened the drawer and looked at the firecracker inside!

Finally, he closed the drawer, took the battle report and went to the palace to meet Louis XIV and plead guilty to him.

"...Everything is my fault. Before our army's training was completed, I advocated going to war and didn't know the enemy's situation, which led to our army's defeat. Please punish me severely!" Colbert took all the responsibilities and knelt down Excuse me, the whole palace is silent.

The ministers were dumbfounded. It is unimaginable that the largest French fleet in history was completely wiped out!

The corners of Louis XIV's mouth trembled, unable to say anything.

All was lost, the previous ambitions had been destroyed with the defeat of the French Grand Fleet.

Colbert was arrested and punished. The charges were that he had failed the Holy Grace, made his own opinions, and was incapable of managing the army... The failure was all caused by him!

The courtiers understood that it was the will of Louis XIV that the French Grand Fleet was dispatched, and Colbert was just a scapegoat. How could he have such a great power to dispatch the Grand Fleet to a decisive battle!

Did Louis XIV know nothing about military affairs?

No, it is mainly militarism. The answer is that France has no money!

France's financial situation is very bad, the treasury is empty, and it is on the verge of bankruptcy. If there is no war, France will have collapsed financially without the Chinese to fight.

Under such circumstances, the French Grand Fleet had no choice but to fight. As a result, what they encountered was the most powerful navy in the world, and they suffered a crushing defeat!

Colbert showed his incomparable loyalty, took all the crimes on himself, and acquitted his king.

As a result, he was sentenced to hang and executed immediately!

The loss of the French army was too great, and important ministers had to be executed before they could explain to the world.

Killing the important ministers did not help, and another bad news was delivered: the twenty-eight French battleships retreating from the Brest naval port were completely annihilated, and the first-class battleships "Royal Sun", "Crown Prince" and "Royal Duke" All ships were captured, and the main general, Major General De Rabio Sarabia, This is a good thing, the large fleet that Louis XIV painstakingly managed was completely wiped out, and there was not a single ship left!

Bad news came one after another. The Brest naval port fell into the hands of the South China Army.

The Brest Naval Port was originally heavily guarded. When the fleet in the port was gone, it seemed that the heavy garrison had lost its meaning. They rushed to various places to fight fires and resist the attacks of the South China Army. Unexpectedly, the South China Army returned to the division and took a blow. , landed on the land behind the Brest naval port. Due to insufficient troops, the naval port fell.

The South China Army wreaked havoc, destroying the docks, docks, shipyards, warehouses and forts in the port, and looting all supplies, including seventy-two French 150-caliber cannons!

These cannons were expensive and hard-won, and the French were terribly distressed when they were packed away.

Another bad news came to the palace, and the urgent report: "The army of the Holy Roman Empire set off in Stuttgart, and the defenders of Strasbourg, the gateway to eastern France, did not fire a single shot. The city of Metz is headed straight for the important town of Verdun, and the enemy army is attacking Verdun! There are still five days away from Paris!" 2084/10310637

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