The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2804: plan to separate america

In Vienna in the spring of 1673 AD, everything was recovering, the earth was rejuvenating, flowers and plants were blooming to welcome the spring, and the scenery was charming.

Especially in Schönbrunn Palace, there are neatly trimmed green tree walls on both sides of the huge flower beds, which are full of greenery and make people feel refreshed.

Yan Changwu took a walk in the palace garden with Queen Margaret Teresa, who had a big belly. The queen's belly was very competitive, and she gave birth one after another. Now it is the third child, and they are all healthy and safe.

The couple are in a good mood, everything is going well for Yan Changwu, and the queen has her husband by her side and everything is going well.

Yan Changwu performed very well. He married one wife and one concubine in the Shenluo Empire, that's all, he didn't bother, which made the queen feel at ease.

At this time, the servant came to report: "Your Majesty, ministers seek to see you!"

"Okay, let them come in!" Yan Changwu ordered the servant, and asked the queen intimately: "If you find it annoying, don't go to see them."

"No, I'd better listen!" said the Queen.

Yan Changwu and the Empress met with the ministers in the Peachwood Hall of Schönbrunn Palace. , you have to lower it down and light the lamp, which emits colorful light, which is very charming.

There is a luxurious leather sofa in the hall, which is very comfortable to sit on.

"Your Majesties, please see your Majesties!" (Western emperors, empresses, kings, queens, and queen mothers can all be called Your Majesties.) The ministers who came to see him included Mr. David and Sun Yiyi (born in the early years of Chongzhen (1628), Huaian Li Guangdi (born in 1642, from Anxi, Fujian, a young diplomat in Nanhua), the Minister of the Shinra Empire Marco The Duke of Asensio, the Privy Councilor Anthony Prometheus and the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Leonor filed in and bowed to the two His Majesties.

"Everyone sit down!" Yan Changwu sat on the sofa in the middle, with the queen next to him, and all the officials sat on the left and right.

These are important ministers, and it is a state affairs discussion, so sit casually and relax.

"Spain's envoys for peace talks have entered the city of Vienna. I received them yesterday. They have rested and expressed greetings to the two His Majesties from the Queen Mother and King of Spain, and sent gifts. I have already brought them." Li Ona finished speaking and took out the gift list.

Marguerite Teresa took it over and saw that it was Spanish wine, Iberian ham, Andalusian shawls, olive oil from the Mediterranean Sea and other local specialties.

She smiled sweetly and handed it to Yan Changwu.

"Okay, okay!" Yan Changwu laughed, and said to Leonard: "Reciprocity, when they go back, I will also give them gifts, and bring greetings from the queen and the queen!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Leonard said respectfully.

He was originally the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, and by chance, he later went to the Shinra Empire to become the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"This meeting, please show your majesty!" Mr. David said.

"What do you think?" Yan Changwu asked back.

So Mr. David expressed their thoughts: "Your servants think that the reason why the Kingdom of Spain is strong is that it has overseas territories that continuously provide it with gold and silver funds and materials, and the amount is also large. Separation from overseas territories, such as the independence of overseas territories, and the establishment of separate countries, but in terms of how to establish a country, everyone thinks that one is a confederation, and the other is a scattered small principality."

He showed the map on the table and explained them one by one.

The Spaniards established the Governor-General of New Spain in 1535. The current capital, Mexico City, governs New Spain (Mexico), Central America and the Caribbean islands.

In 1542, the Viceroyalty of Peru was established, with the capital of Lima, governing the entire western territory of South America.

Spain originally had huge profits from silver mines in Mexico, and later discovered gold and silver mines in the Grenada region of the Viceroyalty of Peru (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and other Caribbean regions). Let Spain get extremely powerful national power.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that the Dutch kept bloodletting Spain for independence (for eighty years), the British shamelessly acted as pirates to rob Spain’s treasure ships, and the French backstabbed Spain, all countries joined forces to attack Spain, greatly weakening Without Spain's strength, plus Spain's own death, otherwise it is very likely that it will not be Nanhua's turn to rule the world!

To cut off the possibility of Spain rising again is to dismember Spain!

Either establish a king in Spain's overseas territories, or separate the two governorships to establish a grand duchy, and these overseas territories should be widely divided.

Or, they ceded the land to the Chinese!

"This is the most beneficial policy for us, oh, only the Chinese occupying the land is the best!" Sun unanimously suggested.

The ministers talked about all kinds of conspiracies that were not good for Spain. She was born as a Spanish princess, and Queen Margaret Theresa of the Shinra Empire listened with a smile, without a trace of displeasure, which made the ministers secretly admire!

She is also good for reciprocating, and someone suggested that "by the way, the Holy Roman Empire and Her Majesty the Queen should also get some land in America!"

Duke Marco Asensio, Minister of the Shinra Empire, and Anthony Prometheus, the Privy Councilor, became red when they heard it, and shouted that we want this piece of land here!

Give you give you!

The Chinese are so generous to the Europeans that they draw circles and draw lines on the map to divide their territories.

Yan Changwu smiled slightly and was a little distracted. He couldn't help thinking that those evil European colonists before he came also used rulers and pens to draw territory.

Narrator: "I'm living a life I hate again!"

"In addition European countries also have many colonies in the Americas, and they must be separated, and they must not be allowed to become climates!" Mr. David said lightly, and everyone thought: "This former British colony How cruel are people's hearts!"

Let’s continue to look at the map of the Americas. You can see that South America is mainly divided between Spain and Portugal. The west coast of North America is occupied by the Chinese. The Mexican area below is the territory of the Spanish. On the east coast of North America, there is the British , Holland, Spain, France and Portugal were divided up, and the central region was claimed by the French.

Everyone has reached a consensus that the Americas are vast and rich in production, and must not be the source of wealth for the rise of Europeans.

Carve up the American lands and separate them from the mother country of Europe!

The ministers are all elites, and Yan Changwu was very relieved when they spoke high-quality words, thinking that there is no such thing as a big and beautiful country anymore!

Mr. David has come up with a complete set of plans, planning to separate America and free the land there from European jurisdiction! 2084/10479644

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