The Highest Bounty

Chapter 60: High speed regeneration

Under the observation of the sea emperor, that gene chain changed its shape at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the sea emperor also clearly remembered that this gene chain was the one that the ancient Guding had the ability to regenerate.

Less than two minutes later, the morphology of the gene chain was completely changed, and Neptune re-scanned Guding ’s body data.

Name: Guding

Sex: Male

Age: 15

Genetic grade: second order

Special ability 1: Level 2 rage (evolvable)

【Ability Description: Attack power, defense power, speed, recovery ability tripled, last ten minutes. 】

[Side effects: Ten hours into prostration, the combat power is halved. 】

Special ability 2: Three-level regeneration (can be evolved)

[Ability description: The regeneration ability of the cell is increased four times (permanently). 】

Cell comprehensive index: 100

Mental Strength Index: 98

Battle talent: B +

Comprehension: A

The only thing that has changed is the regenerative ability of Guding, which has evolved from the second to the third grade, and the regenerative ability of the cells has been increased from three times to four times.

After the regeneration ability was strengthened, the sea emperor also clearly noticed that the recovery rate of Guding's cells was accelerating, but this was still not enough.

"Just now that he has absorbed the crystal beads, I still have six energy crystal beads of the fourth-order gene body, you have all implanted them." The sea emperor said, taking out the remaining six energy Crystal beads.

"Isn't this a problem?" Liliat looked slightly worried.

"It doesn't matter, you are implanted one by one. I will always monitor his physical condition. If there is a problem, we can stop it as soon as possible." The sea emperor explained, "The crystal core just implanted, let him 'S regenerative ability has evolved, and we continue to implant, it should allow his regenerative ability to continue to evolve. "

Said the sea emperor, called up Guding's body data.

Seeing that Guding's regenerative ability has evolved from level 2 to level 3, she finally knows the strangeness of Guding's physique and nods in response to the request of the sea emperor.

With the implantation of the second crystal nucleus, Guding's regenerative power really evolved as expected by the sea emperor.

Subsequently, at the request of the sea emperor, Liliat implanted the remaining energy crystal beads into Guding's body one by one.

And Guding's regenerative ability is constantly evolving, his physical condition has also improved significantly, and even his heartbeat intensity has gradually returned to normal.

When the last energy crystal bead was implanted, the weird virus swallowed the crystal bead again. The emperor silently watched the change of that small chain of genes. After the morphological transformation was completed, the morphological change actually extended and spread like an infection to the two adjacent gene chains, even with the other two small chains of genes. Morphological changes.

Seeing this change, the sea emperor was a little bit upset. He did not worry that Guding's ability was going in a bad direction. He was only worried that this regeneration ability would be transformed into another ability because of this change. What Guding needs most now is regeneration.

Also recorded this situation in his database. The emergence of an ability is accompanied by a small change in the gene chain. When this ability evolves to the extreme, it will cause the surrounding gene chain to change, resulting in a new ability. Once this happens, the original ability will be replaced. Sometimes, the new ability will be an advanced version of the original ability, but sometimes, the new ability is completely different from the original ability. This is what the Emperor is most worried about.

This change lasted for almost ten minutes before it stopped, and the sea emperor scanned Guding's physical condition again.

Name: Guding

Sex: Male

Age: 15

Genetic grade: second order

Special ability 1: Level 2 rage (evolvable)

【Ability Description: Attack power, defense power, speed, recovery ability tripled, last ten minutes. 】

[Side effects: Ten hours into prostration, the combat power is halved. 】

Special ability 2: First-level high-speed regeneration (can be evolved)

[Ability description: The regeneration ability of cells is increased tenfold (permanently). 】

Cell comprehensive index: 100

Mental Strength Index: 98

Battle talent: B +

Comprehension: A

'S original regeneration ability has evolved into a high-speed regeneration. Undoubtedly, this change is what the sea emperor is most looking forward to, and it is not known whether the **** he prayed responded to, or good luck.

High-speed regeneration is a kind of advanced ability. Generally, only the strongest with the sixth-order genome or above have a certain chance to obtain it. Because under normal circumstances, the gene itself must be strong enough to afford the changes in the gene chain brought about by higher capabilities. So in theory, the three gene chains of the sixth-order genome are the basis for the emergence of higher abilities. Without this foundation, changes in the gene chain usually brought about by higher capabilities will fail.

Failed to change the gene chain, the results are not good. The best case is that the ability on this gene chain will stay in place permanently and cannot be advanced. The worst case is that the entire gene chain breaks down, causing people to die without treatment within 24 hours.

Got the ability to regenerate at a high speed, and the originally necrotic cells in Guding finally began to resurrect at a rate visible to the naked eye. The changes brought about by high-speed regeneration are not only the acceleration of regeneration, but also the ability of regeneration in nature is also ten times stronger than the original. For necrotic cells, the regeneration ability needs the help of cell repair fluid to catalyze the regeneration of cells. With the high-speed regeneration ability, there is no need for cell repair fluid as a catalyst. This is the essential difference between the two capabilities.

Felt that Guding's life fluctuations had stabilized, and the sea emperor was finally relieved.

"Gudin's breath seems to have stabilized, should his body be okay?" Liliat has also been paying attention to Guding's changes.

"Well, his regeneration ability has successfully evolved into a high-speed regeneration. At the current rate, all necrotic cells will be restored to intact in about two or three days ~ ~ Haihuang made according to the current cell regeneration rate of Guding Expected.

"Can the cells recover and he can wake up?" Liliat also knew that the physical damage may make Guding's consciousness go to sleep, but the body's injuries recovered, and the consciousness may not be able to wake up in time, the so-called vegetative This is the case.

"Theoretically, he will wake up when the pain caused by his body is within the range of his consciousness. But it is also related to his will to survive. The stronger the will to survive, the earlier he will wake up." The sea emperor explained, "He is now in a stable state. Let's find a safe place to avoid it. At night, there must be many people living with viruses in this forest."

"We went to the shipyard, where it was safe." Liliat said, pulling Guding's arm, carrying him up, and weighing Guding's weight. "He seems to be much heavier than I thought."

"The muscle density and bone density of the practitioners of body surgery are much larger than ordinary people, so the weight cannot be measured by the size of the body." Hai Huang explained.

"Ocean, you guys, how can you let the girl carry me?" Gu Ding's weak voice suddenly sounded.

(There is also Zhang Buchang in the evening. I will go to dinner for the first time ~ Sanjiang's testimonials come back after writing and write again ~ Well, by the way, there is a place in the Sanjiang Channel to vote for Sanjiang. Everyone is free to press twice. The voting method is very simple: the first step is to enter the classification of Sanjiang Pavilion; the second step is to click the button to receive the Sanjiang ticket on the right side of the page; the third step is to pull down the page and you will see the title of "The Supreme Reward" There is a voting button at the back. Well, then everyone understands ~~)

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