"Fight for France!"

Yes, even now that the war has been fought, the most practical and powerful slogans have been used.

"Fight for God?"

But why did God turn a deaf ear to the invasion of the land of Christ by the Eastern pagans, and allow the Austrian hypocrites to invade France? Let the armies of God be defeated?

If this is God’s test for believers, then there are too many and too cruel tests like this!

"Fight for the king!"

Come on, you are a brick mover who went to the heart of the Palace of Versailles. It's not that we Parisians didn't drive out the king. The members of the royal family at that time, like dogs, fled in embarrassment!

So we don't fight for anything, not for God, not for the king, we fight for France, this land is ours, we want to drive out the invaders, strip them of their honor, let them know how good we are .

The tsunami-like sound spread to the distant Shinra Army phalanx, letting the officers and soldiers understand that today will be a fierce battle.

Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli ordered: "Let's not talk about the battle, let's talk about the throat? Let's shout too!"

Everyone happily said: "Okay!"

They also shouted, and the Shenluo army shouted: "Long live the emperor, and the empire is victorious!"

There is enough air in the middle, and the shouts are higher than the waves.

Naturally not to be outdone, the French army also shouted "Fight for France!"

A lieutenant colonel with a white beard named Casey Sturm, an old French officer, sighed slightly when he heard the shouts of the Shinra Army and saw the jubilant soldiers around him.

This is an old officer who participated in the Thirty Years War in Europe. He was still young when he participated in the war. He joined the team and fought against the troops of the Shenluo Empire. , is neither sacred nor an empire, the empire is divided, the emperor has no jurisdiction over the princes outside the territory directly under his control, and there is no emperor in the eyes of the powerful vassals in the empire, and there is no emperor at all.

It is no wonder that such an army can win the battle. The victory of the Shenluo Empire lies in the famous general Warren Stein at that time. This is a genius general. He is good at fighting without support. He was stabbed to death by someone sent by the royal family.

Now, Casey Sturm used his binoculars to observe that all the troops of the Shenluo Empire were flying the emperor's golden eagle flag, and it was in the center, with the flags of the princes on the side, indicating that the emperor had been here. achieved dominance in the army.

"This battle has to be fought!" Casey Sturm thought to himself, deciding to be careful to save his life.

At 8:30 in the morning, after fifteen minutes of artillery preparation, the French army first launched an attack.

This is a decisive battle between the two armies. The French army charged forward, while the Shinra army neither dug ditches nor built walls, and stood in line to fight.

A total of 150,000 troops were dispatched to attack the Shinra Army. Marshal Durenni left 20,000 royal troops and 10,000 noble private troops as a reserve team, and the rest of the troops were all on top!

They formed a phalanx one by one, waving flags and beating small drums. The officers and soldiers stepped on the drums and rushed to the Shenluo army's position arrogantly.

It is a good place to choose to fight. The place is open and flat, with some shrubs, not many tall trees, and a little slope, which is not too tall.

The French army advanced all the way. Due to the large number of people, the front army trampled the grass on the road, and the rear army smoked from their feet and raised dust.

Marshal Montecuccoli faced a large group of French troops, stepping on the dust billowing into the sky, and immediately ordered the former army to attack, **** for tat, attacking spears with spears!

Immediately, the sound of muskets rang out like popping beans, the sound of bombs exploded one after another, and the sound of cannons was deafening, bringing up large groups of gunpowder smoke, filling the sun, and the two armies launched a thrilling decisive battle.

But when the two phalanxes shot at each other, a large number of people fell down, and the remaining personnel stabbed each other with bayonets. In the end, very few people could still stand.

One after another, the phalanxes were ruthlessly driven into the battlefield by each other's main generals, and then they were exhausted, and a new phalanx was added, and fell down again. The battle was in full swing, unprecedentedly bloody, and the battlefield became a meat grinder!

You have a chamber, I have a chest!

With such rigid tactics, let's see who can't stand it in the end!

The scope of the **** battle is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more troops are being invested by both sides.

Before, the eyes were dazzling military uniforms and gleaming military thorns, and when they hit it, the eyes were full of blood, which looked shocking.

There were too many dead and injured, and blood flowed into pools in the low-lying places.

There were no fortifications before the battle, but there were fortifications during the battle---the corpses of both sides were piled up, and they could be used as parapets!

The smell of blood was strong and stinky, but neither side cared about it, only kept fighting.

What is astounding is that the contact surface between the two sides, the line of fire, kept igniting and remained motionless for two hours after the start of the battle, indicating that no one can win the other, and no one can break through.

This kind of battlefield spectacle has also appeared in naval battles, that is, when Admiral Cheng Yu of the Nanhua Navy led the fleet to pursue the fleet of Admiral Don Aznar Antonio of the Spanish Navy, the battleships of both sides were sailing non-stop. For several hours, the distance did not change at all, indicating that everyone's speed was evenly matched.

Both sides are striving to win. The French are proud. They have the mission of not retreating. They will not allow the enemy to ravage the land of France. They must not let the hypocrites in front of them enter Paris. For France!

Therefore, they all fought bravely. The officers led the phalanx formed by the soldiers and strode towards the Shenluo army. Regardless of the rain of bullets or spears in front of them, regardless of the number of casualties, move forward, move forward!

The Shenluo army fought very hard, and was attacked by the French. Some troops even wavered. For example, the troops of the Principality of Wittenberg sent someone to Marshal Montecuccoli for help: "My lord, we can't stand it anymore. The officers are all dead!"

In the fierce battle, the officers took on the most dangerous tasks, and the casualty rate was even higher than that of the soldiers.

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand it. If the officers are fired, then the soldiers should be fired too!" The old marshal said sternly.

However, he still sent officers from his bodyguard and some staff officers to Wittenberg's army ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to help fight.

After the battle was over, there were no more than 1,000 of the 8,000 people in the Duchy of Wittenberg standing still!

In the past, this was unimaginable.

As the Grand Duke of Bavaria who uttered the truth after drinking said, whoever dares to wipe out his troops may not be the enemy, but the ally who will kill him in the end!

Now under the emperor's rule, such problems will definitely not exist. The emperor will reward those who work for him and take care of those who work for him. The Duchy of Wittenberg does not have to worry about their future outcome.

It is precisely because of this that the Shenluo army desperately resisted and withstood the offensive of the crazy French.

At 11:30 in the morning, seeing the stalemate in the war, Marshal Durenni joined the reserve team and formed a shock group with the new force of the 20,000 King Army and the 30,000 King Army, and marched towards the center of the Shenluo Army. He wanted a black tiger Out of the heart, breakthrough in the middle.

As a result, the pressure on the Shenluo Army's central army suddenly increased. 2084/10398863

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