The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2797: concocted spain

Among the European powers, the Chinese think highly of the Kingdom of Spain. Because they have mines in their home, they have a chance to rise again and cause trouble for the Chinese in time.

Although the Spanish princess married the emperor and became the queen of the Shenluo Empire, it did not prevent these two relatives from fighting.

The French fleet was violent and confident, and they brought in the Spaniards to deal with the Chinese.

At that time, the French Foreign Minister Leonard slapped his chest loudly, saying that he would definitely win and put it on him.

As a result, he shamelessly turned to the Chinese, while the French fleet was completely destroyed in the naval battle, the army suffered a major defeat, and was forced to sign an alliance under the city by the Shinra Empire and the Chinese.

Fortunately, Admiral Don Aznar Antonio had the opportunity to withdraw the Spanish Grand Fleet participating in the war in time without major losses.

After the news came out, the Kingdom of Spain was in an uproar.

Unexpectedly, France is a giant with mud feet, and it was destroyed by the Chinese in one fell swoop.

But it hurt Spain, the courtiers complained to each other, and the Spanish Cardinal Otto Princeton, who advocated the union of Spain and France, was stubborn, saying that the French failed because of their previous treachery in the Thirty Years War (stabbing the Catholic Church in the back) country), sinful enough to fail without God's forgiveness.

As for us Spaniards, we sincerely worship God, and we must be blessed by God and so on.

He spoke beautifully, and the people voted with their feet. Spain's stock market, bond market, and foreign exchange market were killed three times, and all plummeted, and the market was full of sorrows!

It turned out that the Chinese played well in the stock market, bond market, and foreign exchange market, and the Spaniards were envious. They were also qualified, so they set up the stock market, bond market, and foreign exchange market, and the royal family and nobles used this to make money.

When the news of the defeat came, the market was extremely bleak and everyone wanted to flee, but staunch patriots like Bahammond Saldova Ruiz, the Deputy Finance Minister, bought bargains in order to prevent the market from collapsing. Buying high-quality assets such as mines, farms, and transportation companies, etc., will make a lot of money and make huge profits when they appreciate later.

There was no lowest market at that time, only lower, because the Nanhua Fleet came!

The Nanhua Grand Fleet, which has finished repairing, is mighty and mighty, heading straight for Spain's coast on the Atlantic Ocean!

The battleships in the sailing period were built of wood. After a big battle, they were often torn to pieces, so they had to be repaired. The key is to look at the dock and the maintenance force. This time can be long or short, as short as three months, as long as even one year.

The maintenance level of the Chinese has always been top-notch, and they have built ten docks in the UK. The repair speed is very fast. Therefore, after the sea battle in June, only five months later, the large fleet was fully revived and headed straight for the coast of Spain. !

Wait a minute, before the arrival of the battleships, the cruisers of the Nanhua Navy have been fighting with open flames, and they are about to go. They are wreaking havoc on the coast of Spain, intercepting merchant ships in the Atlantic Ocean, and harming the Spaniards as pirates, making the Spaniards hate it. !

Now that the battleship is here, how can we not do bad things without our black warrior Siresma, he observed the Spanish coastline in the distance on the battleship "Yinghuoxing", and asked the star officer: "Did you find the enemy fleet? "

"No!" The star officer replied.

Siresma asked this question knowingly, there are so many binoculars on the ship, long guns and short cannons, if they found out, they would have yelled.

He shook his head and said: "The Spaniards have lost their function. They used to be flat-headed brothers. They were pessimistic in life, and they would do it if they refused to accept it. Now they are turtle brothers. It's useless to lie in Hong Kong!"

There was a lot of laughter around, and everyone laughed at the Spaniard's incompetence.

This time the Nanhua Fleet deployed 120 battleships, with Yan Zhang as the commander of the central army, Sires Ma as the former commander of the army, Xiao Changrong as the commander of the rear, plus some generals, the soldiers are elite and brave, everyone is gearing up and cherishing Fighting Chance---As of today, the European naval battle is almost over, so fight hard and don't lose face.

"Okay, let's fix the Spaniard!" Siresma ordered: "Turn the rudder three compass points to the right, leaning towards the coastline, the gunners are ready to fight, and the marines are ready to land!"

"Dangdangdang..." The bells on all the ships rang together, and the officers and soldiers were all neatly dressed and fully prepared.

The war is coming to an end, but you can't fall at the moment before victory!

"Boom boom boom..." The 42-pound artillery on the "Yinghuoxing" fired first, and fired violently at the seaside city "Lianes"!

Then the cannons of all the ships also fired one after another, and the cannons rang together.

The city of "Lianes" is a small city, and there are no heavy artillery similar to 150 caliber deployed. Although there are forts built in the local area, their caliber is only 32 pounds, and they are not very effective in attacking battleships.

Similarly, it is a waste of effort for battleships to fight forts, and the final battle depends on the Marine Corps.

As a result, the small boats on the sea level were floating like water ducks, carrying the marines to the beach.

Baron Jose Urs, the city guard of "Lianes", knew things well. They set up defenses on the beach early, set up deer rocks on some tidal flats that were easy to land, dug trenches on the shore, and built parapets. Resist with muskets and artillery.

It should be said that it is effective in some places, but unfortunately it is hard to prevent, after all, the coastline is too long!

Besides, even if you can resist during the day, what about at night? And what about the early morning air raids?

The Nanhua Marine Corps successfully landed, and the brigade marched towards the city of "Lianes". Baron Jose Urs led an army of 3,000 to resist the 2,000 Nanhua Army.

First of all, the two sides' long-distance sniping and shelling could not stop the opponent's progress, but at a distance of 70 meters, before entering the range of the musket, a thousand people from the South China Army fired bows and arrows into the air, and they fired ten volleys before they knew the time!

Ten thousand arrows fell like raindrops. The exquisitely crafted, faint blue tempered three-edged arrows had barbs, which were ruthless and poisonous. They let out blood but could not be drawn out. The Spaniards were suddenly hit and collapsed immediately!

Then the South China Army fired their guns Most of the three thousand Spanish were killed or injured, and the rest fled.

The South China Army entered the city of "Lianes" smoothly, and immediately began to work in an orderly manner. They wiped out all the resisters, moved away the property and materials that could be moved, and took the population between the ages of ten and sixty. Burn the city.

When they returned with a full load, behind the ship was a burning city.

The looted materials and wealth were divided according to the share that half went to the state and half to the officers and soldiers, while the young women were transported away for the population, and the rest of the population worked as coolies, except for nobles and clergy.

Those coolies went to build roads and dig mines, and went to work in mines, saltworks and brick factories. They were miserable.

For the sake of relatives, otherwise, sell them all to pagans, such as those chiefs in North Africa, and let them know what **** is like on earth.

The city of "Llanes" fell, and a series of Spanish cities on the Atlantic Ocean, such as Gijon, Lubarca, Ferrol, La Coruña, Ortiguera, Bermeo, Tui, Vigo and other cities If one didn't pull it, they were all abused by the South China Army, and the urgent documents flew to Madrid like a snowflake! 2084/10449823

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