The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 519: The Age of Flowing Gold (2)

There is no shortage of lucky and interesting things in the gold rush.

One day in 1639, a 16-year-old man came to a small mine. His feet were sore, tired, hungry, and penniless. He was very unlucky in mining and found nothing.

He sat on the embankment and watched 30 sturdy and cheerful men working in the valley. The young man watched silently for a while, his facial expressions showing his bitter experience.

Finally, a sturdy miner spoke to the guys, and he said, "Guys, if everyone is happy, I'm willing to give this guy an hour's work!"

"Okay!" everyone agreed.

One hour later, placer gold worth one hundred silver dollars was placed in a deerskin bag and handed over to the young man. Someone gave him an order to buy tools and necessities.

They said: "Go, buy these things, and come back, we will set up a stake for you and mark a good plot of land. After that, it's up to you!"

The young man went shopping and came back, and people gave him a plot. Maybe everyone helped him and washed away his bad luck. He was lucky to get rich.

Later this young man named Wang Zeshan became a well-known entrepreneur and philanthropist. He kept the deerskin bags given to him by everyone as a family heirloom. The family motto was "Be willing to help others"!


Due to the low barriers to entry, young guys who should have spent a long time before they accumulate wealth tend to make a fortune soon.

Once, a young guy with long hair and Ming-style clothes, who seemed to be inexperienced, walked hard and walked into the camp with a pair of luggage racks for Ming scholars to rush for the exam.

After he swept away a few strands of wet hair that fell to his eyes, the first thing he asked people about was: "Hello folks, is this a gold mining camp?"

A miner sitting at the entrance replied: "Of course it is. Where did you come from?"

The young man said with a very generous chest: "Ah, I am from Quanzhou, really, come to dig for gold. I told my mother that I must dig gold until I become a rich man. Mazu is on top, bless me! Then, I Bring the gold back to her, so that she can beg me for a wife. Which folks tell me, where are everyone digging for gold?"

There was a Zhangzhou man who wanted to tease this young man----Zhangquan people have never been at peace. Now, although they have crabs, it is no harm to make a joke. He said, "Come with me, I will find something for you!"

He found a dilapidated gold panning tank and a leaking bucket, and told him to go to the back of the camp and walk up the steep slope, about 100 meters, starting from under a big pine tree, and set up a lower boundary pile. , Mark your own territory, then go to the camp registration office to register a silver dollar, this piece of land is yours! "

Those old gold diggers all knew that this Zhangzhou brother wanted to have fun from the Quanzhou guy, and they all watched with a smile. Some people even instructed the young guy to act according to the Zhangzhou people's words, arrived at the ground, marked the border post and registered.

Early the next morning, the young Quanzhou native came out before the people in the camp got up. He was digging and scraping enthusiastically beside the old pine trees. He stretched buckets of sand to the side of the washing tank by the stream, and poured water into the tank with leaking buckets. About half of the water leaked from each bucket.

He was very busy all morning, shaking the cradle, pouring water, picking stones, lifting sand, shaking and washing, and picking out big stones.

Others watched him busy, all secretly laughing, the young man was begging for fish, wasting energy-the stream brought the golden boulders, and there was no gold on the hillside.

Unexpectedly, after a few hours of exhausting labor, he fiddled with the contents of the shaking tank into a layer of fine mud that sank at the bottom of the tank. He squatted down on the edge of the tank and carefully observed the layer of fine mud. He shouted With a sound, he jumped up and said, "Mazu is here!" He cried, "I have picked it up, I have picked gold!"

The miners who lined up to work along the stream couldn't believe it. They moved closer to the boy's shaking sink to see what happened.

It is true that there are many thick and thin gold particles in the trough. There is no doubt that this young Quanzhou native has made a fortune!

Everyone was very excited, and the suspicious guy thought, is it possible that the Zhangzhou brother and the Quanzhou guy joked and "planted" gold particles under the pine trees?

"Planting" gold refers to deliberately putting some gold grains in places where no gold is produced to deceive people.

Coincidentally, the Zhangzhou native was not there, so everyone asked the young man to collect soil from different places in his mine, and each barrel could find one to five Spanish silver dollars of gold!

That night, the young man slept on his gold mining ground according to everyone's teaching!

He had a harvest every day, probably dozens of silver dollars. On the fifth day, he sold his mine to the Zhangzhou native for two thousand silver dollars, which is about 1,200 taels of silver. I am very grateful to him. Give pointers!

The entire hillside was suddenly covered with boundary piles, and there was no more to be divided.

No one thought of leaving a long distance by the stream and looking for gold on the hillside.

The young man became rich and immediately returned home by boat. A few months later, he came again, this time with his beautiful new wife!

He found another piece of land. This time he made a fortune and made quite a lot of money, not a nouveau riche.

However, his smart wife raised chickens to provide food for the miners.

The chickens are raised in the wild, and the young man's wife never sells live chickens to others, but she goes all out to kill chickens.

In the end, people will find a way to make her fortune-----chicken is a tireless collector of small gold. When a woman kills a chicken, she always searches for chicken gizzards. In this way, the gold she earns will give her husband even more. !


Surprising in life is inevitable. A gold digger is happy because he has made a fortune. He drank rum wildly and went to search for gold at night. He drowned in the creek.

Because his registration information was incomplete and his family could not be found, other gold diggers pooled together money to bury him first.

When he died in his hometown, everyone expressed condolences to him and attended his funeral.

Among them was an old miner named Liao grabbing a handful of dirt thrown up from the new grave, but because habit became natural, he carefully looked at the dirt, and he stood up suddenly. Set up boundary stakes to encircle the territories!

The person who temporarily appeared as the priest of Mazu was Liao Xianghe’s old man. Seeing this scene, he ended his prayers like this: "Lao Liao, set up a stake for me to mark a piece of land. For Mazu’s sake, I want a piece of land. ----Mazu is here!"


Everyone is inevitably involved in the gold rush. Among them, the arrival of a Ming celebrity has made Southeast Mansion's reputation soar, which can be called a **** assist!

The former Minister of Defense of the Ming Dynasty, Bi Maokang, who is equivalent to the Deputy Minister of Defense, drove to West Borneo!


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