The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 82: Landscape above the werewolf


Anton looked strange, he never dared to face Dumbledore.

As the greatest white wizard of this century among all the population, this one is undoubtedly extremely powerful, especially since he is also proficient in Legionnaires, the ghost knows what else to do, and Anton himself has a bad dark wizard apprenticeship. experience.

He was sometimes afraid that Dumbledore would find out he was good at dark magic and throw him out of school.

Don't think that it won't, going through the entire history of Hogwarts, there shouldn't be too many dropouts.

Anton likes Hogwarts. The learning atmosphere here is very good. There are talents in it, and they speak nicely. The professors do their best. He feels that every day has a great harvest.

"It's not like a prank invented by George and the others." Dumbledore looked at him, "It can be seen that you have a deep understanding of werewolves."

Speaking of this, Anton is no longer sleepy.

He has never been a humble person, never mind showing his excellence.

Struggling to get up, a spell of light flashed, and an icy feeling hit him, and he felt much more comfortable immediately.


Anton sat up, "I'm treating Lupin."

"Lupin?" Dumbledore's eyes were full of emotion, "I haven't seen him for a long time, he is a sensitive child, always rejecting the kindness of others, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to pay them back. live."

"Lupin admires you very much, Professor."

"He is indeed a grateful person." Dumbledore took off his glasses and wiped it gently, "Although I don't need it, I just hope he can live well."

Anton smiled, "I'm living well now, and my initial treatment is effective."

"?" Dumbledore raised his eyelids with doubts in his eyes, "Werewolves are not a recent problem."

"He can now freely choose the time to become a werewolf at any time of the month." Anton's face was full of pride.

This time, Dumbledore was no longer his extremely indifferent look. He looked up and down at the mummy in front of him in amazement, confirming that it was a first-year student at his school.

"Not only that, I'm also treating Nagini, she's almost completely turned into a snake, I've delayed this time for ten years!"

Now Dumbledore couldn't sit still any longer, his eyes sharpened.

When Nagini followed Newt to find him back then, he also thought of many ways, but to no avail. In the end, the girl left Hogwarts with a face of despair, for which he often blamed himself.

"Turn into snake candy, werewolf experience candy..."

Dumbledore raised his brows, "Looks like an incredible student has come to Hogwarts."

"Can I explain my experimental process to you?" Anton looked at him expectantly, "There are many problems that need to be explored a little bit, and I hope to get your help."

Dumbledore looked strange, and the old man winked mischievously, "You restless child, learn potions with Snape on Saturdays, and magic spells with Quirrell on weekends, and now you plan to let me help you do research together? You? What day of the week do you plan to be more appropriate?"

Anton's face was just and righteous. Of course, his face was covered in bandages, and he couldn't see any expression, "Lupin and Nagini need your help!"


"Haha." Dumbledore stood up with a smile, "Okay, have a good rest."

? ? ?

got rejected?

Anton is somewhat regretful.

"Come to my office when you're healed. The little guy who is busier than me, I'm very interested in your research."


Dumbledore is gone.

But Anton couldn't sleep again.

What do you sleep for? If you die, you have time to sleep!

The light of the light and shadow note spell flickered, and countless lines appeared in front of him, a total of four pictures.

A magical image of Nagini's human and viper states.

Lupin's magical images of human and werewolf states.

Suddenly, with a move in his heart, he enlarged the image of the magic power of the werewolf, and another magic power image appeared beside him.

This is the magic image of the dragon skin part of the wurm.

He stared at the two images, "Why do I feel that there is an inexplicable connection between them?"

The fairy Pedro has always said that Anton has gone astray, researching something that has no future.

This old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years is well-informed, and expresses contempt for the view that many people think that modern spells are degenerate, "Modern spells tend to be more perfect and stable. Summarize the most suitable path.”

He believes that no matter how strong a werewolf's magic resistance is, it cannot change the fact that werewolves are the bottom of the wizarding world.

The upper limit of this thing is too low, that's all.

It is better to study the Iron Armor Mantra honestly, and become a master of a certain spell like Fiennes (the old wizard), the Iron Armor Mantra Master can almost be said to be a bright road.

In Anton's words, it was an invincible hang.

But today.

Just today.

Anton saw the scenery above the werewolf ceiling!

There is an inexplicable match between the magic image of the werewolf and the magic image of the dragon skin of the fire dragon!

What is this concept?

Putting an airplane engine on a supercar?

He suddenly had a new idea about the magical animal hybridization in the wizarding world. Could these species also have the same fit in some places, so that new species can be born under the influence of magic?

"I seem to have discovered something extraordinary!"

Anton murmured, his eyes blurred.

Gently stretched out her bandaged on the structure diagram of countless colored lines in front of her.

The image of the werewolf's magic power is constantly flipped along the key position in his point, and the internal structure is enlarged and twisted to expose.

She moved her fingers horizontally, and it really matched the magic image of the dragon skin at a certain point.

Then, the two kept flipping the package.

Anton kept looking for other matching points, "Two more, just two, as long as you find it..."

Against the backdrop of the cursed lines recorded by light and shadow, his eyes were brighter than ever before.


That night, Anton welcomed two patients.

To be exact, two werewolves.

Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

"You mean that everyone else has recovered from Professor Dumbledore's spell, just the two of you?" Anton expressed his disbelief and gently put down the cup in his hand.

"I ate seven." Draco looked frustrated, "I look so ugly now that I can't even look in the mirror."

"I ate nine." Harry glared at Draco.

The two quarreled again.

Anton twitched the corners of his mouth and found the answer in their argument. In such an outrageous state, Harry and Draco were probably shoving candy into each other's mouths when they were fighting.

That kind of crazy superimposed potion effect, even Dumbledore's 'Restoring Humanoid Charm' is useless.

"You should keep quiet!" Madam Pomfrey took away the medicine cups in the hands of the three, and each gave a piece of chocolate. "Rest well, I don't want to hear you arguing again."

When asked about his condition, Anton said that he started to itch all over his body.

"Looks like you're recovering well." Madam Pomfrey smiled gratified.

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