The Highest Bounty

Chapter 67: Pub encounter

At about noon, Tell rushed to the Apotheosis, in a tavern not far from the entrance of the Apotheosis, there was a window facing the door of the Apotheosis.

There was a couple enjoying lunch there. He strode into the tavern and walked towards them. "This position belongs to me."

Watching the big man approaching the head of the tavern, the couple hurriedly left.

"Man, come here for three steaks, and they should be well cooked, with **** juice." He also knew that he couldn't sit on the chair here with his size, and sat on the ground cross-legged. Looking at the table and the barbecue that the couple hadn't finished, he grabbed it with his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

The steak was quickly served by the guy. He chewed the food vigorously, but his eyes never left the door of the Alliance of Medicine Gods.

Sent away Larry, Gooding and Liliat continued to find a place for lunch.

"I heard that the pub's lamb chops are not bad. Let's try it?" Liliat pointed to a bistro opposite the Medicine God Alliance.

"Okay!" Gooding, like Liliat, is also a carnivore, and the two have similar tastes for food. Both of them also have a physique that many people envy-no meat is eaten.

Pushing the door into the tavern, Gu Ding saw the large body of Tel sitting by the window.

Tell just heard the door open, and saw Guding at a glance.

The moment they saw each other, they were both stunned.

Terr looked down at his watch and called up the reward orders of Gooding and Liliat, which confirmed that he was right.

And Liliat beside Guding pointed to Tell and asked Guding, "That big man, is this the one who came to kill us this time?"

"Yes, he is Ter!" Guding, who has just read the information of Ter, naturally remembers clearly, whether it is the very characteristic body shape or the greasy face, it is enough to make people remember.

Terre stood up, squeezed the last piece of meat into his mouth, and stared at Guding as he chewed.

Swallowed the steak in his belly a few times, and he smiled at Gu Dingzai, "Boy, dare you go out and fight with me?"

He said, rushing towards the door.

"Hey, haven't you settled the bill yet?" Guding shouted behind him.

"I never pay for dinner." Tell said, glaring fiercely at the pub man.

"Really? You have a lot of bad things." Liliat on the side said ironically.

"Little girl, are you looking for death?" Terre's threatening eyes looked over.

"I just bought three thousand armor-piercing shells this morning. Are you sure you want to eat a few?" Liliat's eyes flashed a killing intent, and the arms in her hand instantly changed into gun barrels. She was carried on her right. Above her shoulder, her left hand held a spiral cannonball nearly 20 centimeters long.

It's an armor-piercing projectile, even the mecha made of steel alloy can penetrate in an instant, let alone a human of the sixth-order genome.

The strength of the firearms division, one lies in the technical operation, and the other is the level of the shell. It does n’t really have much to do with the firearmsman ’s genetic hierarchy, as long as it can withstand the recoil brought by firearms. Even if the gunner is only a first-order genome, if he uses a weapon that is powerful enough, as long as he hits the warrior of the higher-order genome, it will be enough to hurt them. Of course, this is also a theoretical assumption.

In fact, the level of the genome limits the person's dynamic vision. For the first-order genome, the line of sight cannot capture the actions of the martial arts above the third-order genome. Although Liliat is a second-order gene, due to the influence of pupil surgery, she has the ability to capture the movement of the sixth-order gene, but this is also the ultimate she can reach. This time she bought enough armor-piercing shells that would cause damage to the eighth-order genome, also to prevent the strong man of Kepu's level from being encountered again. If Gooding doesn't stop, she doesn't mind using the armor-piercing shell she just bought to teach her the other side.

Saw Liliat pull out the armor-piercing projectile, he froze for a moment, but then smiled, "Can you catch my movement with your eyesight?"

"You might as well give it a try!" Liliat loaded an armor-piercing projectile, picked up the barrel and prepared to shoot, but was blocked by Gooding.

"Lily, let me check my current strength first."

Liliat slowly lowered the barrel and nodded at Guding. "Teach him well!"

Summoned the armed, Guding also opened the second level of rage, the dark step of the sixth layer of extreme body surgery stepped out, and the figure appeared like a ghost and appeared immediately behind Tell.

Tell looked startled, "It's fast."

The opponent's speed has exceeded his own, which means that the attack power will not be much different. He immediately opened his own secondary defense and wanted to turn around to deal with Guding directly.

Didn't expect that Guding's figure disappeared again instantaneously, appeared on Tell's waist, a punch just blasted out, as if hitting an iron plate.

Gooding's 100-point cell comprehensive index, doubled after arming, three-fold increase in second-level madness, plus a five-fold increase in the sixth layer of extreme body surgery, already comparable to the 3,000-point cell comprehensive index. attack. When it still hits the iron plate.

Although he was not hurt by this attack, he was a little shocked in his heart. He could clearly feel the power of Guding's punch, which was already comparable to the strength of the sixth-order genomic extreme warrior. The interplanetary pirates of the sixth-order gene are generally rewarded with hundreds of millions of stars.

Fifteen-year-old sixth-order gene? Tell said he did not believe that unless the parental genetic level was above the tenth order, no one could reach the level of the sixth-order gene at the age of fifteen. He guessed what Guding should have used to increase the attack power.

Did not succeed in one blow, and Guding did not give up. No matter how strong the fortress is, there will be flaws. Once you find the flaw, you will be able to break through the defense of the opponent. The big monsters that I encountered at Korla Star gave Guding a new understanding of combat. If it can't be destroyed by force, then find the opponent's weak point to break it.

His attacks poured down like a storm ~ ~ He didn't worry at all that this kind of fighting would put a burden on his body. Since his regeneration ability has evolved into high-speed regeneration, he can maintain a second-level violent state for two hours. And the use of the sixth layer of extreme body surgery will only cause a slight burden on the body. Even the seventh-level extreme body technique, with his body, is now enough to last for half an hour. But he didn't plan to start the seventh layer of extreme body surgery so early. Judging from some tentative attacks, the opponent's defense will not have good effects even if he uses the seventh-level extreme body technique. He would rather spend some time looking for a breakthrough point in the other party.

Guding's strange body and fierce offensive make Tell only try to maintain a defensive state. In terms of speed, Guding can completely explode himself. He knows that active attack will not have a good result, so he chose to defend. His physical strength is different from that of ordinary people. After blessing the second-level defense, basically people with a cell index of less than 10,000 can hardly cause substantial harm to him. But he also had to admit that although Guding's attack could not hurt himself, it was still very painful to hit him. But now he can only endure temporarily, waiting for the time when the opponent's attack power increases, that time is when he counterattacks.

"This guy's skin is really not ordinary thick ..." Guding also felt a little tricky, within two minutes, at least he had issued more than two hundred attacks on the guy, but the other party did not seem to have Suffered any harm.

"You really should take the time to learn the structure of the human body." There was a deep sigh from the sea emperor Youyou, and then Guding found that his brain's analysis chart appeared in his brain. On the analysis chart, there are more than twenty weak points and three fatal points.

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